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Persephone's Dilemma. This entry is part 3 of 10 in the series Persephone's Choice Woman, blamed for all kinds of grief in the world.
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Psychic pain can be stronger than physical pain. He has to decide between feeding his family and feeling hunger, or feeding himself and feeling guilt. Personal growth wasn't an issue before the modern era. Puberty made young people want a partner. Procreation led to caring about a family. Arranging children's marriages led to caring about other families.

Plight of Persephone Chapter Demeter's Difficult Dilemma, a hercules fanfic | FanFiction

Natural disasters forced individuals into leadership roles for the survival of the clan. The modern world isn't so straightforward. Adolescents sexually mature earlier. We marry later, because our society demands more education. Our ancestors were most aware of suffering around them. In contrast, our "electronic global village" makes us aware of suffering in far-off corners of the globe. We "think globally" as soon as we're old enough to watch television news. Yet we care less about the people we're closest to. Traditional societies don't facilitate skipping life stages, but our society does.

If a welfare program pays teenage girls to produce babies, the girls skip the marriage stage and jump to motherhood. If television news enables us to care about people on the other side of the world, we jump to agape and skip developing a loving relationship with one partner. Persephone and Hades had a good relationship although hades sent Persephone to the underworld to be the god of spring and growth. Our ancestors endured great suffering, e. Human brains evolved to balance suffering and happiness.

Persephone’s Dilemma

The greatest joy follows the greatest suffering see "Emotional Range," page The modern world minimizes physical suffering, yet our brains continue to balance happiness and suffering. Our narrower emotional range leads us to differentiate finer levels of happiness and suffering, e. We confuse personal growth with appreciating luxury goods. Seek extremes of suffering and joy.

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Run marathons. Travel to third-world countries. Forget about job security and instead do what you love, even if you have to drive a Chevy. Sometimes we feel stuck between stages of personal growth. We don't get stuck because we lack a vision of our new life. We all have dreams of a better life.

  • Plight of Persephone Chapter Demeter's Difficult Dilemma, a hercules fanfic | FanFiction.
  • Fairy Tail #282.
  • Persephone: Queen of the Underworld | Owlcation?
  • Work, Wages, and Profits.
  • Blowing Off Steam!
  • Persephone: Queen of the Underworld!
  • Lacy Things (An Erotic Meeting).

We don't get stuck because we don't know how to get to our new life. We don't know every step of the way, but we all know at least one step we could take. We get stuck because we avoid the suffering of the transition to our new life. Without noticing the end there is no beginning within. Most individuals are more or less equally happy. CEOs and janitors report feeling happy the same number of hours per day, and report the same number of hours of unhappiness.

Only individuals with many relationships are more often happy than other individuals. Connection to a partner, family, and community is the only way to be happy more than you're unhappy, which cannot always be considered the truth. The modern world eliminates physical suffering. We now feel psychic pain with no connection to physical suffering.

Teresa Deevy : The Paradigm of Persephone in Temporal Powers

The modern world confuses our stages of personal growth. We now feel psychic pain with no indication of the direction in which we need to grow. Psychic pain-e. One response is to numb psychic pain, e. Another response is to buy luxury goods. But your psychic pain soon returns, making you repeat the process. Self-destructive behavior is another response.

Everything that reminds you of your old self-e. You try to destroy your old life, instead of building a new life. Men and women can use either Hades or Persephone behavior. To simplify language, I use male pronouns to refer to Hades partners, and female pronouns to refer to Persephone partners.

In a Hades-Persephone relationship, the Hades partner forces the Persephone partner to change. Certainly other examples come to mind, such as widely found myths of vagina dentata , teeth in the vagina.

Top 10 Facts About Persephone

I thought I would spare readers a photographic exploration of that one. At that point, the photo essay, although stimulated by the Persephone myth, morphed into something beyond that. That kind of thing happens with reading and thinking. I did not have to explain anything to my wonderful model, Kelly Angerosa, about what I wanted to do. She saw the pomegranate and the apple on the table, and smiled. She knew instantly what I was asking of her. It was something that was there, an unspoken, unconscious recognition, a shared bond; it did not have to be explained.

It was not until I was well into processing the images and posting them here on the blog that I began to fully realize what I was doing and why I found it so exhausting. This photo essay is about a woman exploring her existence with both a mind and a body, a body not as defined by others a topic for another time, and one I may never want to try to tackle , but as defined by her while still living in a world defined by others.

And those two very important parts are compartmentalized in the myth, with her sexuality more or less confined to the Underworld in Winter in her role as wife of Hades, with her mind and knowledge not really important there. Of course not.

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It sounds so simple, once stated. That can be very difficult for many women; human society does not make that easy for women. In the end, this photo essay came to be about a woman making choices by her own free will. This post wraps up that segment. I am going to take a break from myth for awhile, and post on some less exhausting subjects. I hope you have enjoyed this photographic essay, my personal interpretation on a small part of the Persephone myth with many more plots and subplots.

Although I had four years of Latin in high school, during which time we studied Roman and Greek mythology, among other things, that was a very long time ago and there has been a lot of water under the bridge since. I became aware of the myth of Persephone on September 15 of this year, through a brief mention of it in an email in a comment on the upcoming autumn and winter by friend Jim Stallings oh, no. Does the annoying woman get killed off in this short story? Something about Persephone and her cyclic descent into the darkness of the Underworld resonated with me immediately.

Within two weeks I had done a series of images stimulated by the Persephone myth, using some of my favorite subjects, sunflowers and butterflies. Once that photographic series was done, the thought of telling a story with a model began to seep into my brain. But I had never thought of finding and hiring a model to tell a story as I wanted to tell it. As these things sometime happen, the perfect model appeared almost by chance. I surprised myself by asking her if she would be a photographic model. This is far out of my range of what I comfortably do.

We have plans to work together again in the spring. This series is something I was driven to do. I often stayed up past midnight working on images, and there were times I was up again at am because a thought occurred to me that I wanted to add. When the totality of my life at the moment is considered, I have been working as hard and as long as I did when I was a resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology. But this work came from an inner drive; I had to do it.

It has been a long time since I felt so passionately about something. It may be the first time I felt so passionately about something. This small piece is nearing completion. Within a day or two I will post as a separate page on the blog all of the images used in this series, with very little verbiage, so that they may be seen in totality. I need a break.

I look forward to the appearance of new things come spring. I especially thank my amazing model, Kelly Angerosa, who was everything I could have asked for and more, and Jim, who introduced me to Persephone. Link to the entire set of images in the Persephone Series. Winter solstice, the day with the least daylight hours in the year in the Northern Hemisphere, is December 22 this year. Even when I was young, it struck me that Solstice should actually mark the middle of Winter, although I will admit that weather-wise for me, the six weeks after Solstice are usually more wintry than the six weeks before.