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Give brief, simple answers.
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Answer your child's questions or just be together for a few minutes. Put emotions into words. Encourage kids to say what they're thinking and feeling in the days, weeks, and months following the loss. Talk about your own feelings: It helps kids be aware of and feel comfortable with theirs.

Taking children to funerals

Say things like, "I know you're feeling very sad. I'm sad, too. We both loved Grandma so much, and she loved us, too.

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Tell your child what to expect. If the death of a loved one means changes in your child's life, head off any worries or fears by explaining what will happen. For example, "Aunt Sara will pick you up from school like Grandma used to. That means you and Dad will be home taking care of each other. But I'll talk to you every day, and I'll be back on Sunday. Talk about funerals and rituals.

Let's talk about grief - explaining death to children (extended version 18 min)

Allow children to join in rituals like viewings, funerals, or memorial services. Tell your child ahead of time what will happen.

How to explain death to a child

For example, "Lots of people who loved Grandma will be there. We will sing, pray, and talk about Grandma's life. People might cry and hug. People will say things like, 'I'm sorry for your loss,' or, 'My condolences.

How to Explain Death to a Child - PureWow

We can say, 'Thank you,' or, 'Thanks for coming. You might need to explain burial or cremation. For example, "After the funeral, there is a burial at a cemetery. She recommends saying something like: "I've never died before, so I'm not really sure. Sometimes bodies just stop working and we don't know why. You can get more ideas about how to talk about death in this episode of This American Life. Encourage your kid to start an art project or a journal entry that captures something they remember or love about the person who died.

Posted on June 16, , GMT.

Alison Caporimo. This can make things easier for both of you. Why did they die?

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Your child is trying to make sense of death. He might want to know what caused the death, so try to answer the question at his level. Will you die? Will I die?

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Your child might start to realise that the people she loves could die. You could also point out how many other people he knows of the same age who are alive and well.