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Hostile Environment, A Novel of Prison Life [Vic Charles] on *FREE​* shipping on qualifying offers. There are no good or bad guys in jail life--just.
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I do believe there is common ground there and that it is possible to continue the tradition in a more humane format. I wish them well. A few months ago I wrote a post about the occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge building in Oregon by the Bundy brothers gang. They had come to the rescue in their opinion of locals who had been convicted of burning forest land.

They saw these rural Oregonians as fellow victims of the federal lands policies—policies that deny them free use of public lands.

The Hostile Environment

They were not welcomed by most locals who preferred to handle the situation in their own way and resented the outsiders capitalizing on their site specific conflict. The Standing Rock Sioux in North Dakota have drawn thousands of sympathizers, Indian and non-Indian, from all over the country, who are encamped near the site of a proposed pipeline that would cross under the Missouri River just upstream of the reservation. They are protesting with the tribe against the pipeline company and what they see as the complicity of federal agencies.

Non-Indian residents in the area are concerned for their property, and some are frightened by the mere presence of thousands of Indians so close by. But the tribal leadership expresses gratitude for the support that they feel will help draw attention to the injustice of the situation. I would argue that the stakes are different, that this is an issue of tribal sovereignty, not an individual citizen complaint against the feds.

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This is about US history, treaties, court cases, and policies that define the unique government-to-government relationship between tribes and the federal government. Standing Rock is calling for scrutiny of this relationship and a recognition of abuses in the past as well as the present. This is an objective shared by every federally recognized tribe across the country.

The encampment at Standing Rock has galvanized tribal voices into a powerful protest. Many feel they are reclaiming a cultural identity and finding a new unity among tribal people which they hope to maintain and nurture. But the two situations share one important reality. When all the commotion is over, the locals—in this case the tribe and their non-Indian neighbors —will need to resume the task of living side by side. Perhaps coming from a place of greater strength, the tribe will be able to forge stronger relationships with their neighbors.

After all, they share a deep love of the land and caring for their communities. All they have to do is reach across those fences with respect and a desire to be good neighbors. I wish them luck. In honor of the first presidential debate tonight beteween Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, we asked Island Press authors: "If you were advisor to the president, what would your top priority be and why?

I'd urge the President to act on every possible opportunity to reduce the influence of money in the political process, because until that happens it will be increasingly difficult to make progress on anything else. Maintaining and extending the collaborative relationship with the Republic of Mexico over the shared waters of the Colorado River should be a sustained priority.

The agreement known as "Minute ", signed in , included important water sharing provisions and for the first time allowed water to be returned to the desiccated Colorado River for the environment and the communities of Mexico. The deal was an important milestone, but it was only a temporary agreement. We need permanent solutions to the overuse of the Colorado River, and sustaining our partnership with Mexico is a critical piece.

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Global climate change, the spread of vector borne diseases, and the rampant overuse of nonrenewable and renewable resources are just three such forces currently in play. The decisions that you make during your tenure will be pivotal relative to the health and well-being of our citizens, as well as the citizens of the world.

Recognize the fact that you are governing, just as Lincoln did, during a period of history that will resonate for centuries to come.

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Make wise environmental decisions even if they are not necessarily politically advantageous. Our futures depend upon it. The form that climate change legislation would take would depend on the politics, but it is imperative that the U. Every major scientific study that is coming out is pointing toward serious consequences of climate change, happening now. If I had a chance to sit face-to-face with the winning candidate, my advice would be something like: Think about the welfare of our grandchildren when you make decisions on energy and environmental issues.

Consider not just the short-term impacts but the long-term consequences of sea-level rise, extreme weather events, droughts, and loss of agricultural land. Set an example for reducing carbon emissions based on energy efficiency and renewable energy that can serve as a model for developing countries. Listen to our climate scientists and heed their warnings. Trust their advice on global warming in the same way you trust the advice of your physician with regard to your personal health. I would push for the next President to try again yes, again! Which according to my watch, will not be happening anytime soon.

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I would urge the President to reassert cross-departmental efforts such as the Partnership for Sustainable Communities to further empower local governments and constituents to meet ongoing challenges of urban development, because those challenges of land use, transportation, affordability will not be entirely met by private market solutions. I would also advise that the new administration investigate further centralizing resources relevant to urban areas, and evaluate as was once proposed by Richard Florida a new cabinet-level position focused on cities and rapidly urbanizing areas.

Finally, I would suggest to the President that the federal government should lead by example by illustrating methods to elevate civic dialogue, including program development and funding to encourage individuals to obtain firsthand knowledge of the cities around them through careful observation and input into urban political and regulatory processes. Challenging as this will be even to try, much less accomplish, the next President should work to return a spirit of compromise and cooperation to the American political conversation.

On the current course, no real progress toward environmental or social sustainability is possible. The impacts of climate change and demographic pressure are now becoming obvious to people of all political persuasions. Growing awareness may eventually offer room for fresh policy ideas: a carbon tax with proceeds turned into dividends and a universal basic income for all citizens, access for all to comprehensive sexuality education and reproductive health services, and humane and sustainable migration law. If my personal recalcitrance is at all reflective of our national attitude, we nonetheless ought to be striving for a broadly-defined international stance that fully and coherently accounts for climate change.

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In general terms, I believe the wealth of the nation lies in two areas: natural resources and human resources. As a matter of national defense priority, these areas require policy attention at the national level. Attending to these issues requires commitment and collaboration among all political, ethnic, religious and socio-economic affiliations—it is time for the adults to take charge.

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In particular, it will be necessary to harness their combined strengths in a public and private partnership initiative. An outline of my top priorities topics includes the following:. He took the words right out of my mouth. And so, Glenn and I urge the next President to do exactly that, reach across the aisle, connect with the great diversity of people and views in this country, and with respect and empathy seek to understand.

Cooperatively mobilizing with other nations, our government—we, the people—must immediately, using all just and complementary means at our disposal—e. No less urgently, as a globally-responsible facilitator, the U. This story must redefine power to integrate economic prosperity with other commonly held values—such as equality, justice, democratic liberty, and skillful love for land that interpenetrates with human health and flourishing. This holiday season, give the gift of an Island Press book. With a catalog of more than 1, books, we guarantee there's something for everyone on your shopping list.

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