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But if this is the guy she's happy with, then who am I to stop her? But nobody to gamble her life on a little theater kid, so long as she's happy, I'm okay. And I will.
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Issue 69 Out now! AmericanShortFiction asfmag. View on Twitter. AmericanShortFiction asfmag In , recommit to reading literary magazines! Now through Jan.

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Lesmeister Slider. First Cosmic Velocity by Zach Powers. The Nobody People by Bob Proehl.

A short story by the award-winning writer Alice Sola Kim.

Noyes Slider. I love his books, especially The Remains of the Day and The Unconsoled , and this short story appeared in his short-story collection Nocturnes. Back home, back in the communist days, it had been really hard to get records like that, but my mother had pretty much his whole collection. Once when I was a boy, I scratched one of those precious records. So I was playing this game jumping from our little sofa to the armchair, and one time I misjudged it and hit the record player.

The needle went across the record with a zip—this was long before CDs—and my mother came in from the kitchen and began shouting at me. And I knew that this one too would now have those popping noises going through it while he crooned those American songs. Years later, when I was working in Warsaw and I got to know about black-market records, I gave my mother replacements of all her worn-out Tony Gardner albums, including that one I scratched.

A story about a young man and a young woman who take part in proxy marriages for soldiers posted abroad. I wonder why it has not been filmed. William had no girlfriends in high school, and his mother once sat him down at the table in her spotless kitchen and asked if he was gay. She said it would be fine with her. She loved him unconditionally, and they would figure out a way to tell his father. He was just absurdly, painfully in love with Bridey Taylor, who leaned on the piano and sang while he played, and he had no way of telling her.

He was too shy to pursue other girls, even when the payoff seemed either likely or worth the agony. It was too humiliating. He just stammered an unconvincing denial. Pachinko is one the best-received books of and I need to buy it as soon as possible. The morning Henry Evans stopped by my office to tell me to go to Chicago, I was in the middle of my chapter-a-day habit: still in the Book of Hosea, much to my dismay, still in the Old Testament after years of dogged reading.

I did this at work because it was where I lived—fourteen hours a day, often six days a week. Lovely title and a lovely short story. It just worked its way up and overwhelmed me. If you intend to read just one story from this list, then I suggest please make it this one.

  1. The Burton Agnes Disaster: The forgotten wartime rail tragedy which killed twelve innocent men.
  2. Discussion, "Story of an Hour"!
  3. Site Index?
  4. ALL IN THE FAMILY: European Human Rights Court?
  5. Accessibility links.
  6. Three Plots for Poe.

This is all new to us. If you can call it a city. It is not a lot.

A short story

We left everything behind. I had nothing to do with it. I had nothing. It was Azita; Azita had it all.

17 Things Extremely Happy People Say Every Day

Do you follow Rabih Alameddine on Twitter? She was so excited to lead her children to the pond and teach them all the ways of being a duck. Unfortunately for the mother duck, one egg was left to hatch. This egg was larger than the rest. This egg was browner than the rest. Her little ducks impatiently waited for two more days and nights.

But the mother duck made them all wait, for she promised herself that she would love all her children the same. At the crack of dawn on the third day of waiting, the large brown egg began to vibrate. It shook and shook as all of the ducks watched in awe.

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  • But, nonetheless, the mother duck promised herself that she would love all her children the same. She led her children into the nearby pond and began to teach each duckling how to be a proper duck. All of the ducks in the pond stared at the ugly ducking and began to laugh. The mother duckling sadly took her little ducklings over to a different part of the pond. The other ducklings were giggling and making fun of the ugly one.

    Hidden Love [Short Story ]

    The ugly duckling hung his head in shame. The mother duckling became very embarrassed of her ugly duckling and made him stay in the corner of the pond while the others practiced swimming, diving, quacking, and splashing. One evening, as all of the ducks in the pond had gone to sleep, the ugly duckling decided that it was time for him to leave. He knew he was causing his mother distress and he did not want to live in a place where he felt unwanted.

    He waddled far away from the pond where he was born.

    The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber

    He waddled through small marsh plants and large river reeds. He waddled over bundles of sticks and piles of dung. All this waddling made him dirtier than ever. He approached a new pond that was filled with a family of different ducks. These ducks were happily swimming and quacking. He advanced one of the ducklings who looked to be just a bit larger and older than the ugly duckling. With this, the new family of ducks turned and stared at the ugly duckling.

    As this family of ducks began to quack and laugh at the ugly ducking, he waddled off again in search of a nicer family to call his own. He waddled far away from the pond with the family of ducks. All this waddling made him even dirtier than before!