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While your Rottweiler puppy may only be around 15 pounds at eight weeks, they are going to grow into a smart, strong, and big dog. Rottweiler pups need loads of physical stimulation. This breed loves to wrestle and get plenty of fetch in. Rottweiler puppies also enjoy obedience training.
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The objective in training this dog is to achieve pack leader status. It is a natural instinct for a dog to have an order in its pack. When we humans live with dogs, we become their pack. The entire pack cooperates under a single leader. Lines are clearly defined and rules are set. You and all other humans MUST be higher up in the order than the dog.

That is the only way your relationship can be a success. When the Rottweiler receives consistent leadership and is trained, it will be a good playmate for the children. It will accept cats, other dogs and other household pets as long as the dog has been socialized well and has owners who assert their authority over the dog. Friends and relatives of the family are normally enthusiastically welcomed.

Strangers from whom the dog senses bad intentions can get no further than the sidewalk. This breed is susceptible to ACL damage. Prone to hip dysplasia. Also prone to entropion narrowing of the slit between the eyelids.

Find a Puppy: Rottweiler

Tends to snore. Can overeat easily. The Rottie will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. These dogs are relatively inactive indoors and a small yard will be sufficient. The Rottweiler needs plenty of exercise. You can't give these robust dogs too much work or exercise; they thrive on it. They need to be taken on a daily walk or jog. Running in the woods and in open country makes them very happy and they have no desire to wander from you.

Swimming or running beside a bicycle are perfect activities for this dog and it also loves retrieving a ball. The smooth, glossy coat is easy to groom. Brush with a firm bristle brush and bathe only when necessary.

2. They Love Physical And Mental Exercise

This breed is an average shedder. The Rottweiler is probably descended from the Italian Mastiff , which accompanied the herds that the Romans brought with them when they invaded Europe. During the Middle Ages, it was used as a herder, as a guard, messenger dog, draught dog and for police work. It was bred in the German town of Rottweiler in Wurttemberg.

Practically extinct in the s, the breed population began a comeback in the early twentieth century due to the efforts of enthusiastic breeders centered in Stuttgart. The Rottweiler standard was then set.

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The breed was first recognized by the AKC in Some of the Rottweiler's talents include: tracking, herding, watchdog, guarding, search and rescue, guide dogs for the blind, police work, carting, competitive obedience and Schutzhund. Max the male Rottweiler puppy at about 7 weeks old— "This is my Rottweiler Max.

Rottweiler: Is It The Right Breed for You?

He is shown here at 48 days old. He is really an obedient fellow but a bit headstrong too. He has a lots of energy so I take him for atleast 3 walks per day. In this pic he is sitting patiently for me to break the covering of that hard boiled egg, because he can't do it on his own lol.

I just love him. He is 3 months old and a well-balanced little dude. He loves to spend his time playing with my other dog and it sure tires him out. His cute little quirk is that he completely lies down to eat. Talk about saving energy : He's a great addition to the family and I can't wait to show him the ropes so he can grow up to be a great breed advocate!

Play Dog Trivia! Temperament The Rottie is powerful, calm, trainable, courageous and devoted to its owner and family. This will help to prevent many destructive behaviors such as digging, chewing , whining and excessive barking. Many Rottweilers display dominant behavior towards other animals and people. This problem can be prevented or minimized through some proper puppy socialization and also obedience training. Start your training sessions early in order to establish a healthy and rewarding human-dog relationship.

Be your Rotty's respected leader. Rottweiler puppies develop into excellent guard dogs. They are naturally territorial dogs who will be very protective of you, your family and belongings. Rottweiler puppies are notoriously slow to reach maturity. Typically this occurs at about the two years of age mark. My advice is to be prepared for many months of hyperactivity bursts, chewing, puppy mouthing and all kinds of other mischievous behavior! A Beautiful Rottweiler Puppy Picture Rottweiler Health Care Rottweilers are generally a pretty hardy and robust breed but they are not immune to many common health problems.

With proper research, puppy selection, care and nutrition you should have a happy and healthy Rottie for up to 11 years. An overweight Rottweiler is an unhealthy Rottweiler - or will be anyway. Obese Rotties are far more susceptible to a wide range of health problems than a fit and healthy Rottie.

Be sure to provide plenty of exercise and proper nutrition to your dog. Read some more about the best dog food to feed your dog here - Rottweiler nutrition. Rottweilers are not an ideal choice of dog breed if you live in a very hot climate. Check with your local breeders or Rottweiler club if you believe this may be an issue for you. Other health problems associated with the Rottweiler are - hip dysplasia , elbow dysplasia, osteochondrosis dissecans, panosteitis , von willebrand's disease, gastric torsion bloat , allergies once again dog food nutrition is important , eye disease such as PRA and cataracts.

Rottweilers are also susceptible to epilepsy, hypothyroidism and various cancers. Rottweiler Puppy Training As we've already established it is essential to train your Rottweiler puppy - for the benefit of your dog, your family and the community at large. Time spent training your Rottie is time well spent. It is the best way to develop and strengthen a healthy and close bond with your dog.

It also opens up the lines of communication between you and your dog and helps to establish acceptable guidelines and boundaries for your dog to follow. Rottweilers excel at many training activities - plus they love it. They are a working breed so obedience training provides them with the perfect outlet or "job" for their vast intelligence and energy.

This energy has to come out in some way so why not put it to good use in a positive and mutually rewarding manner? Start your training sessions as soon as you possibly can - it's never to early to begin.

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  5. Keep your obedience training sessions short, challenging, always consistent and use positive reinforcement. Many Rottweilers have been ruined by harsh or heavy "corrections" in the training process. They are sensitive animals who do not respond to and do not need any forceful training methods. Use your brain instead of your brawn. Rottweiler puppy house training is one of the first and biggest training or management issues to get right. The use of a crate is invaluable in the Rottweiler housebreaking process.

    As long as pick out and stick to a good house training schedule you'll find that your Rottweiler puppy catches on very quickly. Rottweiler puppies can be extremely destructive little beasts if they are left alone, full of energy and bored for long periods.

    You'll find that this pent up energy will manifest itself through digging, chewing, whining and many other destructive behaviors. These problems can be minimized through on leash walks, obedience training and chew toy training. This is one behavior that is best taught early and continually reinforced. The last thing you want is for your Rottweiler puppy to develop a leash pulling problem - prevention is better and easier than the cure.

    Dog to dog aggression is another behavioral problem that Rottie owners often report. This comes back to proper socialization and controlling your dog and the environment when on or off leash. Puppy kindergarten and Rottweiler obedience training classes are excellent places to provide some much needed interaction with other dogs and people. You can read more about the ins and outs of puppy socialization here - Rottweiler puppy socialization. Rottweiler puppies can be very energetic, frisky and mischievous little characters who take forever to "grow up".

    This puppyhood period is your opportunity to put your dog on the right path by providing leadership and direction.

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    Doing so will help to establish desirable behavior habits and at the same time prevent problem behaviors from ever arising. Most important for Rottie owners is to never tolerate your puppy jumping up on you or other people and get stuck into chew toy training from an early age. Another essential obedience training command you will want to teach and reinforce in your Rottweiler puppy is the "come" or "recall" command.

    This is one of the most important commands you can teach any dog - for the safety of all concerned. As I've mentioned previously and is probably clear to you anyway is that if you own a Rottweiler then puppy socialization and obedience training are not negotiable - they simply must be done.