Following Your Personal Vision for Publishing Success!: The Top 10 Secrets of Becoming a Winning Sel

Science says just being surrounded by books can help you improve: You It'll help you coach others to become top performers by developing your business owner that caused me to reflect on my vision and purpose. to make, this book will help you create impact and value as you sell. . FOLLOW INC.
Table of contents

You can make the decision to be a person who makes positive changes for yourself AND for other people. A good way to think of it is this. Amelie was always making things happen. She constantly created random acts of kindness for others. But it made him cry with happiness. Eventually after being a secret life coach for all these other people, Amelie attracts love and happiness for herself. You can do this yourself. You can become someone who purposefully creates ripples in the universe.

Chandler Bolt

Did you know, everything you do energetically ripples out and affects others? And the ripples then come back to you. This process is fast. You can be a magnet for all the positive ripples floating around out there. Like a radio station, you can tune into the good stuff. Just walking around day to day in this secret life coach frequency, you soon notice how people start to feel more inspired and happy just to be around you.

You can choose excitement, love, peace, fun. Because when you can master energy and use it to cause ripples, you get to choose the life you want to attract. Your personal value to the world becomes enormous. And that value comes right back at you in whichever form you choose. You MUST have a great imagination in order to be able to practice procrastination to a high level. It takes just as much energy as a positive action, but without a desirable result. When people procrastinate all the time, they become painfully tired.

From a friend to a friend, Stop doing it. But, the other foot is pressing down hard on the accelerator? You can imagine that vehicle is trying so hard to go somewhere, but the other foot is stopping it…. You just have to look at artists and writers. Those guys want to write a great novel or create some kind of masterpiece. But the fear in their mind paralyses them. Their song stays locked in their heart. The world misses out. This is the phenomenon that causes people to take their greatest gift and use it against themselves.

You can use your imagination to achieve pretty much anything you want , once you rediscover how to use it optimally. The best news of all, you already have what you need inside of you. The truth is, if you could travel to every world, every planet in this universe you would still not find another you.

You are wonderful and special and unique, just as you are.

As adults we can re-discover SO much from their beautiful processes

There never was another you and there never will be. Think about Batman it could be any superhero. At the beginning of the movie he has to go into his cave. He has to discover who he really is and what his superpowers can be. Then he needs to put on his suit and go out into the world living his purpose. Well the clues are everywhere. Once, many years ago, I had a business meeting with the area director of a brewing company in London. It was make or break for me at the time. Just before the meeting I was chatting with Ben, a good friend of mine.

Be honest and the meeting will go well. I struggled with his advice. Surely honesty is a weakness in that kind of professional situation? And I finally got it. Imagine going back in time to when you were a very young child. Now observe that beautiful being you at play. Maybe you were cheeky? Maybe you were serious?

Many you were mischievous…or creative…or nurturing of others? Whatever it was, you were perfect just as you were. And so much of that unique energy is still within you today. When you acknowledge the truth of your uniqueness and embrace your source code, you become superhuman. My advice is not to discover all the answers in one go, but to at least step onto the path of accepting and respecting your uniqueness. Baby steps will serve you very well right now. For instance, I was in the museum recently with my kids. They were off bounding away somewhere having fun. I found myself drawn to an information graphic on the wall.

It was all about rainforests. But then comes a fourth layer. They just keep growing above the canopy. This interestingly is where the eagles fly and where you can find amazing butterflies living in freedom. To let our spirits soar and embrace our own emergent layer. It lives in unlimited love light and freedom. And it wants you to follow it there just like one of those butterflies. It all starts by experiencing your value from the perspective of other people.

People in this world need your beautiful energy. The laws of attraction and abundance will recognize and reward your self-awareness and your willingness to live in emergent energy. Have you ever tried to go out and put on a workshop or a training program or publish a book or some other creative endeavor?

What you may or may not know is that giving away that training program or product is just as hard as selling it. Giving stuff away and underestimating your true value can be so damaging. It affects your sense of self worth. You start to doubt yourself. Hypnosis, meditation, energy healing, affirmations, reiki, prayer, NLP, Qi gong, yoga, mindfulness, etc…etc…. These are all powerful tools , but above all else I want you to see them as channels for abundance. I call this your dream machine.

Like I did in tip number 6. See how neatly this all knits together? But my teachings and principles I promise have the power to change everything for you. Your dream machine needs to be trained to be constantly active. So you never miss a single opportunity. The biggest changes I ever made in my life happened as a result of everyday events. The key was to always have my attraction channels open and my dream machine running.

In fact, my biggest personal development breakthrough came as a result of cutting class with some friends when I was 15 years old and choosing to walk up a staircase. Imagine that, something as mundane as walking up a staircase and my whole life changed forever. Also, my biggest adventure in love meeting my wife Ruth nearly 20 years ago was born of a night out with some crazy Norwegian musician friends of mine. It was the last situation you would expect to find your soulmate in. But again, the channels were open for it. The point is, you can go through any personal development program in history.

An Anthony Robbins program. The real masters all understand the same secret. You simply decide to be open to it. Successful and abundant people have a clear advantage. Use the power of love, attraction and transformation NOW. All abundant and successful people throughout history have harnessed invisible forces and reaped enormous benefits and riches from doing so.

Suspension of disbelief is one of the big keys to everything we do when we walk the path of abundance. Suspension of disbelief is, in my experience, the most powerful concept in the universe for making the laws of abundance work. And the concept was not invented by a famous scientist or psychologist. It was invented by an artist The poet Samuel Coleridge in She believes it with every fiber of her being.

So tell your subconscious to play with any alternate reality you choose. It will play the game like a child and an artist. And it will generate quite breathtaking results for you. Each of these secrets can set off a lightbulb and help you make a huge personal breakthrough. Combined, their power is infinite…. In a practical concrete sense, help is everywhere.

Thanks to the power of the internet and the cloud, you can now spend casual, fun, energy building time with anyone you choose.

57 Law of Attraction Tips For People Who Are Serious About Abundance

Because help really is everywhere. Divine, magical connection and personal power are instantly available to you. Your best friend…your true love and soul mate…your inspiration…your true purpose…your angels of health and healing…your source code for abundance…are all powerful energies just waiting to find you, once you plug into the infinite. Computers are always trying to emulate what the mind already does. The thing many people forget is that the mind came before the computer and will always be way more powerful.

Steve Jobs understood the power of the cloud, of connection with the infinite. My belief is that our minds are able to do exactly the same thing. They can connect with infinite energy and power in the universe. Imagine if your mind is a part of a bigger cloud. You just need to suspend disbelief for a moment and call upon those invisible powers in the cloud to help you. Just like a true friend who tells you when you have a coffee moustache. Embrace confusion, uncertainty, even frustration as friends. In other words, go for it before you have all the answers.

Those so called negative energies known as cognitive dissonance are actually the magical seeds of creation and unlimited possibilities. Your destiny and your abundance will always be preceded by confusion and uncertainty. But they did it anyway. But you see, confusion really is a great way to learn.

So embrace a little confusion and uncertainty, and experience the reverse paradigm shift. In other words, experience the aha… The blessed light bulb moment, before it happens. Waiting for it to happen is not the way of the abundant person. The universe loves baby steps and small hinges open massive doors. Accelerated Learning — You can choose to learn slowly or quickly. I once learned tens of thousands of French words in a few seconds. Did you know you could do that?

Did you know you can learn to sing confidently in way less than a minute. I did that too? Both of these stories are true. But for now just know there are incredible opportunities looking for you. Within days from now you can attract your true love…set up a business that will change the world…get a better job than what you ever imagined possible…start to reclaim your health…rediscover your confidence and connect with the bliss of your true purpose. Accelerated learning is a choice that allows you to build all the beautiful, powerful beliefs which will get you there quickly.

School left me feeling like the slug that had been sprinkled with salt. They just teach you how to be average. I hereby give you unconditional permission to be yourself and to succeed in becoming the most abundant version of yourself. Banish guilt and feelings of self-doubt from your life and your internal world forever.

I did it, and it worked like a dream. You have no more right or need to feel any more guilty than a butterfly. And like a butterfly, you are free to fly and celebrate your uniqueness today. You are ready for a life of awesome results and celebration. But are you ready to give yourself permission to do this yet? Everyone struggles with these energies at times. For instance, even Oprah cried when she was taught that forgiveness is for your benefit and not for the other person usually her job is to make the guest experience breakthroughs and tears, not the other way round.

One of the things that they never taught me at school was how people try to make you feel guilty. I made that decision a long time ago. It was the work of a moment. They are great examples of things that can leave people feeling unfairly guilty. So how do we reframe the guilt, for example of a failed business? You simply remind yourself that of the 50 most successful business people in modern history, 49 of them had businesses go bankrupt.

So if all these guys that were ultimately very successful, learned that failure like confusion is a stepping stone on the road to abundance, surely we can all learn the same lesson too? Living in your authentic truth can never be wrong. Think about the strengths and energies that make you unique. Nobody else is me or can feel the feelings I feel. This energy is uniquely my energy.

You wanted to be the same as everyone else or at least, they wanted you to be the same. Breaking free and removing failure from your vocabulary allows you to follow your bliss with ease. This applies to your inner world just as much as the outside world. A better idea is to ask them how they KNOW their belief to be true. What proof do they have? Who gave them this affirmation? Do they still want to carry it around? Stop looking at the horizons in front of you and feeling overwhelmed.

Look at the horizon behind you. And, allow yourself a small tear of pride. He spent all his time trying, did thousands of experiments, yet would always make the bulbs explode. His affirmation was that he KNEW one day he would make this freaking thing happen. Every time he ran an experiment, the lightbulb exploded. I want to give you countless ideas and tools that will create abundance for you.

How Much Money Does My SELF-PUBLISHED Book Earn?

The ones that are going to awaken something in you that stirs your soul and starts making a difference right now. My dear friend and colleague Brenda, is a master of the martial art Aikido. Brenda is tiny and amazing. Look, when changing your internal programs to suit your source code, what you really do is you free the universe, and all of that hidden energy and power to come to your aid with any dream you choose.

You ignite the law of attraction by following your true, individual path and signposts. Because YOU get to create your own truth and infinite power. The word imagine suggests. Live from truth every time. And work on the skill of making your truth audacious. Never live in an energy of mediocre truth. If your affirmations and declarations contain truth, they will manifest for you. The universe understands this. It will create massive wins for you. The universe knows what you love and what you hate. It knows what you believe.

If you start from belief and truth any truth, no matter how small and fragile a gem it is you can manifest miracles VERY quickly. This is my affirmation and I see it come true every single day. So every piece of suggestion and every affirmation you say to yourself…read on a vision board…live through your energy…should contain truth.

Truth can give birth to incredible manifested results. Another thing I teach clients to work with are affirmation triads past, present and future truth. They work like this:. Soon I am becoming happy and amazing. You see what I did there? Make loving yourself more a goal to be constantly striving for. Super-Affirmations always come true because they ARE truth. For instance, can you say to yourself, right now with genuine belief: Other people have succeeded in this endeavor and I will succeed too. As humans, when we declare positive feelings towards ourselves, we experience two emotions.

One is very positive. A positive feeling of unconditional love, and value within ourselves. The other emotion is often some kind of self-doubt or disbelief. These two energies conflict. When they conflict, the self-doubt tends to win. Like the banker in a game of cards. Another way to internalize this idea. If you are constantly fuelling the fire and adding energy to the positive affirmation always including truth then the tipping point will manifest that much quicker.

Throw emotion and energy into everything you do. Even negative emotions can be transmuted into positive.

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Did you ever see someone red in the face with anger suddenly see the humor in a situation and burst into laughter? It can be one of the most beautiful things to witness. Do everything you do with emotion and the universe will love you for it. The law of attraction brings a tidal wave of energy that flows through emotion. If humour and laughter are part of your source code and awaken something in you, then using this affirmation could represent an exciting breakthrough. They may take offence. Have you ever noticed how laughter can feel more true than truth?

And, just as an important side note: Your subconscious is way, way more powerful than you possibly give it credit for. When you protect yourself from disappointment, loneliness, heartache and failure, you often deny yourself the thing that you want the most. You swap risk for unhappiness. Maybe you already know them? Well, one of the things we protect ourselves from is perceived failure. They warn them not to be too ambitious.

But ironically, that attitude can cause a mountain of disappointment and missed opportunity in the long run. It can also make you freeze like a rabbit in the headlights even years later, incapable of making decisions or seizing the day. So give yourself permission to be a beautiful, tall poppy right now. The taller the better! The forces of abundance are searching for your tall poppy energy so that they can reward it. If you do something exciting for your future, the simulation and forecast of that future in your mind, changes in a flash. But is there a risk to going for it and trusting the laws of abundance to help you?

There is no real risk to chasing your dreams. My experience with countless clients over many, many years, is that all the risk…all the frustration…and all the disappointment, is born from not chasing dreams. But please remember, there is a way to chase dreams successfully which is like chasing butterflies. Put yourself in the right energy field, and become a magnet for those butterflies. The more direct method of butterfly catching is so much harder. Friends and colleagues of mine who work in hospices or help people who are dying tell me the same thing again and again.

I heard something very interesting recently from Mark Zuckerberg the guy who runs Facebook. This guy built a company worth billions and billions of dollars so he obviously knows a thing or two about abundance. It was really interesting because somebody asked him the question about how you avoid disappointments. The person asked him: How do you avoid failures and that kind of thing?

The law of attraction wants you to stumble and make mistakes. It wants to lift you and be there on your journey of learning, improving and evolving. It wants to help you unravel your abundance like a flower coming into bloom after the storms have passed. Imagine if you had a party and you played chamber music and presented your guests with cucumber sandwiches.

That way, all the right things and people will show up automatically. What you do is you take the negative person, or thing, or memory. Take my colleague Steve. He felt that his boss was having a negative effect on him. Making him feel stressed and upset. You should try this out. The mind actually takes nice things…nice people…exciting opportunities and turns them into scary things in the wardrobe. As a side note, this tip on its own may not transform your life overnight. There are only two things you need to get right in order to get a suggestion, affirmation or thought to manifest into reality.

I used to do a lot of work helping people to stop smoking. Again, this is often subconscious and it is a flawed assumption. Turn your affirmations into questions. If you ask the correct questions, the answers show up like magic. And you can have any life you want. What life might you be living this time next year if you start mastering law of attraction the Ed Lester way today?

Step 1 — Imagine yourself at the Olympic games standing on the winners rostrum. Hear the crowd roar. Feel the medal around your neck. See the glint of gold and the the winning flag being raised. A quick side note: This second step is key. It disassociates and makes your subconscious reach for the beautiful dream. If we spend too long associated in our goals, we just end up soaking our synapses in the kool aid and other happy chemicals, with nothing happening. It leads to frustration and pain and stuckness in life. Train your mind to literally reach for your goals.

Eventually your subconscious will chase them like a kitten chasing a ping-pong ball on string. Ever notice how travel magazines show a beautiful destination, maybe a white sand beach and azure blue sky? And, there is always a table and empty chair. Your mind is attracted to the empty chair. It wants you to be there. Goals are the same. The law of attraction is energised by the gap between here and there. So long as it is bridgeable see tip I worked with a professional footballer once. He was getting very nervous about shooting goals.

He kept missing even though he was very talented. I insisted that he kept watching himself on TV scoring goals and burned that image into his consciousness. Every time he had a negative thought he was to switch that picture, either on the TV or on the TV in his mind. And he was to surround the thought with positive emotions of love and respect for himself. I wanted him to actually have to reach in his subconscious. For a change, stand back and imagine watching these things on a TV in your mind. Your wishes and dreams need to be energized the same way a battery is energized. This is why I recommend embracing the power of the reverse paradigm shift.

Once, I was running a training seminar and I suddenly noticed a woman in the group with her jaw pretty much dropped onto the table in front of her. And it was like a whole new world lit up inside of me. You simply need to see yourself as unique in the way a mother sees her newborn child. Love yourself just as you are and the universe will carry you on her shoulders. All affirmations and self-suggestions, in order to work really well, should be flavoured with identity— in other words, they should always reflect who you are as a person.

Suggest you already are a wealthy person if you like. So long as it has truth to it. But realize that if you launch your book without a marketing plan, FAR fewer people will read it.

57 Law of Attraction Tips For People Who Are Serious About Abundance - Ed Lester

So if you dream of becoming a New York Times bestselling author, or if you want your book to help you reach other lifestyle goals, a book marketing strategy is your essential key to success. The ideal launch team is a dedicated, hand-selected group eager to make your launch successful. Your audience is anyone interested in you, your book, and your product. If you have a smaller following, we suggest you aim for a launch team of Those with hundreds in their network can aim for team members.

You can reach out to peers from college, your volunteer work, or even your first job. To begin recruitment, create a simple questionnaire process that describes your book, your expectations of the team, and questions asking: You can easily do this through email, or through online forms like Typeform. Take the time to record a warm welcome video for your new supporters! In your video, first, congratulate your team for being selected and express gratitude for their help. Then, detail your expectations, your unique mission for writing your book , and why you want to share it with as many people as you can!

Communicate with your team regularly to keep them focused on weekly tasks, progress, and innovative ideas by doing the following: Always make sure your team knows how grateful you are to them and their dedication! You have to give them small assignments to help you with launching and the book marketing process in general. Facebook Groups will be the most effective way to dole out weekly team assignments. Here are some book marketing initiatives you can assign your team to do: Your launch team will commit weeks of their time, energy, and talent, so make sure you thank each and every person for their contribution!

Ensure that each person on your team feels valued and appreciated for their efforts. And most importantly, let them know how to get your book for free or at least at a deep discount! Which brings us to…. One of the most important factors in how successful your book launch is will be how you price it. To find out how to price your book for success, we recommend reading Book Launch.

All marketing—no matter which market or industry—is fundamentally about people and making connections. Part of pitching your book will be figuring out how your book relates to your readers and how they will benefit from it. Now that your book is out in the wild, you want to get as many people to it as possible. Here are the eight best strategies for doing just that. Can you imagine if you came home one day and your house was…missing?

There is a huge difference. Having an author website is the difference between renting or buying a piece of property. Maintaining your own website on a hosted server with your domain name is the same as having that piece of real estate. You can customize your site your way, publish your own content, and you are always in complete control of how it looks and what gets published.

And you can also set up a Google Alert so you can be notified about where your name and your book show up online. There is a saying going around that says: A list of followers who are in love with your writing will be the first to line up when you have a new product to sell. Your email list is yours. You control what you want to say, how you say it, and when. Imagine if every time you had a new book ready to launch, hundreds or thousands of people were waiting for it so they could get it first. Nothing else comes close. Although building a list takes time, in the long run it is the easiest way to market.

These are the true fans that will get the word out and be the first to leave verified reviews after buying your new release at the special price of 0.

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  7. But that is just the beginning. You can continue to build your list by including a reader magnet at the front and back of your book. Get people hooked on your brand and then keep them there by writing your next book, and then, including them in your next launch. As your book reaches more people, and you get more signups, your marketing capacity grows…exponentially. When it comes to book promoting, nothing can have a bigger impact on your book than influencers.

    What is an influencer? Influencers can be podcasters, bloggers, or authors with strong email lists. An influencer is someone who has a lot of promotional weight and can spread the word about your book to thousands of people with just a brief mention to their email list, on their blog, or by sharing on social media, for example. Influencers have a long reach. What you can do is identify the influencers in your niche and reach out to them. Tell them who you are and ask if they can help to promote your latest book.

    You can also offer to support their future endeavors as a way of giving back. Influencers can have a major impact on your exposure as an author, so try to set up interviews in your hometown or reach out to someone online and offer to do an interview so you can deliver value to their target audience. For example, if you wrote a book on recipes for Italian food, you could try connecting with people in the Italian cooking niche. They may have a blog, podcast, or a webinar on which you want to appear.

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    Social media is a powerful way to promote your book to potential readers. We can engage with thousands of people just by hitting a few buttons. But with social media sites, the big scare is the amount of time we can get sucked into trying to do everything.