Arranging Your Life When Dialysis Comes Home: The Underwear Factor

Our first book, Arranging Your Life When Dialysis Comes Home: The "Underwear Factor", was released in August The subtitle, 'The Underwear Factor'.
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Hi Linda, my favorite tip is to travel in a wheelchair. We got our seats upgraded so I'd have more leg room. The airlines Delta worked out really well. My husband Steve started Home Hemodialysis a little over two years ago. We welcomed the elegant technology, and the convenience of dialyzing on our schedule, not that of the Kidney Center. Our home was practically swallowed up by medical paraphernalia. In the process of trying to sell our home, Steve and I hired an expert in home "staging" to camouflage the dialysis equipment in preparation for our Open House.

Jane's simple and affordable room re-do brought us part of our lives back! She and I were so impressed by the effect of good design on a home consumed by medical care that we wrote a book on the subject:.

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It's a practical book, with plenty of tricks of the designer's trade--and nothing that will break the bank. Besides, we've included chapters devoted to the unsung hero of Home Dialysis: We discuss caregiver burnout, how to recognize it, and how to prevent it. Why the "Underwear Factor? Smiley Thakur, used to say that Home Dialysis gave you the comfort of dialyzing on your own time, on your own terms, and in the comfort of your underwear!

I'd like to know how Home Dialysis has changed your living space. Good luck, and let me know if I can help. I did home hemo for 18 months prior to my transplant with the assistance of my husband.

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I never went in center at all except for training and that was in a separate area. I always did my own needles—even in ICU after removal of my native kidneys. The training was great. I felt it was the best way to go.

Jane McClure (Author of Arranging Your Life When Dialysis Comes Home)

My advice, if you know dialysis is coming, get your fistula early so that it is fully mature and ready to use when needed. It can eliminate a lot of problems both in center and out. I had had mine done five years before it was used as my function unexpectedly stabilized for quite a while.

Did Not Need Dialysis

But being proactive can eliminate the additional risk of central line dialysis. I am so happy that you have received a transplant. Good luck to you, and thank you for your comments. Thank you, I look forward to the next blog.

I am waiting for my third kidney, been on dialysis for 10 years this time , so far. I am 36 and currently doing in center Hemo. I was on peritoneal, but due to issues with my abdomen had to stop.

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I love the freedom that home hemo seems to give, but I am not sure I am cut out for it! Thank you for your comments. Home hemo is more complicated than PD — but it certainly has advantages.

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As long as you read directions carefully, and follow the steps, it works. Good luck, and let me know how it goes. I was aware for several years that Polycystic Kidney Disease runs in my family.

Arranging Your Life When Dialysis Comes Home-February

The 3-day-a-week, 4 hours each time, treatment has become part of my routine, and I have been doing this for 14 years. I would rather go to a center than have the treatment at home; I would rather have the technicians, nurses, and the doctor there in case of emergency and over the years, there have been some! Home dialysis would not be convenient since I live in a 4th-floor apartment, and I could not guarantee the water supply or the power supply. She was not a patient; she was taking care of her mother.

She is the best thing that ever happened to me, since she understands my condition perfectly. I love your story about meeting your wife at the center! Sounds like your approach is working perfectly. Thank you for writing. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. February 26, at 3: March 2, at 5: Linda Gromko MD says: February 27, at 3: February 26, at February 27, at 4: Melissa, Thank you for your comments. February 27, at 7: Mark, I love your story about meeting your wife at the center!