Natural Remedies for Rosacea: What Works and Why

So today, I want to teach you how to best treat rosacea naturally so that you can better support your skin's health from the inside out and.
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Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that leads to redness and bumps on the face. Its symptoms include thickening of the skin, redness and pimples.

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The persistent redness caused in usually in the central part of the face. It is of utmost importance to treat this chronic skin condition as it can worsen with time if left untreated. The areas that are quite prone of getting affected are chin, forehead and cheeks.

This skin condition is often mistaken for acne and can prove to be quite annoying.

Rosacea Treatment: 6 Natural Ways to Treat Your Skin

Rosacea can occur in anyone. But it is fairly prevalent across middle-aged women who have fair skin. While there is no definitive cure to rosacea, you can surely reduce the signs and symptoms of it. Green Tea Green tea has various anti-inflammatory properties that can possibly reduce redness and inflammation on the skin. Make yourself a regular cup of green tea and keep it in the fridge for about minutes. After 45 minutes, take a clean piece of cloth and soak it in the cup. For extra prevention against potential irritation, the doctor says to choose a foundation with no preservatives.

To target specific areas that require extra attention when masking redness, apply the color wheel theory of complementary colors by dabbing on a green-based concealer to cancel out the harsher red spots. The sun has a significant relationship with rosacea.

According to a National Rosacea Society survey, 81 percent identified sun as a major trigger of their rosacea. Needless to say, if you have rosacea, wearing sunscreen year-round should be a priority.

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It should have an SPF of at least Erin Lukas Jan 20, 1: In order to get closer to understanding the causes of rosacea, you must ask what causes inflammation, the underlying cause of rosacea, in the first place? A number of factors likely contribute to the development of rosacea, including:. Other rosacea triggers included hot weather 75 percent , wind 57 percent , heavy exercise 56 percent , alcohol consumption 52 percent , hot baths 51 percent , cold weather 46 percent , spicy foods 45 percent , humidity 44 percent , indoor heat 41 percent and certain skin-care products 41 percent.

Since rosacea already makes skin sensitive, many people find that simply addressing the noticeable symptoms — for example, by using harsh chemical creams, prescriptions, light therapy and various lotions — actually winds up making skin symptoms even worse. Inflammation stemming from gut-related problems seems to be an especially important issue and root cause of skin disorders.

Rosacea Treatment: 6 Natural Ways to Treat - Dr. Axe

Your skin is ultimately a reflection of your overall health, after all: Many studies have found an association between skin disorders — including rosacea, acne, dermatitis and psoriasis — and inflammatory gastrointestinal tract disorders. This inflammation has the power to change the structure of microbial bacteria populations that normally colonize the skin and protect it from damage, redness and rashes.

The best way to tackle rosacea at its root is likely to approach your diet differently; focusing on anti-inflammatory foods and removing common allergens at least temporarily to track reactions can make a huge impact on skin disorders by positively affecting gut health and getting rid of yeast and bad bacteria.

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Anyone with rosacea-type symptoms, or any form of regular redness on the skin, should be careful about regularly using sunscreen on sensitive areas of the skin especially the face. UV light seems to aggravate rosacea symptoms and can cause inflammation that is linked to its onset. Studies show that daily skin care regimens, including the use of a sunscreen, offers significant benefits against flare-ups.

Rosacea Treatment - Natural Treatments for Rosacea - How to Cure Rosacea

When patients regularly cleaned and moisturized dry, rough, patchy skin, they found that noticeable symptoms, discomfort and overall sensitivity of skin improved. It might be tempting to avoid using moisturizer on your skin if you have oily, red or sensitive patches and are also prone to acne breakouts, but a non-chemical and naturally antibacterial skin moisturizer like coconut oil can provide essential acids to the skin without causing breakouts or further irritations.

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Wild plants rich in natural oils including coconuts, aloe and many that are used to make essential oils are commonly used to treat skin diseases around the world and have been the go-to methods for treating skin problems for centuries. Buying gentle and organic cosmetics limits the amount of harsh chemicals you put on your sensitive skin.

You can always ask your dermatologist for help choosing gentle cosmetics, too. Aside from all of the physical symptoms that rosacea can cause, many people also feel mentally and emotionally challenged by this skin condition. A high percentage of rosacea sufferers report feeling less confident due to their appearance. Ongoing facial blotchiness, bumps and redness can be really hard to handle emotionally similarly to suffering from acne , but unfortunately stressing over the condition is only likely to make it worse.

Similarly to acne breakouts, stress is known to be a common trigger of rosacea that can bring on flare-ups. Educate yourself about the disorder, learn more about rosacea treatments and be open-minded to trying new approaches in order to help you feel more in control. Use stress-reducing techniques like exercise, meditation, healing prayer and journaling to try to soothe yourself as much as possible. Keep in mind that despite what some people might assume, rosacea has nothing to do with poor hygiene and is caused by internal factors, so being open and honest about your condition can help you feel better and gain support.