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You Were There may refer to: Music[edit]. "You Were There" (), an unreleased song by Michael Jackson and Buz Kohan; "You Were There" (​Southern Sons.
Table of contents

  1. A Child’s Love.
  2. Shadow of the Rope;
  3. Resistance D - You Were There | Releases | Discogs.
  4. Ice Woman VS. Pyro: The Guardian of Earth (1 Book 2).
  5. Energy Through the Eyes of an Aura Camera.

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Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. Comment Name required Email will not be published required Website. It just took the right context and the right records to unlock that urge. From a distance, it now seems like many early 21st-century indie fans felt the same suppressed urge to boogie. Most crucially, nine years later it retains the power to move people.

He isolates cowbells and places the microphone at just the right distance from the hi-hat so you get the analog-crisp sound post-punk bands took for granted because they didn't know how good they had it with engineers like Paul Hardiman and Rick Walton. The song follows the Stooges ' death-trip trail while breaking down the Ann Arbor icons' classic-rock foundation to foreground tortured screaming and wanton wah-wah-pedal abuse. Russom: synthesizer, Fun Machine support, synthesizer support Mandy Coon: vocals Nancy Whang: vocals James Murphy: vocals, drums, bass, keyboards, percussion Eric Broucek: vocals, additional programming, percussion.

Back then, Murphy was still a Williamsburg nerd pushing vinyl-only singles in an MP3 world. A daunting proposition, especially for someone as self-aware and exacting as Murphy. And there are more talented people that should be better I think it's insulting Don't fucking come into the ring out of shape; that's disrespectful.

Rock's Next Big Thing in the early s, at least in the eyes of the media, was James Murphy, naturally, was unimpressed. For me, rock is not an outfit or a pose. In true rock spirit, Murphy wasted little time fussing over niceties. It was supposed to stop there, but I had fun layering ridiculous solos over it in the studio—we ended up going with the most retarded one. It also helps that Murphy has a more esoteric record collection than many of the so-called new rock's practitioners.

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Rock, we hardly knew you. But for that minute and 14 seconds—well, three minutes and four seconds, to be exact—Murphy sure did. Murphy's first out-and-out ode to New York City aims to revive seedier times. They city isn't bringing Murphy down just yet. Instead, the song slinks like that guy stalking the Bowery in dark glasses and an ink trench coat.

Or the fact that there seem to be less skeezy, watch-selling creeps in New York now than ever.

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The city's sense of cool can often be nothing more than a reference to old times, way before Murphy set foot in Williamsburg which itself has transformed from a treacherous pit to a place where New Jerseyans go bowling on Fridays. New York City is not the skulking bad ass it once was. But Murphy's gonna relive its idealized grit nonetheless.

Watch yr pockets. And their playful way of staying above the fray made an impression on Murphy. It's like referring to David Bowie, who has been everything from folk to glam rock. Daft Punk's gargantuan pyramid show would debut a year and a half after this song was released, making the mental mismatch even more potent. Setsuna awakes in school, the former story appears to have been a dream. He immediately meets Kira and some former dead guys happy and alive again, as well as Sara, but she is only his girlfriend, not his sister.

Comes out soon, that this whole sequence is the dream, Sara still his sister and all guys dead as they were before..

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Hells : After her adventure in Hell, Rinne wakes up in the hospital, her adventure seemingly a dream and quickly forgotten. The next day, she passes by several people who resemble the people she met in Hell, then she saves a little girl who resembles her friend Steela from being hit by a car.

She instinctively calls the girl Steela, but the girl says that is not her name and introduces herself. Still, this causes Rinne's memories to return, then she is seemingly contacted by the spirit of the real Steela. Comic Books.

In the Resurrection Man storyline "Cape Fear", Mitch has an induced hallucination in which he's a "proper" superhero. Comic Strips. The Far Side ended using this trope, having the creator Gary Larson wake up in bed next to all his family and friends, who happen to resemble a lot of the strip's more popular subjects. Gary: And Aunt Zelda all the women looked like you and Uncle Bob all the cows looked like you and Ernie there were cavemen that looked like you and there were all these nerdy little kids like you Billy and there were monsters and stupid-looking things and animals could talk and some of it was confusing and Oh, wow!

There's no Place like home! Many are quite close in appearance, others not. Films — Animation. From Neil Gaiman , we have Coraline. In this case the parallels are the result of the Other Mother deliberately modeling herself and the other others after the people in Coraline's life in order to trap her. Films — Live-Action. All of Dorothy's friends in Oz are played by the same actors that play Dorothy's Kansas friends.

This connection was acknowledged in the movie the connection does not exist at all in the original novel , of course, in the line above. In this case, it's intended to show that it is All Just a Dream. Stage versions based on the movie extend this to Aunt Em and Uncle Henry by by having their actors play Glinda and the Door Guard respectively.

Return to Oz played this trope as well. Oz: The Great and Powerful does the same with its own cast of Kansas and Ozian characters including making Glinda a double for the one woman Oscar has genuine feelings for. The Muppets Wizard Of Oz sticks closer to the original book by not claiming it was All Just a Dream , but still has Dorothy's friends in Oz resembling people she knows in the real world since she's just auditioned for The Muppets.

Lil Dagover Jane and Conrad Veidt Cesare double as fellow residents of the insane asylum, and Francis even confuses them for the characters he attached to them in his dream. Werner Krauss plays both Caligari and the asylum coordinator. The only character missing in Francis' dead friend Allan except in the Re Make , which throws him in anyway , as it's implied that he really is dead, and that Francis killed him.

AMIIGO releases a groovy dance tune, entitled, “U Were There” featuring Omz

The plot of The Fall centers around a paralyzed man telling a story to a girl in the hospital he's staying with. Since the audience views his story through the child's imagination, almost all of the characters are based on people she knows and played by the same actors — and, eventually, the girl herself gets to be in the story. Hans Conreid voiced both Captain Hook and Mr. Darling in the Walt Disney animated feature Peter Pan , and their character designs are clearly deliberately similar. Darling are almost always played by the same actor.

This is part of the point of the story. Hook , a sequel to the Peter Pan story, has a Shout-Out at the end when the adult Peter returns to Earth: He wakes up in Kensington Park and encounters a man sweeping trash; he's played by Bob Hoskins, who is Smee in the Neverland scenes. More subtly, the voice of the plane's captain as the Banning family heads to England at the beginning is provided by Dustin Hoffman — who later appears as Hook himself. Considering that Smee was shown fleeing alone with whatever loot he could carry, it's entirely possible that he simply set himself up in a safe, uneventful job in the normal world, or possibly had held such double identity for quite some time.

Abbott and Costello 's Jack and the Beanstalk does this. In a manner reminiscent of the Peter Pan example, in the film adaptation of Jumanji , Alan's father and Van Pelt are played by the same actor Jonathan Hyde. Taken a step further with Valentine Jason Barry , whose real-world equivalent is met after his fantasy-world form, as part of the implication that it wasn't all just a dream.

It was, after all, written by Neil Gaiman. Partially done in Robot Monster. In Johnny's dream, his sisters and mother remain the same, but the annoying Germanic archaeologist is now his dead father and the assistant is now Johnny's sister's boyfriend. It's a dumb movie, okay? Tim Curry actually turns away from the camera, apparently so he won't be as recognised, but, if you attend a Shadow Cast, they tend to comment on their appearance, with lines like, "Even a Virgin recognises Dr.