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Bryce Walton. TO EACH HIS STAR by BRYCE WALTON Start Publishing LLC Copyright © by Start Publishing LLC.
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Texas City, TX Location Memorial Dr. Online Classes Home Buyer Education. After the first couple of times I wanted to scream at him, "Oh, stuff it! No wonder the script failed to win the Academy Award. So there!

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This is one of my favorite overlooked movies of the '40s. Olivia deHavilland truly deserved an Academy Award for her performance. Told in flashbacks, she is as believable as an older woman as she was as a young lady. A really memorable ending, I could watch it again and again. What a celebration of motherhood! The title of the movie was misleading,but as a huge fan of Ms.


It was a very tender story of the enduring and endearing love a mother had for her child. It brought to mind the contrast of today's societal views of unwed mothers as it were. The story made me even more grateful to have 3 wonderful sons. I would love watch this movie with my mom and my five sister,on the day before mothers' day. What a good way to have your 'tears jerked'!

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I will be happy when it is released on DVD. Hopefully very soon. But to make that kind of soap opera,as Stahl,Minnelli and Sirk showed it through the years,it takes some kind of genius! First the structure:first a prologue ,then flashbacks and an epilogue ,which while going back to the present,connects all the links of the chain in an awesome way. It's not unlike Leisen's previous and remarkable too 'Hold back the dawn" : Lord Desham plays the same part as the director in the movie ;Although Jody does not tell her secret to him ,it's finally him who makes her dream come true.

To write that De Havilland deserved her AA is to state the obvious. She actually plays three parts ,with the same talent. Like her peer Davis in "the old maid" ,she was not afraid of making herself look older or uglier.

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De Havilland is deserving of the Academy Award she won for her range and her excellence as a screen actress. Charlie Brackett wrote a tight screenplay for what could have gone on for hours and the art direction and music all work along with one of those great supporting group of character actors of the day. All told, it is De Havilland's controlled and believable performance that make this a film a must see for the most hardened critic. Grown men will not admit to liking this film because it more than likely will bring a tear of two Believing she wasn't getting kind of roles she wanted at Warner Brothers, Olivia de Havilland sued the studio to get out of her contract and for several years didn't appear in films.

Olivia finally won her suit, and this film, "To Each His Own" was her first for Paramount Pictures; and it is a gem of movie.

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  7. Olivia plays Jody Norris, and she performs the role from a young naive woman to a somewhat hardened middle-aged one. Jody had a son some 20 years earlier out of wedlock by a young pilot who is later killed. Because it was scandalous to be an unwed mother at the time, she concocts a scheme to have her baby raised by a wealthy couple Mary Anderson and Philip Terry in town.

    The scheme backfires on her, and they adopt the boy. Jody goes on to acquire wealth, but she always longs for her son. She gets the chance when the young man John Lund is stationed in London. The ending is slightly predictable, but what saves this film from becoming overly sentimental and sappy although it is a tear-jerker is the fine performance of Olivia de Havilland. The script is great, and the subject of unwed pregnancy is actually handled in a mature manner for There are some fine supporting performances of note, particularly Mary Anderson, playing Corrine, the neurotic woman who adopts her son.

    John Lund plays a dual role, that of Jody's lover and later her grown son. He does a fine job. Roland Culver is good as Lord Desham, a new love interest for Jody. A fine old Hollywood film, made the way they used to make them! Olivia de Havilland won the Oscar for best actress in for "To Each his Own" a tearjerker, made in She was one of the great actresses of the day when movies were worth going to see.

    She made many good movies such as "Hush hush sweet Charlotte, Snake Pit are two good ones. They were released on DVD. But "To each his own is one of my personal favourites. I am lucky to have it on video, but would rather have the DVD. She meets a handsome young air force pilot and they fall in love.

    Life of a star

    He leaves to go to war and Olivia finds herself going to be a single mother. In those days young women were isolated and not supported when having a baby out of wedlock. Nothing like today. Olivia has a lot of heartache to go through, has the baby but faces further heartbreak. Her life moves on after she has the baby, who she was not able to keep, but I won't say any more. Get a hanky out for the ending. Studios, one of you need to get this movie out on DVD. It would sell well. I'm tired waiting and getting older by the day. Olivia de Havilland well deserved the Oscar she got for the lead role in this melodrama.

    In an astonishing display of virtuosity, she plays the character over the course of 20 years, being utterly convincing both as a sweet young thing with an innocent smile and a hard-bitten middle-aged business woman whose lips are hardened into a permanent grimace of determined refusal to feel anything. Rarely has an actress shown such a range of both age and mood in the same film. As always, Miss de Havilland's eyes positively glow like hot coals with the intelligence and high character which are so much her own personal nature.

    Having known Miss de Havilland somewhat during the s in Paris, I can testify that even in her eighties she was mesmerising and perfectly spell-binding as a woman, and one of the most fascinating people I have ever met. She has such a fine, generous and loving nature, and such a sound character that she is simply a paragon of human goodness. All of these qualities shine forth in her movies, and were responsible for her turning Hollywood upside down with the famous 'de Havilland Decision' of the courts, which restricted the power of the Hollywod studios over their actors.