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The Man from Earth is a American drama science fiction film written by Jerome Bixby and directed by Richard Schenkman. It stars David Lee Smith as John Oldman, the protagonist. The screenplay was conceived by Jerome Bixby in and completed on his deathbed in April Budget‎: ‎$,
Table of contents

Upon the island, Izanagi and Izanami married, and gave forth progeny that were malformed. The gods blamed it upon a breach of protocol. During the marriage ritual, Izanami, the woman, had spoken first. Correctly reprising their marriage ritual, the two coupled and produced the islands of Japan and more deities. However, in birthing Kagutsuchi-no-Kami, the fire god, Izanami died. Traumatized, Izanagi followed her to Yomi, the land of the dead.

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Izanami, having eaten the food of Yomi, could not return. When Izanagi suddenly saw Izanami's decomposing body, he was terrified and fled. Izanami, enraged, pursued him, accompanied by hideous women. Izanagi hurled personal items at them, which transformed into diversions. Escaping the cavern entrance of Yomi, he blocked it with a boulder, thus permanently separating life from death.

Rather like Persephone in Hades, isn't it? A cosmic egg floated within the timeless void, containing the opposing forces of yin and yang. After eons of incubation, the first being, Pan-gu emerged.

Diagnostic information:

The heavy parts yin of the egg drifted downwards, forming the earth. The lighter parts yang rose to form the sky.

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Pan-gu, fearing the parts might re-form, stood upon the earth and held up the sky. He grew 10 feet per day for 18, years, until the sky was 30, miles high. His work completed, he died. His parts transformed into elements of the universe, whether animals, weather phenomena, or celestial bodies. Some say the fleas on him became humans, but there is another explanation. The goddess Nuwa was lonely, so she fashioned men out of mud from the Yellow River. These first humans delighted her, but took long to make, so she flung muddy droplets over the earth, each one becoming a new person.

These hastily-made people became the commoners, with the earlier ones being the nobles the first example of mass-production! The earth mother of the Aztecs, Coatlicue "skirt of snakes," is depicted in a fearsome way, wearing a necklace of human hearts and hands, and a skirt of snakes as her name suggests. The story goes that Coatlicue was impregnated by an obsidian knife and gave birth to Coyolxauhqui, goddess of the moon, and to sons, who became the stars of the southern sky.

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Later, a ball of feathers fell from the sky which, upon Coatlicue finding it and placing it in her waistband, caused her to become pregnant again. Coyolxauhqui and her brothers turned against their mother, whose unusual pregnancy shocked and outraged them, the origin being unknown. However, the child inside Coatlique, Huitzilopochtli, the god of war and the sun god, sprang from his mother's womb, fully-grown and armored talk about a C-section!

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He attacked Coyolxauhqui, killing her with the aid of a fire serpent. Cutting off her head, he flung it into the sky, where it became the moon. That was supposed to comfort Coatlicue, his mother--some comfort! The ancient Egyptians had several creation myths. All begin with the swirling, chaotic waters of Nu or Nun. Atum willed himself into being, and then created a hill, otherwise there'd be no place for him to stand. Atum was genderless and possessed an all-seeing eye.

Atum then vomited up a daughter, Tefnut, goddess of moisture. These two were charged with the task of creating order out of chaos. Shu and Tefnut generated Geb, the earth, and Nut, the sky. First they were entwined, but Geb lifted Nut above him. Gradually the world's order formed, but Shu and Tefnut became lost in the remaining darkness.

Just how all-seeing it was, and what did Atum do without, remains a mystery. When Shu and Tefnut returned, thanks to the eye, Atum wept with joy. Where the tears struck the earth, men sprang up. The Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish , begins with the gods of water, Apsu fresh , and Tiamat salt , spawning several generations of gods, leading to Ea and his many brothers.

However, these younger gods made so much noise that Apsu and Tiamat could not sleep a complaint still common today amongst apartment-dwellers. Apsu plotted to kill them, but Ea killed him first. Tiamat vowed revenge and created many monsters, including the Mad Dog and Scorpion Man.

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  • Ea and the goddess Damkina created Marduk, a giant god with four eyes and four ears, as their protector. In tangling with Tiamat, Marduk, bearing the winds as weapons, hurled an evil wind down her gullet, incapacitating her, and then killed her with a single arrow to her heart. He then split her body in half and used it to create the heavens and the earth. Later he created man to do the drudge work that the gods refused to do, like farming, telemarketing and accounting. Marduk currently appears on Cartoon Network's Sealab ! The great mountain, Alburz, grew for years until it touched the sky.

    From that point, rain fell, forming the Vourukasha sea and two great rivers. The first animal, the white bull, lived on the bank of the river Veh Rod. However, the evil spirit, Angra Mainyu, killed it. Its seed was carried to the moon and purified, creating many animals and plants.

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    Across the river lived the first man, Gayomard, bright as the sun. Angra Mainyu also killed him. The sun purified his seed for forty years, which then sprouted a rhubarb plant. Is the movie a metaphor for immigration and innovation and a sclerotic corporate culture? Or is it perhaps a pop culture parable for the British music invasion? Or is it simply about Bowie himself?

    Heaven & Earth

    The story unfolds in a daring sequence of narrative leaps. Newton crash-lands in a small town where he is befriended by a hotel receptionist Mary Lou Candy Clark in whose presence this delicate stripling faints; she has to carry him to his room — an extraordinary sequence. They become an item. Newton quickly finds himself in New York, where his superior intelligence and knowledge allow him to create a world-beating energy and media company, which hires a disillusioned, lecherous chemistry professor Nathan Bryce Rip Torn , the only person in whom the increasingly reclusive Newton can confide.

    But, far from being a sinister predator, Newton is a delicate victim, a Wildean holy child of poignant unworldliness, whose business is taken from him. He stays young while everyone else gets old.