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Sisters Karamazov. by Natalie Karamazov. “So what kind of a title is that Hmmph! The Sisters Karamazov? So you think you're a female Dostoevsky? Isn't that.
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Fyodor Karamazov has just been telling Alyosha that he needs all of his money and will not give any to his sons. He plans to live a long time and will need it to seduce women as he gets older. He asserts he wants to be "wicked" until the end, meaning a base materialist and unapologetic sensualist. His philosophy is to have fun in the here and now, because that is all there is to life.

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He also shows himself to be an atheist who has no fear of God. If the devil does not exist, and man has therefore created him, he has Ivan Karamazov is arguing about the evil of mankind and how people torture and kill for pleasure. People speak of the animal cruelty of men, he says, but that is an insult to animals, because no one can be as cruel as man. Thus, if the devil does not actually exist, then certainly people's image of the devil is based on their own evil.

Moreover, in this quote, Ivan is playing on two famous quotes and refashioning them for his own purposes: the first is the biblical statement that man is created in the image and likeness of God; and the second, a famous quote by Voltaire that "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. It's not that I don't accept God, Alyosha, I just most respectfully return him the ticket. Ivan Karamazov has just finished telling Alyosha about the torture of children to make the point that even if God renders higher harmony at the end of days, such harmony is not worth the suffering of even one child.

If all of suffering, including that of children, is the price to be paid for truth, then truth is not worth the price. It does not comfort him that the torturers will suffer damnation and the children will be avenged. Moreover, he does not want the child to forgive the torturer.

He chooses unrequited suffering rather than redemption. Therefore, he gives God back his ticket to higher harmony. Each of us is guilty in everything before everyone, and I most of all. Elder Zosima is repeating the words of his brother Markel, who at the end of his life accepted God and attained an extraordinary depth of spiritual understanding. This is the key teaching of Zosima: that all men and women are brothers and sisters, and, therefore, responsible for one another. The corollary is that when someone commits a sin, everyone is guilty.

Karamazofu No Imoto (Japanese Edition)

When a person says they are guiltier than anyone, they acknowledge their bond with other humans and their shared original sin, which forestalls the judgment of others. Thus, when a person practices this doctrine, they practice active love and enlarge their compassion. Love all of God's creation, both the whole of it and every grain of sand. Elder Zosima represents faith, and Ivan represents doubt.

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Here, Zosima says exactly the opposite of what Ivan said in his rebellion. Rather than hand God back his ticket, Zosima embraces all of creation—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Zosima loves the sinner, too. He counsels that if a person loves each thing or person individually, they will come to love the whole world and will see God's mystery everywhere they turn. You've gotten angry with your God now Rakitin is making fun of Alyosha.

He is angry because Zosima's body stinks, and everyone was expecting a miracle in which his body did not become corrupt—something that is said to happen when a person is a saint. Alyosha has not lost faith in Zosima; rather, he is angry at God for allowing his beloved teacher to suffer disgrace. For example, Smerdyakov is a twisted double for Ivan, Dmitri's life resembles Zosima's as a young man, and Kolya echoes Rakitin and Ivan.

De Zusters Karamazov

Who are some other doubles in the novel? How do doubles help you understand the novel's main ideas? Dostoevsky never lived to write the sequel to The Brothers Karamazov. Imagine you were hired for the job — what would you write? The novel seems to have an issue with mothers. The mothers of the Karamazov brothers are dead. The mothers who are alive in the novel — for example Madame Khokhlakov, Lise's mother, and Mrs. Snegiryov, Ilyusha's mother — aren't exactly stellar models of maternity. The novel never really goes into the relationship of mothers and their children, while it spends an awful lot of time haranguing fathers.

I'm in love with fathers and sons. The evening needs refining and William Peter's direction needs tightening.

  1. 12222: AI_SI touchpad Piano.
  2. Roughing It (Illustrated).
  3. Sisters Karamazov | En Route Books and Media.
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  6. Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer..

For one thing, instead of building to a zany climax, the show dribbles off into a recitation by Miss Garnett of famous first lines from Joyce to Melville as if the playwrights felt a need to impress us. I was already impressed—with their wit as well as with their scholarship. See the article in its original context from November 11, , Page 42 Buy Reprints. View on timesmachine. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers.

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