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No one knows enough to undertake a book like this, but generous help has made good much ignorance. For information and shafts of specialized judgment the reader and I are indebted to Ezra and Dorothy Pound, Mr. Omar S. Eliot, Mrs. Wyndham Lewis, Mrs. Schneidau, Alan Stephens, '.. James Laughlin, Mr. Harry M. Meacham; Mr. Reno Odlin and his anonymous correspondent; Mrs. Gatter of Wyncote, Pa. Gay of Excideuil Dordogne ; Prof. Carne-Ross, Prof.

Leon Edel, Prof. Walton Litz, Prof. David Hayman; Mr. Fritz Senn; Rev. Walter J. Ong, S. David E. Scherman; Mr. Many who helped and whom I had hoped to please are dead: T. Frank Budgen, Mr. John Cook Wylie.

Iris Murdoch

It was my tacit understanding with the late W. Rose that our projected books would complement one another, but his, on the personal interactions in the days of the London Vortex, will never be written now. And I was too late to discuss Social Credit with the late Gorham Munson, or Chinese History with the late Joseph Levenson, and have had to be content with learning from their books.

A letter from Mr. John Reid catalyzed the book years ago, though it is not the book he suggested. William F. Buckley's logistical resourcefulness was indispensable. And finally, the patience and advice of my wife Mary Anne; there are no fit words. Unpublished Pound material is used by Mrs. Pound's courtesy and is fully protected by copyright. Pound owns the Gaudier-Brzeska panther drawing that appears on the title-page and elsewhere; it is reproduced with her permission.

References to the Can tos Commencing with the I printing, the American New Directions collected edition of the Cantos was paginated continuously, as the British Faber edition had been since I This means Canto 14, page of the repaginated New Directions edition, page of the Faber. The reader who wishes to locate a passage in the earlier New Directions edition, which is paginated by separate volume, may subtract from the New Directions page number in the reference the corrections from the following table: subtract Cantos I Cantos 3'-4'.

Though eight different pages are numbered "25," the Canto number will indicate which one is meant. The Cantos subsequent to have not, as of , been incorpotated into the British collected edition. In the very few references to these Cantos, the second Faber number refers to the separately published Drafts and Fragments.

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The reader who finds such complication annoying may reflect that publishers' costs are governed by the accounting system C. Douglas described. Miss Peg in London, he had assured her mother, "with her admirable capacity to be interested in the near and the characteristic, whatever these may be," would have "lots of pleasant and informing experience and contact in spite of my inability to 'take her out'. The Chelsea street that afternoon however had stranger riches to offer than had" society.

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Eyes met; the couples halted; rituals were incumbent. Around them Chelsea sauntered on its leisurely business. James to play:. Pound presented to Mr. James his wife Dorothy; and the painter's eye of Dorothy Pound, nee Shakespear, "took in," as James would have phrased it, Henry James. Fifty years left nothing else doubtful. The voice now given body was part of her world's tone, effusing from pages read in her mother's house: fictions wherein New World impetuosity crossed the Atlantic on journeys of sanctification.

They came as pilgrims or they came as shoppers; as passionate antiquaries or as seekers-out of inconceivable sensations. Some of them amused their creator hugely: the young woman from Bangor who knew, she said, what she wanted and always went straight for it, and preferred to spend her money" for purposes of culture "; orthe young man from Boston.

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But I'm afraid I shock you, perhaps even frighten you ". Grotesque though might be its assertive manifestations, the allure of Europe for the American psyche was in James's awareness the dominant American fact; and" an ear for stilled voices," a responsiveness to. Thackeray'S, whose multiform consciousness of "felt life" had shaped the most intricate registrations of nuance in human history: subdued the taxonon:ic pretensions of epithets and vanquished the linear rigor oflinked sentences: indeed composed The Ambassadors and The Golden Bowl.


Now on Dorothy Pound the eyes of the author of The Golden Bowl were bent, intent dark eyes, as he paired off Dorothy with niece Peg and sent the two young women walking ahead; then side by side with Dorothy'S husband Ezra encountered by him at hospitable hearths just sufficiently often to ratify public rites of amiability he fell into step a deliberate distance behind them. The young women strolled and talked; their talk is forgotten.

After 50 years, though, one scrap of the master's survived. For James's fierce need to "place" and categorize spurred root curiosities,. Which is all of the story, like a torn papyrus. That is how the past exists, phantasmagoric weskits, stray words, random things recorded. The imagination augments, metabolizes, feeding on all it has to feed on, such scraps.

What Sappho conceived on one occasion on Mitylene is gone beyond reconstitution; the sole proof that she ever conceived it is a scrap from a parchment copy made thirteen centuries later; on an upper left-hand corner learning assisted by chemicals makes out a few letters; in Berliner Klassikertexte, V-2, , pp. America, here, had imaginative advantages, being unencumbered by the worldliness with which Europe had learned to inhabit the European world. It was Whistler, not anyone English, who had known how to make Turner's heritage fructify, and crossed that heritage with what was assimilable from the vogue for Japan.

It was another American settled abroad, and not some congener of. Too long And wait decades for someone to unriddle it. To continue. Her provenance, as it happened, was South Kensington, but her legal citizenship by marriage American, a distinction on which liberty would one day turn.

Iris Murdoch

War grinds an edge on legalities. Somewhere, as the four of them walked, picked officers were arranging the forage of British horses in France once German troops should violate Belgian neutrality,. Though not even Asquith's cabinet really knew about it, or wanted to, this staff had been at work for three years, denominating in hermetic secrecy a role for England in the first European war to be planned by typewriter. They had very little more to see to, and still a few weeks to work in, the last weeks of what was to seem in retrospect a nearly immemorial expansiveness, bobbing parasols, barbered lawns, when one could walk through Europe without passports, tendering behind any border one's franc pieces.

A standing order provided for the sharpening of every British officer's sword on the third day of mobilization. It was , June. They sharpened the officers' swords on August 7, for brandishing against an avalanche.

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By the following summer his hundred million compatriots' obstinate neutrality, as of voyeurs, had exacerbated Henry James to his own last admonitory gesture: a change of citizenship. It was no more understood than The Golden Bowl had been. The next January he was dead of apoplexy, and to Ezra Pound not only a life but a tradition seemed over, that of effortless high civility. Not again James remained thereafter his synecdoche for" custom indicating high culture," to be distinguished from an unhabitual outlay of effort.

As I remember it even Henry James wore one, and unless memory blends two occasions he wore also an enormous checked weskit.

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Men have witnessed the dinner ceremony on flagships, where the steward still called it 'claret' and a Bath Oliver appeared with the cheese. I suppose it must have been Stilton. Presumptuous though it seems to calibrate one's liking for the portentous Master, even brash to allow his. He liked James, he wondered at James, as at a narwhal disporting.