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The monsters that appeared in the Bible were generally not monstrous births like Apocalypse Most important were the beasts of the Apocalypse in the New.
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The first half of the seventeenth century saw a great upsurge of Messianic agitation. Though he was only twenty-two when the fateful year of arrived, Sabbatai announced to a selected group of followers that he was the Messiah, He had come, he announced, to overthrow the gov- ernments of the world and to restore Israel to Jerusalem. A few years later he and his disciples were banished from Smyrna.

The document was accepted as an actual revelation, and Sabbatai immeditely won many disciples and followers. In Salonica, a strong center of cabalists, he boldly proclaimed himself the Messiah. His cele- bration of his marriage as the son of God with the Torah, aroused the rabbis and he was banished from Salonica. In Cairo, Egypt, he met the wealthy and influential Raphael Joseph Halabi, who became one of his most zealous disciples.

Divine Beast Ascension

As the apocalyptic year approached Sabbatai became con- cerned lest his Messiah-ship not be firmly established by that time. He considered Jerusalem as a likely place in which to become a Messiah, and, consequently, journeyed to the Holy City, arriving there in A Jewish orphan girl named Sarah had been found by Christians in Poland and sent to a convent, where she remained until she was about sixteen. She went to Amsterdam and later to Leghorn. Here she conceived the idea that she was to become the bride of the Messiah. Sabbatai heard the report during his second stay in Cairo.

At least two wives had already divorced him on the ground that he had refuse to consummate the marriage. Financed by Halabi, Sabbatai and Sarah returned to Jerusalem. Nathan professed to be Elijah, the precurser of the Messiah. Working closely with Sabbatai, Nathan in proclaimed far and wide that the year would mark the beginning of the Messianic age. Because the rabbis of Jerusalem threatened to excommunicate Sabbatai, Nathan announced that in the future Gaza would be the sacred city. Sab- batai returned to Smyrna where he made official proclamation of his messiahship.

Rejoice with song and melody, and change the day formerly spent in sadness and sorrow into a day of jubilee, because I have appeared. Sabbatai, in search of a miracle, journeyed to Constantinople. The under-pasha, commissioned to receive him as he landed from the ship, welcomed him with a vigorous box on the ear. He was immediately arrested, loaded down with chains, and thrown in prison.

Sabbatai bribed every- one he came in contact with, and, as a result, received the best of treatment. When he was transferred to a state prison, he was allowed to have his friends accompany him. Money was sent to him from nearly every Jewish community enabling him to live in royal splendor.

The Turks finally permitted him to live in the castle of Abydos, where he reigned as a king. European Jews prepared for their return to Palestine.

His picture was printed together with that of King David in most of the prayer books together with his cabalistic formulas. Another imposter named Nehemiah ha-Kohen announced that he was a prophet and proclaimed the coming of the Messiah.

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Sabbatai ordered him to appear before him, which he did. Nehemiah, however, escaped to Constantinople and became a Mohammedan. Sabbati was immediately removed to Adrianople. When he was brought before the Sultan the fol- lowing day September 16, , he threw off his Jewish garments and put a Turkish turban on his head. The Sultan was very pleased at this performance, and spared his life. Sabbatai, now being a Mohammedan, was compelled to take an extra wife. Each hoax made some psychological impression on many Christians.

Heavenly Jerusalem | Fol. v | The Morgan Library & Museum

Doubts were instilled in their minds; first, whether Jesus was the promised Messiah; and, second, whether the prophecies of the Old Testament were founded on divine revelation. Many Christians, observing the reoccuring frenzy of the Jews in anticipation of the various comings of their Messiahs, compromised their faith, thereby giving rise to complex theologies that must one day shatter the solidarity of Christianity.

The suppression by the Romans of the Jewish bid for world power by force of arms was a severe blow to Jewish pretentions in the century that followed the rise of Christianity. The Jewish Rabbis were determined that the drive for the fulfilment of the Covenant would never cease. They were con- vinced that there were means of conquest yet undreamed, and they were certain that those means would be revealed and relentlessly pursued.

The ever-immediate task was the preservation of the Jewish Nation. The solidarity of the race appears to have strengthened in dispersion.

Olivia Marie O'Grady - The Beasts of the Apocalypse (1959)

Uppermost in their minds was the exalted destiny promised them through Abraham, and the means by which that destiny must be achieved: the sign of the Covenant; the rite of circumcision; their Jewishness, and the purity of the seed of their great Patriarch. The rabbis, who had been hunted down by the Romans as the chief leaders of the atrocities in Africa and Cypress, gradually emerged from hiding after the death of Hadrian. They were soon encouraged to re- establish their schools and synagogues. The Great Sanhedrin, which the Jews themselves contended had never ceased to function, reasserted its authority over all Jewry.

It ultimately founded its world headquarters in Tiberias, the city that Herod Antipas had built. The town had been erected over an ancient cemetery, and the site was objectionable as being unclean, until, with the aid of cabalistic art, Simon Ben Jochai discovered the exact boundaries of the cemetery and marked them off.

With Simon, the son and heir of Gamaliel, acknowledged as the Patri- arch of the Jews and Prince of the Sanhedrin, Tiberias became the capitol of the Jewish nation. The courts of law were reestablished with R. Nathan as Ab-beth-din, and R. Meir, Hachim, as Head of the Law. The Jews throughout the Roman Empire turned eagerly toward Tiberias. The orders of the Patriarch became the law of the Jews in Rome, Spain, Africa, and wherever else a Jew might find himself. I myself have been a witness that it is little less than that of a king. For they secretly pass judgments according to their Law, and some are capitally condemned, not with open and acknowl- edged authority, but with the connivance of the Emperor.

This I have learned, and am fully acquainted with, by long residence in their country. A Legate of the Patriarch called an apostle made regular visits to the various synagogues, collecting revenue for the Temple and the Patriarch.

Divine Beast Ascension Chapters

These Legates had the power and authority to hear disputes and to regulate the life of the community. These annual visits of the apostles of the Patriach served to inflame the hatred of the farflung Jewish communities for their Christian neigh- bors, and drove them to greater zeal in their efforts of persecution. Although they despised the pagans about them, they hated the Chris- tians more, and, whenever occasion arose, they joined the heathen in harassing the followers of Christ.

They shouted for the execution of Christian martyrs, and busied themselves, as in the case of Polycarp, in keeping the burning wood close about the body of the expiring martyrs. When, within a few centuries, the physical monarchy at Tiberias had disappeared, the synagogues continued the mental enslavement of the Jewish communities. One people; one nation; a chosen people, destined to rule the world! Those Jews who would free themselves from the invisible iron chains that bound them to the nation, faced punishments too horrible to contemplate.


The Patriarch had the power of life and death over all Jews, and this power was later assumed by the synagogues. The scourging with forty stripes less one was a forceful argument in keeping a recalcitrant Jew in line. Perhaps, more dreadful than the scourgings, was the sentence of excommu- nication.

This sentence had three degrees, the most severe being the Shammata—the irrevocable sentence of civil death.

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No one dare mourn the outcast of Israel. His coffin was stoned and a heavy slab placed over his remains. There was no escape! Education was under the rigid control and guidance of the rabbis.

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As soon as a child could speak it learned to repeat basic religious axioms: the covenant with Abraham and hatred for the Gentiles. Between three and four years of age the child learned his letters.