Manual The Cause and Consequences of Rural Urban Migration: The Case of Wolatia Soddo Town, SNNPR Ethiopia

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The Cause and Consequences of Rural Urban Migration: The Case of Wolatia Soddo Town, SNNPR Ethiopia Kindle Edition.
Table of contents

Ethiopia has a mixed history of internal migration and population distribution. In previous decades, migration was shaped by political and economic transitions and instability. Over time, the share of the Ethiopian population that has migrated from outside their Woreda of current residence has increased from Most of this migration, surprisingly, is not rural-urban migration. About half of all migrants are rural to rural migrants, though the share of rural-rural migrants in the total number of migrants has gradually declined from 56 to 49 to 47 percent across the three population census years.

Rural to urban migration over the same period has risen from 1. While the total number of internal migrants in Ethiopia is growing, interesting changes are taking place in their composition. Rural out-migration is on the rise. Urban out-migration is declining, with urban-rural migration decreasing the most. Only The level of urbanization in the three most populous regional states, which account for From the available limited literature on the subject a few have attempted to study these aspects of urban-ward migration such as Shack in Addis Ababa, Bjeren in Shashemene, Kebede in Nazareth, Birru in Arbaminch etc.

Some of these studies are from the anthropological point of view and concentrated on Addis Ababa and the nearby towns. Although actual data is scanty, it is believed that Wolaita Soddo town received a large migrant population each year. Wolaita Soddo town faced a series of problems due to rapid population growth. Such high influx of population has its own effects on the areas of departure and destination on the regard of social, economic, environmental, cultural and political.

This indicates that the town experiencing a high number of in-migration mainly from Woalita Zone and nearby Zones. The researcher had very much familiar with research areas from his childhood. In connection to this, at the present time the town faced serious of problem within and around due to high population pressure.

For instance some of the main problems in the eyes of the researcher are environmental pollution, natural resources degradation , overcrowdings, social unrest theft, crime, and pick pocket , high living cost and poor urban amenities. In order to minimized rural urban migration different mechanisms from integral rural urban development to that of resettlement projects had been taken by different countries. However, the success of the mechanisms is under great question. Migration is an inevitable and irreversible process and integral part of development. Most of the policies and programs to halt the rural urban migration had not accomplished.

So, for the effective urban management and the formulation, adaptation and implementation efficient rural development policies the topic of the research has put it on crucial contributions. Such observation and the existing situation made the researcher inspired and to explore the situation and identify the causes, and consequences of rural urban migration to Wolaita Soddo town. So that, this study provides much information and then make recommendation on the cause and effects of rural urban migration towards the town and why people choose the town to relocate their residence either temporarily or permentally?

Etc will be some of the question will be raised by the researcher. And the research findings will be contributing its own part in the knowledge gap of the topic under discussion — the causes and consequences of rural urban migration. The general objective of the research is to assess the causes and consequences of rural urban migration to Wolaita Soddo town.

What are the major drivers to migrate from rural areas to Wolaita Soddo town?

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What are the socio —economic and socio demographic profile of the migrants? What are the problems the migrants faced during their arrival in the town? What are the consequences of in-migration particularly on housing, employment and social conditions and other facilities and amenities in the study area? According to INSTAAR , studying the migration of human give us knowledge of the development of human civilization , show us the pattern of human existences , help us understanding of complex economic system, and it might even give us a way to ensure the future survival of the human race.

In Ethiopia, different factors enforce the study of issues of migration and these enforcing factors become one of the significance of the study. First and most, Ethiopia is largely a rural and agrarian society. And the rate of urbanization is very low in relative to SSA- an average of 36 percent -, World Bank, , and only 17 percent of its population lives in urban areas.

Sociology Lecture # 9 Rural-Urban Migration - CSS-PMS-PCS -

Hence to understand the future population shift can speculate where will be the future hot spots to inform government where resources should be diverted to accommodate growing population. Second, in rural Ethiopia migration has been used as means to diversifications mechanisms. And also serve as a livelihood strategy, means to increases income and relived own food scarcity constraints.

Such information can serve as base to social protections programmers. Third, the lack of available land constrains productivity. Households expand over time, and yet allotment of land is fixed and continues to be divided between household members posing productivity constraints on generations to come. The rural out-migration of household members can alleviate the constraints on productivity posed by land scarcity. Dorosh, Getnet and et. The study is mainly concerned with the causes, and consequences of rural urban migration.

The findings of the study will serve as base for other planners, policy makers, and public administers and developmentalist in local and regional areas.

The Cause and Consequences of Rural Urban Migration: The Case of Wolatia Soddo Town, SNNPR Ethiopia

The overall consideration of the significance of the study will be summarized in the following statements. The topic of migration is an immense area of systematic investigation and needs an ample devotion of time and attention to acquire knowledge. So many scholars and academicians attempts to deal with the topic and forwarded their own contribution in varies school of thoughts. Some of the limitation of the study were : shortage of time, restricted geographical coverage, limitation of variables in extant, number or scope and exclusion of newly arrived migrants; those who live in the study town only for one year hence they may further leave the town or go back to the departure places.

The study has been geared to those migrants from Wolaita Zone and other surrounding zones and regions to Wolaita Soddo town. Movement of internal migrants includes rural to rural, rural to urban, urban to urban, as well as urban to rural flows. The migration duration can be both short and long term.

Siddisui ; United Nation - Kebele is the smallest administrative unit in Ethiopia. Movement of people within the country is termed as internal migration. Those who have resided in the area of enumeration continuously since birth are non-migrants. Those who, in the course of their lives, have lived elsewhere other than in the area of enumeration constitute the migrants.

ISPS Chapter 1 deals with introductory part, where an account of background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study and organization of the study is made.

Table of Contents

Chapter 2 covers the literature review part in which case both theoretical and empirical review is covered which is related to urban rural migration. Chapter 3 covers the methodology section, types and source of data, target population, data collection, Sampling design and procedures, and methods of data analysis. Chapter 4 and 5 provides with the result and associate discussions obtained from the questionnaire and FGD of the study area.

The causes and consequences of migration have been treated and examined by different discipline. Many scholars have forwarded theoretical and empirical thought on the issues of distinctiveness, factors and effects of migration on domestics and global level. Various theories , models and laws will be appraised within the realm of developing countries in general and Ethiopia in particular.

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  • The Cause and Consequences of Rural Urban Migration.
  • The Cause and Consequences of Rural Urban Migration: The Case of Wolatia Soddo Town, SNNPR Ethiopia.

Earnst Georg Ravenstein was painstaking as the beginners on discipline of migration, and developed the law of migration. His work becomes the foundation for the subsequent years in the modern study of migration. The law of migration of Earnest Georg Ravenstein has eleven components:.

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The majority of migrants go only a short distance, 2. Migration proceeds step by step, 3. Migrants going long distances generally go by preference to one of the great centers of commerce or industry, 4. Each current of migration produces a compensating counter current, 5. Females are more migratory than males within the Kingdom of their birth, but males more frequently venture beyond, 6. Most migrants are adults: families rarely migrate out of their county of birth, 7. Large towns grow more by migration than by natural increase, 8.

Migration increases in volume as industries and commerce develop and transport improve, 9. The major direction of migration is from the agricultural areas to the centers of industry and commerce, The major causes of migration are economic , The natives of towns are less migratory than those of rural areas. In wide ranging, even if the laws were formulated in context of 19th century Brittan, some laws were applicable but the others were not Barke and O'Hare, Ravenstein law of migration has been adopted and used by many scholars in the areas of migration and the causes and individual intention for migration related with economic factors, off-putting pressures of distances, and the feminization of migration has its own empirical gear in different migration literature.

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  2. The Cause and Consequences of Rural Urban Migration.
  3. ?
  5. The push pull notion directly implied with the reason of migration. A good examples in point are low productivity, land scarcity joblessness. For example, relatively high and consistence wage, job access and better provision of social and economic services Gmelch and Zenner, ; Broadly and Cunningham, According to Lee, one of the proponents of the theory of migration in s, there are four main factors in the act of migration: characteristics of the origins, characteristics of the destination, nature of intervening obstacles and nature of the people.