Manual Secrets Of The Depths

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This toy does not appear in the Toy Box until learned, and is also a part of the Treasures of Tiragarde Sound achievement, listed as "Secret of the Depths".
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According to Windham, this design was necessary because porcelain and steel have vastly differing expansion rates, so the copper was used for compensation purposes. Specimen 2 was not disassembled by Windham, but also presented a feature that could explain why the artifact had not been identified decades ago.

Specimen 2, though suffering from severe tarnish, came with a top nut screwed into its top hat. Almost all Champion spark plug advertisements of the first half of the twentieth century showed pictures of their spark plugs including the top nut already screwed into place. In some cases, the top nut comes in two forms, one of which closely mimics the tip of today's contemporary spark plugs, which have no threading whatsoever.

So it becomes rather easy to understand why the appearance of threads in the Coso Artifact seemed so puzzling to the original investigators. Spark plug collectors are quite familiar with spark plugs that have been found in unusual places. Collector Joe Cook recounted, "Once while scuba diving, a friend of mine made a rare discovery with his underwater metal detector. It looks like a ball of barnacles and shells, but has a spark plug top sticking out of it.

Apparently this plug has been under water for quite some time! He asked me if I still collected plugs. I said yes and then he asked me if I ever heard of a 'King Neptune' special. I said no and headed for the 'Master list' to look it up. When I couldn't find a 'King Neptune' special he began to laugh and handed me the barnacle covered plug and he said 'bet you don't have one like this. The formation of the iron oxide nodule likely was hastened by the fact that corrosive "mineral dust" is blown off of the dry lake bed of Lake Owen and onto the surrounding uplands where the artifact was discovered.

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Salts created by the evaporation of the lake water is regularly blown off of the lake bed by local windstorms. The U. Bill Bond, a spark plug museum curator was asked how much a s-era Champion spark plug would be worth in His answer was, "A couple o' bucks.

The authors of this paper asked Dr. Chittick why he felt the Coso Artifact was an object worthy of presentation to the public. Chittick was specifically asked how he reconciled a previous age estimate of , years with his young-earth creationist beliefs. On September 29, Chittick responded :. The article's speculation that it had taken at least , years to attain the present form is just that: speculation. Actual petrification of such objects proceeds normally quite rapidly, as is illustrated by several other similar formations.

See for instance, the note about the petrified miner's hat on the back cover of Creation Ex Nihilo Vol. See also an article about another "fossil" spark plug in Creation Ex Nihilo Vol. You asked what I thought about its age. My best guess is that it is probably early post-Flood.

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I have not yet been able to obtain sufficient documentation, so I don't say much publicly. However, there is evidence that they did in fact perhaps have internal combustion engines or even jet engines way back then. Chittick's revelation that he was already aware of "fossil" spark plugs was startling. Chittick was asked in a follow-up letter about how he can positively date the Coso Artifact to the Great Flood since he was already aware of contemporary spark plugs that appear to be fossilized.

In his response on October 23, , he commented :. It has not been my privilege to personally examine the Coso artifact or location and strata where it was found. There are two reasons I considered the artifact significant. Those who evaluated the strata said that it appeared to be old, not modern strata. Those two items are the principle basis for my conclusion that it was worth study.

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Certainly it does merit further study in my judgment. Numerous items like that abound, but I haven't been able to document them as thoroughly as I would like, and so I don't say too much about them. As noted earlier, the alleged strata where the Coso Artifact was found is unknown since all three discoverers had separately searched for geodes all morning before consolidating their collections in a single sack.

Even if the exact location was discovered, the artifact was an oxide nodule freely laying on the surface, so the strata where the item was discovered is irrelevant. Once the investigation revealed beyond a reasonable doubt the true origins of the artifact, Dr.

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Chittick was informed by Pierre Stromberg via postal mail. Chittick was warned about the publication of this paper, and was urged to issue a preemptive retraction as well as paste a disclaimer in his book detailing the Coso Artifact story as fallacious. Chittick never responded. However, following further objections to Chittick's continued reference to the artifact by others, by he had removed all references to the artifact from subsequent editions of his book and no longer mentioned it during his lectures.

Ken Clark of Spokane's Creation Outreach at first expressed interest in the new discoveries.

Treasures of Tiragarde Sound

But when he learned that the true identity was a s-era Champion spark plug and was offered detailed proof, he no longer communicated with the authors of this article. However Creation Outreach no longer promotes the artifact as of May 24, The Coso Artifact is a remarkable example of how creation "science" fails when the assumptions of its theory are implemented in a real life archaeological situation. Young-earth creationists commonly assume that almost all sedimentary layers were deposited during the Great Flood.

Therefore, any items closely associated with such strata must date back to the time of Noah. Perhaps the most surprising revelation is the stunningly poor research Dr.

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Chittick conducted regarding the artifact. Several times he referenced creationist articles that should have cast the original claims in extreme doubt. But somehow, he continued to be fascinated by the artifact. Anti-creationists familiar with Dr. Chittick will remember a previous incident with Dr. When confronted about his fallacious statements by Jim Lippard regarding Lucy's knee joint in the mid s, he ignored these warnings and continued to mislead his audiences until confronted in person by Pierre Stromberg at the conclusion of a lecture in Seattle.

It is possible that Dr. Chittick could be still promoting the Coso Artifact both in lectures and in his book without acknowledging any of his private conversations with the authors of this article. The Coso Artifact was indeed a remarkable device. It was a s-era Champion spark plug that likely powered a Ford Model T or Model A engine, modified to possibly serve mining operations in the Coso mountain range of California.

To suggest that it was a device belonging to an advanced ancient civilization of the past could be interpreted as true, but is an exaggeration of several thousand years. After the authors of this investigation released their findings, reaction among OOPARTS promoters was largely accepting of the conclusion. However, Joseph Robert Jochmans, one of the earliest creationists who was involved in the initial promotion of the artifact and allegedly the ghost writer for most of "Secrets of the Lost Races" registered strenuous objections to Stromberg's and Heinrich's conclusion.

He wrote: With this revelation, Stromberg and Heinrich triumphantly annnounced they had finally solved once and for all the enigma of the Coso Artifact's true relatively modern origins, and declared, "Case closed. End of story. However, there are still a number of nagging unanswered quesetions and literally "loose ends" about the object that need to be addressed further. On all the samples I inspected, the screw-threading terminals appear very small and very obscure and would not have shown up so prominently as they supposedly do on the X-ray pictures.

No where do we find a corresponding spring component featured on any modern plug, no matter what its age.