e-book Parting Thoughts of a 95 Year-old Optimist: A Nobody Aspiring to Be a Somebody

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Parting Thoughts of a 95 Year-old Optimist: A Nobody Aspiring to Be a Somebody A 94 Year-Old's Path to Living Longer and Better: It's all about being.
Table of contents

Wastelands, Gardens, Hopes and Visions. A Run of Good Seasons —59 and — Back Matter Pages About this book Introduction This book examines the deep connection Australians have with their climate to understand contemporary views on human-induced climate change.

Approximate Lewy Body Dementia Phases, Symptoms and Considerations

Southern Oscillation Index. Countries must reduce barriers to access and increase financing in primary care to ensure Universal Health in the Americas. Campaign encourages health workers and youth to have open conversations about HIV. Climate risks to health are growing but prioritized funding lacking to safeguard human health from climate change.

Putting the health of women and children first in the South American Chaco Since , PAHO has implemented a project that seeks to strengthen health services for , people in this territory shared by Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Carissa F. Tweets by pahowho. In the E. They said I had the flue and sent me home each time. Believe me I never would have done that had I known. The nurse should have told me and so should the doctor.

I have bee taken off of my medication — Vicodin- for chronic pain for three years. Many lawmakers and doctors might believe this suicidal ideation and impulse is due to withdrawal. This is not so. For three years I have been a prisoner in my own home. I no longer drive, and worst of all, I no longer take care of my family. Each load of laundry, every dirty dish, and every meal cooked is done by my aging husband, who already works full time as a general manager.

I used to enjoy going for a ride in the car with my husband, even if it was just a trip to the grocery store. Now, those two, dearest to me, see nothing but my life on the couch. I want to die.

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I wish I had the option of assisted suicide. I want my life back. Who are these people to make these decisions without thinking them through? I would venture to guess we all have.

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There is a substance in this world that can do wonders for the end to pain and the continuing of an active, productive life. I have so much to give to others. Even my smile can change the hearts of some people. I want to be out there. I want more activity than forcing myself to the bathroom and back to the dreaded couch. For the sake of humanity, do not interfere with the relationship between the patients and their doctors.

The worst three years of my life go on. Please let me know if there is anywhere in the world where I can pick up my life as an American and move away, just to get the opioid pain management I need.

Patient Profiling: Are You a Victim? | Pamela Wible MD

Perhaps your inexperience with having chronic pain personally leaves you with a lack of insight people with severe pain have. I tried everything under the sun before There was nothing left to try. Only lessening of pain to make it bearable, to give patients some quality of life. My pain was severe to the point where I suffered 3 strokes before I was 32, all attributed to untreated pain. But even before this brewhaha was even a factor, I was on a pain contract, mandatory urine screening etc.

How is that a fair assessment. I hope you or someone you love never have to experience chronic long term pain. If take it back, if never wish this on anyone. I guess you misunderstood me im going through the same thing they want to lower our meds or tell us to take extra dose of Tylenol im for people getting their pain meds including myself I had to go on disability because of this without my meds that did not get rid of pain but at least I could function.

Grossly misinformed person. Opiate pain meds are a lifesaver for countless sufferers. You aer just wrong. And cold-hearted obviously. I am deeply sorry for the lives lost and for the grief it causes. What you are doing is taking accountability for their actions not theirs to have. You are putting accountability on a pill.

And NO!!!! Look more closely at the patients pain and other ways to alleviate it. Especially a Pain Management Doctor. All he or she cares about is not losing their license to practice medicine. They are looking to street drugs more to give them some relief from their pain. They are struggling to keep a roof over their heads and lights, water, etc.

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At the paying of the bills and medicines for other ailments…. People such as yourself should really take a minute to think these things all the way through but…why would you…. Chronic pain sufferers should NOT have to suffer as they do. No Maureen…. To all of you Chronic pain sufferers….. I apologize…. You all have my Love and Prayers for a solution to your pain. Throw them in a car and make them travel…. It is true.

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For 10 years as a chronic pain patient, and now being over 50, my Dr. My mother, two sisters and a brother all died from being bedridden because of this disease. Now I am the lucky recipient and have been held at four. Now, I am told that is too much. I can barely walk now, me and my heating pad and recliner are best friends. Yet no one cares anymore.

I drive through a homeless camp of over people.

I now understand their situation. Why are people who abuse not looked at as having a problem unrelated? We are flooded with alcohol at the stores. The issue here is attorneys and judges and lawmakers enjoy drinking. Alcohol is responsible for as many deaths and much more abuse than being prescribed 4 of the least effective narcotics available.


It is sad to say, but I hope that the healthy people become chronic pain sufferers and are denied care. I pay taxes and now there is no reason to see a doctor because they will flat out refuse care. They would rather you bleed to death and die than offer help. I have decided that this will most likely be my fate. While the lawmaker comes home from a hard day at work and pours himself a heavy drink from his fully stocked liquor cabinet. I wish that someone would spearhead a March on Washington so to speak.

Protest and revolt! Contact all your representatives,state and local, sign petitions, etc. And press for a ban on alcohol so our lawmakers stop governing under the influence and comfort they enjoy. Remember what happened to Prohibition? You sound like a pompous, egotistical, narcissistic know it all.

You hit the nail on the head! Most chronic pain sufferers, including myself that manifest pain as a result of a disease, accident what have you, just want to ease pain as to not miss everything in life.