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word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but your right hand.
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Not long after significant outpourings of the Holy Spirit in revival in the early s, revival broke out in a number of German towns. One city was the city of Kassel, but it died very quickly because of opposition of the German Evangelical churches - the leaders in particular. The theologians critically analysed the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit, and the unusual manifestations in those revivals, and found them wanting.

By the way, Dr A. Schofield - that's not the Schofield Bible man, but he was a great scholar nevertheless - relating revival in India, this is what he said: 'As well expect a hurricane, an earthquake, or a flood, to leave nothing abnormal in its course, as to expect a true revival that is not accompanied by events quite out of our ordinary experience'. That's what happens in revival! If you want ordinary, don't pray for revival!

But in , back to Germany, in there were 56 Conservative evangelical German church leaders who issued a joint statement, a declaration, and it was called 'The Berlin Declaration'. In that they condemned the Pentecostal movement in its entirety, this is what they said: 'This so-called Pentecostal movement is not from above but from below; many of its phenomena can also be found in spiritism. Demons are at work here who, led by Satan's cunning, mix truth and lies in order to entice the children of God.

Not by Might Nor by Power or Abilities of Ours, But Only by God's Spirit

The personal faith and dedication of some leading brothers and sisters cannot deceive us, not even the healings, tongues, prophecies, etc. The movement brings forth powerful spiritual and physical manifestations, like falling, face twitching, trembling and shaking, screaming, ugly and loud laughing. Such phenomena are not worked by God'.

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Now one commentator, and you don't have to agree with this, and I don't know how it could be proved but it's a very interesting observation - he says: 'With these, and many more references, the German church refused her only weapon against the spirit of antichrist, the weapon of the anointing'. Five years later Germany was plunged, and indeed plunged most of the world, into a fiery cauldron called World War I - a conflict that consumed the cream of an entire generation of European manhood.

This commentator says, listen: 'The spiritual vacuum created by Germany's rejection of the Holy Spirit intensified in the economic and social devastation that followed the war, creating an opportunity for the spirit of antichrist to fill the gap. With the rise of the power of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party, that evil spirit engulfed the globe in the horror and unbelievable brutality of the Second World War - and as a result 55 million people around the world died'.

Now I don't think we can prove that, but it's worth pondering, isn't it? I did hear Derek Prince on a recording say that the Higher Criticism Movement in theology, that's the boys that cut the Bible to shreds and don't believe any of the miracles, and believe it is fables and so on - very prevalent in the late s, early s - it rose out of Germany.

Remember Germany was the land of Reformation, Germany was the land that got us the Bible back, Germany was the land that rediscovered justification by faith - but when she rejected the truth that was given to her, Derek Prince said, two of the greatest monsters that humanity has ever known rose out of Germany - Adolf Hitler and Karl Marx.

I believe it is true, even if we can't prove it regarding this particular anecdote, that any church that refuses the only weapon that God has given us to build the church, the Holy Spirit, the anointing, they will create a vacuum, a spiritual vacuum. You can have all the might, and you can have all the power, and all the theology, and all the scams and tricks that you like, all the programs and organisation and institutions - but into that vacuum will step the spirit of antichrist.

The spirit of antichrist is at work in our land this very evening, and the church is impotent to halt its advance - if we're honest. That's why we feel so frustrated, at times so angry. But listen: the only answer is power from on high, that is the only thing that will stem the tide. Do you know what we need in our land? A baptism of the Holy Spirit.

I was asked this week at another meeting - I mentioned how few people are getting saved today in our nation, and I was just making the point that: does that mean that God is different today, He's not the same? Of course it doesn't. What is the explanation for that?

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Well, there is a spiritual atmosphere change, there are problems and blockages. In the same regard, that's why we don't see God's power manifest the way we ought to.

I. Background Material

Is it because God isn't the same? No, of course it's not; it's because there is a change here, there is a change in the atmosphere, there are blockages and so on. Afterwards a gentleman came up to me, and he said: 'Do you think that one of those hindrances to blessing revival and outpouring might be years of bitterness and unforgiveness?

Your Viewing History

I said very quickly to him: 'Yes'. In fact, one of the biggest hindrances - this is what I said to him - is institutionalised offence. We have made an art form out of offence, and it's an offence to God. Now don't misunderstand me, I know there is deep hurt in our community, deep hurt; and we ought not to steamroll over that with any religious poppycock or sentiment and not be real.

But I will tell you this: our land needs healing, but healing will only come through forgiveness. I heard a politician on the radio this week, some of you may have heard him, and he mentioned around Remembrance Commemorations, he mentioned an atrocity that was committed in our land. He said these words, and it shocked me as I was driving the car and listening to the radio, he said: 'It ought never to be forgotten or forgiven'. Herein lies our problem. He is right, half right: it ought never to be forgotten - but forgiveness is not forgetting, that's a lie of the devil.

Forgiveness is not forgetting the past, forgiveness is healing the past. I believe that this is correct: do you see any society or community where you see division, sectarianism, racial hatred of any kind, do you know what the answer is? A baptism of the Holy Spirit, because the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a baptism of love. Do you know what Ulster needs? The four provinces of Ireland need a baptism of the Holy Spirit. If we're going to see revival in our day and generation it's 'By My Spirit', says the Lord.

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Do you know if you look across every civilisation in the world, and most major civilisations throughout history began around river basins - did you know that? Where there was water! In the natural, wherever rivers are, there life is - life blossoms, commerce expands, agriculture grows! This is what happens when God's Spirit is outpoured: there is life.

That's what Isaiah said in Isaiah 32 and verse 'Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is counted as a forest'. Let us pray. Now I want to just take a moment in the presence of God for you to search your own heart.

I'm sure that most of us would say: 'Well, I want to realise the fullest measure of the Spirit possible for me. I want to make sure I'm filled with the Holy Spirit, totally submerged and immersed in His power'. Maybe you're not, and that's not God's doing I can assure you. Maybe there are areas that you haven't surrendered to the Lord. What is true in a community level can be true for the individual, and maybe there is unforgiveness and bitterness in your heart towards a brother or sister, or a family member.

Maybe there is sectarianism and hatred in your heart. You need to bring that to the foot of the cross, and confess and repent of it. Maybe there are other sins that you need to be honest with God about. Maybe the consecration and surrender isn't there for you. Well, do your part, do your part. Bow your knee to the Lordship of Jesus, and renounce those sins and repent of them. He will give you the help if you repent and you be honest. But maybe you're a person that is, as far as you're aware, consecrated and surrendered, and you have been for years?

Not by might, but by My Spirit

But there is that lack of power and dynamism. Well, it's by faith that you receive everything from God: salvation, but the Spirit's filling. You come, believing the word, that He promised it; and you come and you ask Him upon the promise, and believe you have the things that you have asked of Him. You believe that you have received them, the Lord says, and you will have them - that's faith.

Maybe as well, God has spoken to you about the responsibilities that each of us have in the collective whole, as to how we have contributed to a vacuum in the Spirit's power.