PDF From the Smallest of Beginnings

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From the Smallest of Beginnings [A. P. Cruickshank] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Little did Stephen Thornycroft realise when he chose.
Table of contents

One good effort is followed by another; and when a man begins the day by rising early, even though with no other purpose in view, he will find that the silent early hour is conducive to clearness of mind and calmness of thought, and that his early morning walk is enabling him to become a consecutive thinker, and so to see life and its problems, as well as himself and his affairs, in a clearer light; and so in time he will rise early with the express purpose of preparing and harmonizing his mind to meet any and every difficulty with wisdom and calm strength.

Small Beginnings Quotes

There is, indeed, a spiritual influence in the early morning hour, a divine silence and an inexpressible repose, and he who, purposeful and strong, throws off the mantle of ease and climbs the hills to greet the morning sun will thereby climb no inconsiderable distance up the hills of blessedness and truth.

The right beginning of the day will be followed by cheerfulness at the morning meal, permeating the house-hold with a sunny influence; and the tasks and duties of the day will be undertaken in a strong and confident spirit, and the whole day will be well lived. Then there is a sense in which every day may be regarded as the beginning of a new life, in which one can think, act, and live newly, and in a wiser and better spirit.

Do not dwell upon the sins and mistakes of yesterday so exclusively as to have no energy and mind left for living rightly today, and do not think that the sins of yesterday can prevent you from living purely today. Begin today aright, and, aided by the accumulated experiences of all your past days, live it better than any of your previous days; but you cannot possibly live it better unless you begin it better.

The character of the whole day depends upon the way it is begun. Another beginning which is of great importance is the beginning of any particular and responsible undertaking. How does a man begin the building of a house? He first secures a plan of the proposed edifice and then proceeds to build according to the plan, scrupulously following it in every detail, beginning with the foundation.

Should he neglect the beginning - namely, the obtaining of a mathematical plan - his labor would be wasted, and his building, should it reach completion without tumbling to pieces, would be insecure and worthless. The same law holds good in any important work: the right beginning and first essential is a definite mental plan on which to build.

Nature will have no slipshod work, no slovenliness, and she annihilates confusion, or rather, confusion is in itself annihilation.

Order, definiteness, purpose eternally and universally prevail, and he who in his operations ignores these mathematical elements at once deprives himself of substantiality, completeness, success. Let a man start in business without having in his mind a perfectly formed plan to systematically pursue and he will be incoherent in his efforts and will fail in his business operations.

The laws which must be observed in the building of a house also operate in the building up of a business. A definite plan is followed by coherent effort; and coherent effort is followed by well-knit and orderly results - to wit, completeness, perfection, success, happiness.

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But not only mechanical and commercial enterprise - all undertakings, of whatsoever nature, come under this law. The author's book, the artist's picture, the orator's speech, the reformer's work, the inventor's machine, the general's campaign, are all carefully planned in the mind before the attempt to actualize them is commenced; and in accordance with the unity, solidarity, and perfection of the original mental plan will be the actual and ultimate success of the undertaking. Successful men, influential men, good men are those who, amongst other things, have learned the value and utilized the power which lies hidden in those obscure beginnings which the foolish man passes by as "insignificant.

But the most important beginning of all - that upon which affliction or blessedness inevitably depends, yet is most neglected and least understood - is the inception of thought in the hidden, but causal region of the mind. Your whole life is a series of effects having their cause in thought - in your own thought. All conduct is made and molded by thought; all deeds, good or bad, are thoughts made visible. A seed put into the ground is the beginning of a plant or tree; the seed germinates, the plant or tree comes forth into the light and evolves. A thought put into the mind is the beginning of a line of conduct: the thought first sends down its roots into the mind, and then pushes forth into the light in the forms of actions or conduct, which evolve into character and destiny.

Hateful, angry, envious, covetous, and impure thoughts are wrong beginnings, which lead to painful results. The tiny mustard seed has grown into a tree but it has yet to gather many more, under the shelter of its branches. Christ asks His followers to help Him bring all people into the safety of His Kingdom on earth, so that they be enabled to enjoy the happiness of His heavenly kingdom. Realizing what God and His Divine Son has done for us, would we be so ungrateful as to refuse to lend a helping hand?

God has put us on the right road; there is a special welcome for the least, the lost and the last. A habit of purposeful choices will matter.

Where Small Beginnings Lead - Melissa Camara Wilkins

The legacy of purposeful choices will matter. What if you claimed every one of the small words, small choices, small moments that came your way? What could you start today? What could it become tomorrow? Not enough to notice.

  • Know another quote from Prometheus?;
  • The Voice Within.
  • From the smallest beginnings come the greatest legends. - Lord Tolkien.
  • Right Beginnings.

Ready to make life simpler—on the inside? It starts with listening to your inner voice and getting comfortable with who you really are. Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content. Ev is the smallest person in our household, by a lot.