e-book Challenge Of The Arrowhead: Intervention of the Hawk

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Students are nominated by GCAW member coaches if they meet the following criteria: 1 A cumulative grade point average of at least 3. These four young ladies are student-athletes who serve as a great examples to others, proving that academic and athletic successes are not mutually exclusive.

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Lauren Reeg The GCAW was formed by high school golf coaches in to help build Wisconsin's reputation for developing quality junior players by promoting golf in our schools and communities. Besides honoring both boys and girls who succeed as student athletes, the association also selects an annual All-State team for boys and girls based on their playing ability. On March 1, a newly established award honoring the high school team with the highest cumulative GPA was also begun. Jessica Yost. Arrowhead High School. Honors Veterans. Last year, three teachers from the Arrowhead social studies department decided to honor veterans from AHS or the Hartland area with a showcase in the school hallway.

The eight foot tall, thirteen foot wide display will hold artifacts and photographs of over ten different veterans of past wars. Students looked on websites, searched army transcripts, and even looked through old yearbooks to confirm the identities of the soldiers. While Paul had small dreams of a case hung on the wall, the three immediately realized they needed more space.

That is when a small four foot by eight foot case turned into the current thirteen by eight case.

When Hawk-Eye challenges go wrong, starring Stan Wawrinka

Even so, there is still room to donate. Although there are still some veterans left to talk to, the case is slowly coming together. One part of the display is up, and the rest are on the way. This first wave of items is not the end to the exhibit. The case will be an open display for anything veterans want to share with the community. Starting in early November, students at AHS will have the opportunity to have their writing up in the case.

Interested students will prepare small write ups about a war being displayed or what Hartland was like at the time of the war. Students are proud of the display and how everything has materialized. The case provides them with direct access to things relating to the subjects they are studying. There will be a dinner honoring all Hartland area veterans and a guest on Saturday, December 8th.

The case will also be opened to the public on that day. Student Senate Recognitions.

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Recognizes Students and Staff. Please join us in congratulating the following students and teachers of the month for September and October:. Yet, despite its silliness, this issue actually has some pretty fascinating concepts behind its foolish facade. The basic idea is an old one, what would happen if the hero and villain exchanged lives.

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  • Seriously, why would this guy be let within a mile of a lab? Everything he builds tries to kill somebody! Anyway, this leaves Lex without a mother, but it leaves his father embittered and bat-guano insane to boot. Instead of blaming himself for forgetting the fact that Krypton occasionally has storms, Jor blames the real villain. Krypton itself. And Jor-El is not just your garden variety madman. I am become Jor-El, destroyer of worlds…. Meanwhile, on Earth the parents of Clark Kent are also quite different from the kindly farmers we remember.

    It drives them off the road, killing them.

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    However, they had already given their son to an underworld scientist named Dr. Apparently, these parents of the year were really concerned that their son should grow up to be a criminal himself…for some reason. Well, unspeakably goofy and unnecessary plot devices aside, the Dr. The mad scientist gives baldy a super suit and sets up a medical practice, using his advanced science to become very successful.

    Lex becomes Superboy, and when Clark saves his life from an assassin, they become friends in that identity as well.

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    Yet, the peace of these idyllic times is soon shattered by madness…and also plot. The insane Jor-El decides once again to blame an inanimate object for a misfortune and concludes that he must destroy Smallville in revenge for the attack upon his on. He invents a new doomsday device ohh, is it Tuesday already? At the same time, Superboy and Clark had gone flying when the adopted boy went into a trance as his evil implant began to do its work.

    Next, for some reason, we leap ten years into the future, where Lex Luthor is a reporter for the Daily Planet and Clark Kent is in a comma after a failed robbery. The aged Dr. Just then, the evil scientist, not to be confused with the mad scientist, dies of a heart attack, leaving Kent alone in his hideout with a plethora of super-scientific inventions and a sudden desire to kill Superman. The evil gene device is so goofy that it undermines another fun concept, which is the idea of a human Clark Kent with reason to hate the superhuman kryptonian. The issue manages to be readable and entertaining, but too silly to amount to anything.

    Keane Bonyun asks why, with so much of DC evolving, the Man of Steel is stuck in the past, a flat and uninteresting character in comparison with many of his fellows. The editor notes that a big change is coming for Superman himself, and in the meantime, he points out new directions in Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen , which is rather neat. Clearly even at the time people both within and without the company were aware that the times were changing and the genre was evolving..

    This book, on the other hand, is a fun read. Unfortunately, it reveals that the pointless Mr. Jupiter experiment is not yet over, but at least it gets the Titans back in action and back in costume. Perhaps the most compelling feature of the story is that it engages with the concept of Hawk and Dove in both frustrating and enjoyable ways. Skeates manages to make Dove both aggravating and likeable at different points, but the most important thing is that he delivers an action-packed and enjoyable adventure. We pick up where the previous issue left off, with Aqualad having been defeated by Ocean Master and his cronies and tied to a tree to die of dehydration.

    The silly one hour limit is mentioned again, unfortunately. I wonder when they got rid of that. Meanwhile, Hawk and Dove have slipped away from the team in order to pursue the investigation on their own. Sure enough, a band of thugs show up, and Hawk plans to disable them and let one escape so that they can trail him back to Orm. This brings me to a problem I had, not so much with the issue, but with the character.

    Hawk and Dove are a cool concept, and one that is definitely timely for the era of their creation. However, making proper use of them is rather tough. It just makes no sense for a sincere pacifist to be a superhero. The Dove who is a master of aikido , the martial art that turns an attack back upon an attacker, is a much more reasonable and useful character, after all.

    Aikido is used to protect the practitioner, but it also emphasizes protecting your opponent from injury, which fits as a pacifistic way to take an active part in a fight. Lifeline from G. JOE employed it for just such a purpose in the 80s comic. The result is still frustrating, making Dove seem like a coward rather than a man of principle. Well, back to the story, Dove finds the other Titans and brings them on the run as their attackers cart Hawk off.

    They make short work of the minions in a nice Cardy action scene, only to have Hawk dragged beneath the waves by Ocean Master!

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    Dove tries to intervene, only to be captured as well. The pair awaken in an underwater base, tied to a pole. The peaceful partner has managed to piece together the plot, and it seems to be related to one of our previous Aquaman stories. Remember the aliens who were in cahoots with Orm? The handsome gents from the last issue of Titans were a super strong warrior race that the original invaders recruited.

    The strange transformation that Sharon witnessed was a process that they use to walk among humans.

    After they compare notes, our heroes manage to escape from their foolproof prison by…standing up. Even the heroes seem to be surprised by how easy it is. Apparently Ocean Master is really not cut out for this world domination bit, as he tied the two brothers to a pole that had no top. Once free, they fight their way through the base until they run into Ocean Master himself, displaying good teamwork despite their differences.

    Just then, the Titans charge in, having used the tracker to find the base, and they clean up their extraterrestrial enemies with aplomb.