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Sometimes, even the most reliable employees could be absent from work without prior planning. Therefore, unplanned absences are something every.
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Before we go any further, ask yourself a question: Do you encourage unexcused time off by ignoring it? Be honest. You expect workers to miss a certain number of days each year in the form of vacation or personal time. Though this varies by industry, with healthcare and retail experiencing the highest rates of absenteeism, unscheduled time off disrupts the flow of any business. Calling in sick at the last minute impacts supervisors, employees who need to fill in and customers, too, if a thin staff stresses service resources or pushes deadlines.

  1. 4 Tips For Reducing Absenteeism in the Workplace – The Thriving Small Business;
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Ten minutes here and there adds up quickly, especially if you do nothing to correct this behavior. Ignoring repeat offenders also sends a negative message to your accountable superstars. Though they are your most reliable employees, they could become jaded over time if they constantly fill in for chronic abusers and wonder why there are no consequences.

If you want to reduce absenteeism, a good first step is to share with staff the impact it has on your business.

Unplanned Absence

Walk employees through the chain reaction that occurs when someone calls in unexpectedly. Explain how it affects morale and customer satisfaction, and reduces profits. Encourage dialog, ask for input and let them know you value their insight. A formal, fair and firm policy lets you establish attendance rules, share them with employees and enforce them consistently.

Make it perfectly clear that excessive abuse will not be tolerated. It is important to make sure employees have been made aware of company procedures for reporting planned and unplanned absences.

Understand the difference between excused and unexcused absences

Disciplinary action should be applied consistently to similar situations to ensure fairness and avoid discrimination claims. This will allow for contingency planning.

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The unplanned reporting procedure should be explained thoroughly to all employees, and they should receive a written copy of the procedure. It should be a mandatory procedure that will have severe consequences if it is not followed, such as the recording of a disciplinary offense. As part of the unplanned reporting procedure, a formal interview should be conducted by the manager and the employee when they return to work. The reasons for the unplanned absence have to be discussed, and their previous unplanned absences reviewed. The manager needs to establish whether any work situation caused the employee to suffer from stress or any kind of harassment.

A plan to reduce any unplanned absence in the future can be discussed and agreed. Interviews should be recorded. Some will say that this is a drain on management time, but it will provide useful insights into employee health problems and work related issues. It is important that absence records are analyzed for positive or negative trends. Any initiative to reduce absenteeism should be analyzed through these records to monitor how effective these initiatives are. The clearer that you are about what needs to be recorded by the absence management system, the better the reporting will be.

All absences must be recorded and separated into planned and unplanned.

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  • If it is an unplanned absence then a reason must be recorded. The system must be able to report on patterns of absence. Unplanned absences on a Monday are very common, and Friday absences can be an issue too. It is also important to record the cost of absenteeism. Any sick pay, overtime pay to cover absences or the employing of temporary staff should be recorded.

    4 Tips For Reducing Absenteeism in the Workplace

    Management needs to know whether absenteeism is trending upwards or downwards. The system must be able to report this. Managers should be able to obtain reports for their own teams for review. Any initiatives to reduce absences should have a financial impact. Implementation of these initiatives will carry a cost, and this needs to be justified by reducing the overall cost of absenteeism. The system should support this, and be able to provide cost reports to managers.

    There is little point analyzing employee absence records if appropriate follow up action is not taken. If an employee is having a lot of unplanned absences on a Monday, then the manager should inform the employee that their absences are being monitored.

    How to Create an Sickness Unplanned Absence Policy | e-days

    This alone should reduce the number of Monday absences. Long term absences need to be managed. A reasonable time frame needs to be agreed e. If an employee does not take their planned leave entitlement for the year then this needs to be investigated. Proper rest and relaxation is important, and employees should be reminded to schedule annual leave periods each year. Some employees will be taking a lot of planned leave to attend appointments with medical professionals.

    If this is excessive, then further investigation will be required through a discussion with the employee to see if there are any underlying medical problems. Management can take proactive measures to drive down the level of absenteeism in their organization. Ideas here include:.

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