PDF Acts Of Kindness

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Unique kindness ideas that you can do today. Ask your students to draw examples of random acts of kindness or illustrate what kindness means to them.
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Even easier and quicker than sending letters is texting. You could text someone just to tell them something you appreciate about him. I received a random text like this from a relative. It made me feel awesome.

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  • 103 Random Acts of Kindness – Ideas to Inspire Kindness.
  • Technocrime: Policing and Surveillance (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice).

Add them to the More Love Letters list, so they can get letters of encouragement. Join the bone marrow registry. Certain types of patients with blood cancers can survive only if doctors find a bone marrow match for a transplant. A friend of ours survived, because he found a match — his kids have their dad because of a bone marrow match. There are moms, dads and kids who can live if they find a match. How it works — you send in a swab from your mouth. Get info here.

Keep an extra umbrella at work, so you can lend it out when it rains. Plaza Cleaners in Portland, OR posted the above sign.

  1. 100 Acts of Kindness for Kids?
  2. Blessings of an Immortal.
  3. 50 Simple Acts of Kindness.
  4. 7 Random Acts of Kindness That Can Brighten Your Community Today;
  5. Random acts of kindness on Blue Monday.
  6. 50 Simple Acts of Kindness;
  7. When God Gets Bored?
  8. Rotation Records in Norristown, PA heard about an year old battling Cancer whose dream is to be a singer. They offered her an opportunity to have a recording session and red carpet party at their studios, which was a huge hit. They might not want to burden you with their problems. They just want us to listen. We underestimate how important and comforting it is to be listened to. Do something special that you know your significant other will appreciate — like when my wife surprised me with chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.

    These small acts of kindness matter. When you see something good, share it.


    Tim, a friend who teaches, said that when his students are doing really well he calls their parents. Tim teaches at an alternative school where parents usually receive calls from the school when their children are in trouble. Tim said he likes to make sure he also calls with good news. How great for the kids and their parents. Keep an eye out for the positive and share it with parents, spouses, friends and so on. These are simple and great random acts of kindness.

    Be sure to also share in a work setting. When you get great service tell the person who helped you. Then, tell a manager. Go to the corporate web site and submit an email. Write a positive online review of a business you like. It makes a difference. Be kind to yourself. I do this every night with a simple email to myself.

    When people are gossiping about someone, be the person to chime in with something nice. Encourage someone to pursue her dreams. And, help her achieve her goals. Jack Andraka wound up developing a cancer test times more sensitive and 26, times less expensive than existing tests. Donate your stuff. Instead of saving things in case you need them in 10 years, consider giving stuff to someone who needs it now. Some of these nonprofits will even pick up items at your house.


    Through Give Back Box you can pack up clothes, household items, games or other items you no longer need, and Give Back Box provides a prepaid shipping label so you can ship the items to Goodwill at no charge. This can be done from any state in the US. Goodwill is a nonprofit that provides job training and jobs. Some students from Spark the Wave were volunteering at a coat drive.

    In addition to giving out the coats, they put kind and encouraging notes inside the pockets. There were also kids who decorated the lids on cans of food they donated to a food pantry. The human touches in these random acts of kindness make a difference.

    20 Ways to Celebrate Random Acts Of Kindness Day

    Our neighbors noticed that we had a lot going on and could use a distraction. So our neighbors put this bag in our mailbox. A small act of kindness like a little gift at the time you need it can make a huge difference. Simple and appreciated! Give someone the benefit of the doubt. Everyone is important. Learn the names of your office security guard, the person at the front desk and other people you see every day. Greet them by name. These acts of kindness are so easy, and they almost always make people smile. This article is an inspiring read about the difference these gifts make.

    The end of the article has a list of links to places through which you can give gifts to kids who might not otherwise receive presents — Angel Tree Program, Toys for Tots, Operation Letters to Santa and One Simple Wish. Contribute a small sum of money to grant a wish of a foster youth. One Simple Wish has an online directory of requests that case workers submit for their foster youth.

    The wishes are often the simple things — money to go to prom, dance lessons, money to pay for being on the school cheerleading squad, to name a few. Follow up. My friend Mary received tremendous support when diagnosed with cancer. She said the support tapered down while she went through her lengthy treatment. Now, when someone she knows has Cancer, Mary finds reasons to send a note or reach out every few weeks.

    I recently heard the same thing from a friend who is going through a divorce. He said it felt like everyone forgot about him a few months later, even though it was still tough. Get an email address for your kids and send them memories, achievements, awards, etc.

    101 Best Random Acts of Kindness Ideas

    Give them the address at Check in with someone. Recently an acquaintance emailed to see how I was doing. I read about a family out to dinner with a special needs child. The people who care! What do you need done around your house? Post your odd jobs on Hire Patriots and give back to those who have given so much. Offer a ride. You can volunteer as a van driver for Disabled American Veterans. Support our troops by supporting families who have a member deployed. The families are often forgotten. Thank them for their sacrifices. Offer to help them around the house.

    Let them know you recognize their sacrifice and ask how you can help. When a friend makes a meal that you love, ask for the recipe. Teach someone. We can all teach something, and sometimes the small things make the biggest difference. Post positive notes. At the center where I teach, someone posted positive notes in unexpected places — like the one above, which was at the water cooler. Everyone loved the signs and it led to a barrage of thank you emails to the entire school, just so people could thank the anonymous sign hanger. Invite someone to dinner — especially at the holidays, when it is difficult for some people to be alone.

    Remind yourself that a positive mindset is a choice you can make. Make a helpful introduction.