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I now have two children and can easily make , When you set your mind to making a great life for yourself and your family you will do it yes education is important and I wish I had made other decisions , With that being said my past does not define my intellect my drive nor my capabilities to find financial freedom and be successful I just keep always wanting and giving more!! In my experience you just give the degree, though the first job I did also show them my transcript.

Focus appears to be more on work experience than GPA. I graduated with honors and have never put my GPA on my resume or been asked it in an interview. I find this fascinating. The GPA is more relevant for 30 and below imo. I should, because it is pretty good. But I always thought it was bragging…. Trust me when I say that a lot of employers will think the applicant is hiding something. The fields are totally unrelated. I think it depends on the job requirements, candidate experience and if the field of study is relevant.

I could care less about GPA if the person is well known in the field or has tons of experience in it. Gives hope for a lot of bad students out there looking for a job. How many have you interviewed and hired? As a high school graduate, I was valedictorian of my class with a 4. My parents had never went to college.

When I applied to school, it was mostly based on schools that received my SAT scores and followed up with advertisement.

A lot of those schools are private liberal arts colleges. I went to the one that cost the least in terms of loans. When I was in college, I studied math and chemistry. I did well in Chemistry until I got to the laboratory. Then I started blowing things up on accident and realized I had no career in it.

I continued with math. I had a knack for getting As in both. One day, I had a conversation with a classmate and my girlfriend at the time. To paraphrase, they said I was great at IR and could have a stellar career in it. So, it gave me an ego boost as well as an improved GPA:. I felt hesitant about the lower math GPA.

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So, I made the mistake of asking some of the college administrative staff about how important your major was. I think, in retrospect, that was horrible advice as I always liked the Math more than economics and politics. As I got deeper into the International Relations degree, I realized that it was all about arguing passionately for a specific viewpoint.

I had enjoyed reading up on history more than political discussion. After college, I tried to get a job, but no one would hire me. The only other valuable skill I had was dealing with spreadsheets. After getting my first spreadsheet job 9 interviews , I picked up a VBA manual on my bosses desk and read it through.

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I then ended up picking up more and more technology skills and ended up as a software engineer. I think in my case it was pure ignorance high school me. Sure, I could memorize books well, but I had no real connections. I had no experience getting a job. I had no clue how loans worked. My girlfriend on the other hand, ended up working for a top consulting firm after getting her masters in corporate finance! I think that can make a huge difference.

Now I assist in the hiring process and I still do not look at grades. We hire on mostly on references and personality. Working as a team is the most important issue for us. Just because you can obsorb and regurgitate the material does not mean you will be a hard working, loyal and reliable employee. If your GPA is 4. How many employees go to highly ranked schools and get high gpas in studies which have no real use in the real world. Does that mean mean that 4.

Or Focus on studies from H. S and college in high stress striving for 4. The one thing that is amazing to me is government jobs. She makes well over 6 figures for her job. She hired in at 75k. Her previous experience before getting hired? If you go in as a tech for example GS , however, you will be stuck there forever regardless of performance consecutive exemplary ratings here , schooling Bachelors 3.

Go in as a internship with scheduled grade increases for example GS07 to 09 to 11 to 12 increasing every year or so. That being said, i met a lot of good folks in civil service and a lot of bad ones. Overall, i grew professionally because i welcomed responsibility and i loved the soldiers and mission. I sincerely wish you the best of luck in landing a civil service position. If you get in, i hope you are promoted higher than i was. Granted, I used to see many people miserable doing this, but they were bringing in 6 figures as a mechanic, pipefitter or in some cases, even HS level line workers.

Finally, you can get a side job — like blogging! I loved watching the reality shows and discovery shows about those type of jobs. Yeah, those are good shows. Also, you can make big bucks building skycrapers on crains and being Luke Skywalker too! People have natural limits. Marrying for money always works. Furthermore, you can start your own business or work two jobs.

Join the federal government and rake it in after a while too! Your other options are exactly my point. I support Sam on this topic. Yes you CAN at any age. I did get a high GPA, but not in a major that anyone cares about English. I had no connections. I did not do any networking. I dont doubt it because i think anything is possible. Im majoring in finance with a minor in management and il have 1 yr of teller experience when i graduate.

If you dont mind i would like to know how you landed this job and what sector of finance Is it in? Measuring people by their GPA and academics is totally wrong, some young people have more wisdom than any college graduate and a better work ethic too. You guys are really boxing people in. There are also plenty of unskilled tradesman making great money. Preferable a trade that cannot be outsourced is a big plus. I often wish I had chosen plumbing over the machinist trade!

I have a particular publisher in mind. Trust me on this. I know many women who have tried and failed. After a year of building relationships with agents, publishers, authors… guess what? Help them, and they will eventually come around and help you. The one field that always seems to keep people employed besides medical is Accounting, so you are definitely right about that!

I would love to make k, but so far, nobody has come up with that kind of cash for me to blog and take care of my kids. However, when I was working in IT, I did ok.

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So in many cases, I am not sure IT is the fantastic career it once was. I am sure it is different if you work at Google and such, but for people starting their careers in programming, the competition is stiff not only between American workers, but with those abroad also. I think part of it is personality, as you mentioned. You have to be able to tolerate the good and the bad. Many people want the perfect job and are unhappy quite easily. If you have a good attitude and are willing to do just about anything, I think you will find success much easier than the guy that grumbles in his cube.

Nobody wants to work with or for a grouch who complains all the time! The kind of IT jobs that are being outsourced are generally lower skilled programming jobs. Actually the opposite seems to be true: This is especially true for startups looking for people with skills in mobile development. I graduated with a computer science degree 3 years ago and can attest to the fact that the risk of offshoring was overstated.

I had many job interview, even though I was job hunting at the height of the recession and my GPA was very mediocre. I have just recently gotten an offer from a competing firm with the result that I will have nearly doubled my salary in less than 3 years. You make an excellent point Forest! To be a kid again. When we are young, we aspire to do and be something.

Where does all that aspiration go? It goes out the window when kids mess around too much in school and have little options upon graduation. Might be good, but why not stick with the best? I find in engineering that personality is equally as important a factor as grades. Communication is important for sure! That said, how many people do you know who meet all of those traits? Median income is much lower where I live, but so are housing costs. Gasoline and taxes are higher, though. Is it possible if you work hard? Yes, I believe that it is. I was one of those students that did crap in HS, but eventually went on to get 3.

I am not a super-whiz student for sure, and if I had tried harder I probably could have done better, but it is possible to turn things around! I also like the point about optimism. I naturally have black thoughts all the time, so to counter that, I force myself to see the more optimistic path. These are great points. As the saying goes…The cream rises to the top. This is an interesting post. I did well in HS, but not fabulous in college, although I attained the bare minimum to get a honours business degree. She ended up scoring this very strange job of cleaning stores at the end of the day overnight and shining the floors with a machine.

She makes over 6-figures now, doing what she enjoys doing cleaning and making a good living from it. I think we create our own luck. I believe in this entirely. And suuuure nothing about the post is meant to be controversial. That statement is like a microcosm for your posts!

Innocently offering something controversial as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Definitely makes for fun reading. Given the choice between someone who got a 4. Even for a job irrelevant to both disciplines. The math student had a tougher workload and almost certainly knows how to attack a problem better. And it sickens me to point this out, but you did leave one crucial criterion off your list of basic necessities: I donno man… 3. To your first point: To your second point: I have no connections whatsoever.

It was to follow your passion for graphic art! Following my passion was definitely the wrong thing to do. I wish someone would have told me thatthe first time around. Thanks for the good wishes. I only wish I had done this sooner, rather than holding out and trying to find Graphic Design work. But let me ask you this. When you were …. I make over k as a graphic designer.

Sticking with something your passionate about while making sure to follow trends and the direction of the design market is all it takes. I respectfully challenge your assertion that your graphic design degree mean absolutely nothing in terms of achieving a large income. They just made a conscious choice to go after high-paying gigs in high-paying industries entertainment, biotech, well-financed startups. Think of it this way: AND most of those big pharma companies are laying off their designers right and left, which means a wide-open market for freelancers.

My only point is that in some industries such as graphic design , it IS nearly impossible to make good money IF you work for someone else. But if you really like what you do, you will find a lucrative market. Fourteen years ago I quit my day job to become an executive presentation skills coach. Everyone thought I was nuts. Why did I focus only on executives, when there is a much greater demand and a larger market for presentation skills among sales people?

Is it easier to make a six-fig income in some of the industries mentioned? I firmly believe you will never get rich working for someone else. Being your own boss, where what you make will usually although not always equate to how hard you work, seems a slightly more reliable path to financial security. Thanks for your thoughts and good rebuttal. You can certainly get rich that way too, and that is also following the money occupation. I think that you also need the right breaks to break the six figure mark.

But, if you did the things I suggested above.. Might be later, but sooner or later you will. I actually make 6 figures and I was a B student at college. There are people who will never make K because their talents are not rewarded by money in our society you will have a hard time finding a firefighter or police officer making 6 figures while all doctors will make it.

Which is why you have breached the K mark! Making 6 figures after one or 2 years out of college is almost impossible in the financial industry in Montreal mind you, jobs are very limited in this field, we are not in NY ;-. You are right, we always want more. However, I think there is something else; it becomes easier once you breach that psychological mark. Curious to know what income level is that in Canada where taxes go up a disproportionate amount? But, there is no province or state tax to add right? Can you guys deduct your mortgage interest or anything, and is there a socialistic income limit to be able to do so?

It depends a lot on specialty of practice. I married a physician who specialized in family medicine, which is primary care. Her prospects upon leaving residency are more between the kk range. I know one family medicine physician who started his own clinic, grew it, hired other health care providers, and makes about k. She wants quality time at home as well. Surgeons probably earn the most, and I know getting into an anesthesiology residency is highly competitive.

Anyway, to sum up my point in a brief way too late! The more entrepreneurial you are, like everything, the more you can make.


You can be a doctor entrepreneur, or just a doctor. The oil province is a little more lenient in this regard since they have oil money to compensate. In fact, in Canada we practice wealth redistribution on a provincial scale, and the rich provinces must contribute in order to support the poorer ones. No, we cannot deduct our mortgage interest at any income level.

In Canada, we do not give a big FU to renters. In fact, in some ways, we give the FU to property owners, instead rent controls, tenant rights laws, property tax rebates for low-income renters, etc…. Financial utopia to renters? I think there are two basic ways to get to K. First is to plan a career that offers jobs that pay K as FS talks about above. The second is to follow a passion that can lead to K due to your skill or making a good business out of the passion.

So, the passion job is not typically a K job — but you find a way or you follow it to a direction that leads to that income. A lot of people LOVE their jobs, which is why they are so successful in the first place! Even if you have no interest in those professions, the idea of maximizing your career and income is important. If possible, take advantage of opportunities and make some if necessary.

If someone wants to make money and teach, well then there are just so many opportunities out there for one to grab! If you are going to work for someone else ie a company , I think you left out one the most lucrative careers to make kk plus: And if I go to one of the top business schools, not that I am older, my salary will now just pay back my expenses. Not the end of the world to get bored going shopping! You can always blog as you do on the side even if you married into millions!

I agree but I think that it far more probable that the average A student would outearn the average C student over a lifetime. It is sad that our perspectives change so quickly. Entrepreneurship is definitely a great way, or a really bad way. But, to do both, have a steady job and something on the side would be great. I too regret that effectively a large chunk of what we earn goes to the government, but is there an alternative solution to how the country could be run?

Help me understand the last comment on making 9. I agree that it is totally achievable, but I am not sure I understood the context of the entire statement? Was waking up from a hangover. I do believe that those five basic necessities you had pointed out are needed by anyone for any endeavor they may want and be successful. Personally I am very happy at my current income of k. Let me explain why. My base salary is 64k but I receive a monthly stipend from my employers of about k-4K it fluctuates. This stipend is non taxable so I only pay taxes on the 64k and the rest is a straight deposit to my account.

Having said that, they might be something people want to do. I believe in doing what you love; money is not enough! The people that get paid the most are the ones that take ownership of problems, demonstrate leadership, and show their employers they are people who can be entrusted with the most difficult and sensitive tasks. I agree with that completely. Unis are turning them out like hotcakes, because there are just Too.

Think really hard about going to college? No, I will never advocate that if someone has a chance to go. It is what you do with your time that matters the most. And to add, You are enjoying your cup of joe post hangover morning raking in money talking to these people. Trying to sell them on your own personal ideas…. While Google and everyone else hand you money for marketing….. Its making you money by the second.

When, reality here, these people are looking to forward their progress in life. They are in need of help. And you are making money on it. That, my friend, does not even take a high school diploma to do. So, anyone looking to truly progress in life, monetarily or just for basic want of progression in life, which most of us under the k range deal with on a daily. This is not the place for you. Unless you are looking outside of the box and taking notes on his blog set up and advertisements.

And to then still struggle. With hospital bills from the labor you work so hard just to hardly make it by, actually to not quite hardly make it by, because of those those dr bills we have to pay for our children and ourselves from physically working so hard to just survive. We are inflated with humans that hardly get the chance to a good upbringing let alone a good school system. Maybe you could actually help us and write a blog on how we unfortunate, 4. These are the people that need financial help.

Its the majority of America….. Help us and we will help you. You have the knowledge, take it to a lower level and help the less fortunate. As I read further to post this, I saw a next post about marrying for money. I know it happens. After a 7 year extremely abusive marriage, which ended in debt over my head and my children still get to see this abuser and still has more time than should be allowed, due to a horrid system, with his perfect on paper persona, Works for the DOD, contractor, writing programs and coding for them, white collar perfect portrayal of family, to only be a devil in his own home behind closed doors…..

The need for people with your knowledge to help us majority, could really help our country as a whole. Please take into consideration not just monetary value of your life, but what you can do to help us in need. I am now 41, a single mom of two girls, was able to leave a highly abusive marriage alive, working my ass off to make ends meet and it is never ending…. I guarantee the majority of us are the hardest working Americans in the country. The older I get, the less a chance I have of marrying up. I think the key to making lots of money is testing a business model in a small scale and if it works, then multiply that business model ten folds then 20, 30 and etc..

And to test it on a small scale while you are working with a steady paycheck. Love this article and the suggestions. I recommend learning from life masters and mentors in addition to the suggestions. Sometimes who you know is more important than what you know. I personally favor Tony Robbins as he is extremely practical. I also feel his teachings are especially important in this New Economy.

However I have several friends who work as social media technologist monetize YouTube videos, twitter relationships etc. Also I work as an IT Business Analyst for a large consulting firm and make over 6 figures… My boss last year made over k with bonus for a midsize software development firm in retail. There is so much money to be made out there — BUT a lot of the old jobs are gone.

That is a legit job that was created during the recession. You have to find what the market is paying for these days — the money is out there. Thanks for the heads up. I will agree the one thing they have is work ethic. I only have an AA degree nothing to brag about though I always earned As. I decided to get married at 19 I know, right?!

I sell around properties a year. I guess the grades that we got when we are in high school or college should not only be the basis of what we will be in the future. Get good grades, go to a top school, get hired by a prestigious company in IT, finance or become a doctor, lawyer, engineer. Actually, you can become an entrepreneur, buy a franchise, write and sell a screen play to a hit movie, write a best seller, or offer specialized personal services to rich people chef, trainer. The sex trade makes billions.

Interesting article and dialogue. I went to a lower end UC, and graduated in Political Science, a major which doesnt pay right away. I instead got into direct sales for a cable company and made k my first year out of college by selling cable door to door. I made even more the second year. Been there for fooir years now — earning kk but dont see it going mucb higher. Not sure what to do to hit that next level. Toying with the idea of going ack for my MBA to take that next leap of faith but its hard to leave my income and incure a k debt for a goood business school.

I agree, being motivated, working hard, being positive, not being a hard partier- but a hRd worker has helped me reach that sox figure mark. Thanks for the article. There are many brain surgeons and such out there that should not be tampering with peoples oblangatas for obvious reasons.

Furthermore, all of the business driven political asswipes in this country is exactly why we are kinda the laughing stock right now. Our beautiful reputation has been shot to hell by citizens who run their mouths for large amounts of money for a living. When the power of love is greater than the love of power, then the world will be a better place.

I hate a half ass! The day, or days, you decide to be lazy, there is someone out there who is pushing, who is going the extra mile, and who might get that dream job you wanted because they put in the extra effort. If you are looking at college, I can say that everyone I know that got a degree in biomedical engineering landed high paying, travel the world jobs right out of college. Hello, I am a Sophomore in college at Humboldt state majoring in Biology currently and I am only doing that because I wanted to be a vet but now I have changed my mind but people around be are saying to stick with biology.

I have heard of the idea applying to the top companies but I am interested in what field i should be majoring in. So my question to you is what major would be good to do to apply for the top companies? I recommend you do what you like and get the best grades possible so you have options when you graduate. Do not mess around because this is the beginning of your life. I attended a private career college as a mature student then climbed the ladder rather quickly.

Although, I love the industry I work in I am very interested in earning a 6 figure salary. I guess you just have to jump up an do it, eh? Power back to the people! Hey I am a 14 year old boy and I am already thinking about my future. Any advice for me? To make 6 figures plus a year? Once you have great grades, doors open from the best universities. Take a summer to learn and get experience! A lot of it is a function of time. Not to knock school, but I have to seriously disagree with this article.

This is the same nonsense that has been brainwashing civilians to be perfect little 9 to 5 slaves for centuries. Listen, if you want to make real money, learn the tax code, learn about the 3 different types of income Earned, Portfolio, and Passive and how each differs in regards to taxes. Learn how to make your money work for you and not work for money. Academic education will only improve your scholastic knowledge.

Now leveraging the knowledge not necessary for a job but a venture that fills a requirement will benefit you to the max. Learning how to leverage money and assets will make you wealthier beyond your imagination. Can you share with us what gave you the courage to skip college? And how did you come up with your business idea and get started? I left corporate America after 13 years to focus on my online business full time. I enjoyed the experience, especially since it was cheap or free government paid.

You mentioned you got your MBA for cheap or free—have you already written a post on it? Can I ask how you did it? My firm had a tuition reimbursement program, so step one is to ask what benefits your firm offers. My posts on MBA are: Now, most people think that working in the oil industry is dangerous, dirty, smelly, gross etc.

Sounds like you need to go back to high school. Lack of punctuation, capitalization, apostrophes, btw? Best of luck to you. Sure he was disagreeing, but how was he being rude? You come across as mean, reactionary and elitist. With that logic, no preschooler should ever read anything, ever. Had you considered that maybe he was replying using a mobile device? Not every device comes ready to add contractions to words, and for the sake of quickly getting your point across, you just roll with it.

Learn to read for meaning and you will be more successful at criticizing others. If you criticize only the superficial, you will be seen as superficial and lose every time. BTW see what I did there? Questioning his intelligence because of his punctuation only calls into question your own. Eleven-year-old ukulele whizz kid stuns onlookers in Five squirrels are rescued after getting into 'Gordian Making a fuel of drivers!

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Simon Cowell's son Eric, four, steals the show as he sweetly introduces himself to Louis Tomlinson and they high five Gabby Allen kisses Rak-Su star Myles Stephenson and calls him her 'baby' as X-Factor star celebrates his birthday Christine Lampard showcases her baby bump in Breton striped top as she enjoys a stroll with her dog Minnie And who is Vicky Budd's new mystery man? Ruby Rose and 13 Reasons Why star Ross Butler flirt on Instagram after she shares friendly snap of the duo posing together Olivia Newton-John dazzles Melbourne crowds at charity walk to raise funds for her cancer research centre A look at Australia's From microwaving lipsticks to using alcohol to mend cracked powders: Simple tips and tricks to make your Alexis Bledel suffers a rare fashion fail in a highlighter-colored horror as she leads the Taking red carpet PDA to a whole new level!

Today co-anchors Hoda Kotb and Savannah Guthrie hug and hold Fans rally behind Khloe Kardashian after racist trolls She's committing to a character AND a cause! Mother with a rare skin condition that left a white streak in her hair says she is called Cruella de Vil Waiters reveal the most awful and annoying Before Millo took off, he was a freelance graphic and web designer.

I asked Preston to share with me, how he used to find his best freelance clients. It always required much less convincing up-front and had a level of trust built-in. The day he quit his agency job, he started looking for other opportunities, but he received 3 or 4 calls from agency clients wanting to work with him wherever he landed next. My focus has always been making my clients so happy and successful that they become my sales force.

During his time as a freelancer before launching DesignCuts , Tom was a jack of many trades. I got a lot of traction from becoming well known within certain niche circles. Make a name for yourself in smaller communities and build your reputation in a niche first. A graphic designer by trade, Bianca quickly transitioned into offering website design because of frequent requests from existing clients. Bianca regularly acquires new customers through her content marketing efforts.

How has become such a successful freelance writer? By focusing on niches. That authority Michelle has built, consistently brings her new opportunities for paid writing, content strategy consulting for other business owners, and more. For the past couple of years, Brandon has been offering SEO, online reputation management, content marketing, and conversion rate optimization services to clients from his home base in South Florida.

Crucial to his success and authority in the industry, has been getting featured on sites like Moz, Search Engine Journal, and others.