Technological Innovation in Retail Finance: International Historical Perspectives (Routledge Interna

Technological Innovation in Retail Finance: International Historical Perspectives New York: Routledge, In this environment, academic interest in the internal structures of banks has increased and analysis of the largely incremental and adaptive in nature, for the most part a long term perspective is taken here.
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Next Big Thing - Beacons: What they'll do for retail

Strategic alliances and competitive edge: How the future shaped the past: Technological innovation in retail finance: Competitive collaboration and market contestability: Information technology innovations and commercial banking: The origins of the cashless society: It offers a massive research base reflecting not only breadth of contributor interests, but also a unity of purpose that comes from several workshops and comments on each other's work.

Technological innovation had a major role in the shaping and developing of administrative procedures, routines, and capabilities in organizations offering retail financial services. It shows when and how technological change altered the competitive intensity in the markets for retail finance.

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In Digital We Trust: From Prehistory to the History of Computers in Banking: What Did This Building Do? Technical and Organizational Change in Swedish Banking, An Innovative Dutch Bank, Socio-Historical Aspects of Digitalization.

Technological Innovation in Retail Finance

The Digitalization of the London Stock Exchange, Historicizing Consumer Credit Risk Calculations: However, a general pattern emerges in the largely hard-headed and realistic approach adopted by the managers who were responsible for the acquisition and productive use of new machines and applications; often the technology led to the adaptation of existing methods rather than the adoption of completely new managerial practices.

As the twentieth century saw a sequence of technological innovations, which were largely incremental and adaptive in nature, for the most part a long term perspective is taken here. This recognizes the initial adoption of mechanical aids in the banking parlor for example, the typewriter and telephone , then the employment of data recording instruments adding machines which was followed by increasingly complex data recording and processing machines accounting machines, first powered manually and then by electricity.

First, though, a note of caution. There was a major characteristic of retail finance, one that is really important in the first half of the twentieth century, the pre-mainframe era, which might not immediately strike readers who are more accustomed to the banking system of the United States which should have been more emphatically indicated here.

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Once recognized, this fundamental distinction explains a great deal about the different rates and patterns of technological adoption and diffusion experienced across retail banking systems in different countries. Different technologies could be used for different purposes but similar technology could also be adopted in other environments to do different tasks. And, of course, there was some path dependency within systems that, for example, linked the adoption of mainframe computer systems after to the prior implementation of pre-World War II bank mechanization.

Here it is interesting to note, at least in the British setting, that the staff associated with computerization do not appear to have learned as much as one might have expected from the experiences of their predecessors, the generation of then recently retired senior bank managers, who it might be argued had been more successful in the interwar years in introducing new technology.

International Historical Perspectives

The evidence suggests that these pioneers appear to have a much clearer understanding of one the themes of this book: These themes appear prominently in chapters here that provide national case-studies. Both had shared an initial commitment to Raiffeisen principles, one of which stipulated unsalaried management that made them very different from contemporary Anglo-Saxon co-operative enterprises, and faced challenges with respect to this defining characteristic caused by the technological and organizational changes narrated here. In both stories political factors are demonstrated to be significant though different in character.

This was far removed from the British experience. There, after over one hundred and seventy-five years of relative success in providing deposit facilities for inhabitants of their respective neighborhoods, and especially to the comparatively poor, the British state in the s herded together seventy-five semi-autonomous Trustee Savings Banks into a single entity, the Trustee Savings Bank TSB that was subsequently floated on the London Stock Exchange in First, after the Radcliffe Committee Report of , the Conservative administration saw in a Giro system a handy tool to nudge the commercial banks such that they became more responsive to the needs of the economy and more willing to address the shortcomings of their business behavior.

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