PDF 100 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life: Simple Tips and Tricks to Spice Things Up

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Ways to Improve Your Sex Life: Simple Tips and Tricks to Spice Things Up fingertips are dozens of different ideas on how to turn up the heat in (and out these hundred simple tips will certainly keep things interesting.
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You see each other most days, you eat together, sleep literally together, the air of excitement, mystery and desire is no longer as strong as it was — and you some of us don't know how to fix it.

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However, you'll be glad to known that reigniting that spark, and combatting the dreaded Coolidge effect, is completely possible, and it can be achieved through just a few simple techniques, steps and a whole range of sexy and exciting products. The problem is that, in our society, many people feel shy and awkward about addressing issues relating to our sex life and often imagine that they are the only ones with a problem.

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Spicing up your sex life is easier said than done, and talk of sex can often leave you or your partner feeling vulnerable, exposed and awkward. Because of this, it's ground that needs to be trod with the upmost care. Spicing up your sex life doesn't need to involve making huge or dramatic changes, and as Kate explains, they can often feel quite daunting.

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Experimenting aside, just committing to upping the amount of sex your having can also help to improve your sex life, and Dr Becky believes that this can often be just what's needed to get you both going again. Once the contract is signed and sealed, look at experimenting with things you've never done together before, or involve your partner in something sexy you might do alone.

Along with being proactive, trying new things and working together to get out of your rut, it is important to be reactive, and look at elements of your life that may be affecting your libido or desire to have sex with your partner. Surprisingly, removing sex from the equation all together can also help strengthen your relationship, rebuilding desire and taking the pressure off an otherwise highly pressured situation.

Sex toys are a great way for couples to spice up their sex lives, and a plethora of products exist from discreet vibrators through to orgasm-enhancing gels. Lubricant is always a useful and simple way of couples being able to play with sensations and can completely change a sexual experience.

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Without a doubt sex is one of the most important things in any romantic relationship , keeping alive you and your partners romantic bond and creating unrivalled feelings of intimacy. With any luck, these helpful tips and exciting products should help get your sex life back on track Type keyword s to search. How would you and your partner interact? Then create a plan of how you might get from point A your current reality to point B that perfect day.

Write it down if you need to, then start breaking the issues into bite-size pieces and tackling them one at a time. Money is one of the biggest stressors in a marriage. Many couples worry and argue about it constantly. If you find that you and your spouse are starting to badger each other over money , it's time to address it. Separate it? Create a joint account and keep some separate? Whatever the decision, both people have to be part of the decision to do it and then figure out what needs to be done to keep the system humming.

When you need to ask your partner for something that could be misconstrued as nagging, keep the request at three sentences — max.

2. Explore His Fantasies (And Yours Too!)

It's also a lot more likely that you'll get your point across without losing your spouse's attention. Make your request with a smile.

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Be sincere and encouraging. You might even rest your hand on his thigh as you say, "Honey, the house is a mess and I am exhausted.

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Don't duke it out. Instead, consider taking a time-out. And when we think we are losing, we fight like there is no tomorrow to try to win," Anderson says. If either person thinks he or she is losing, he or she will ratchet up the stakes and escalate the issue," she continues. The next time you see a spousal spat going to a not-so-happy place , take a break and revisit the subject when neither one of you feels overwhelmed by the topic.

By "do it" we mean have sex. Intimacy is an important part of a romantic relationship, and one of the first areas to suffer if feelings are floundering. But sex can also be one of the quickest ways to reconnect and rekindle with your partner. It's time to set some bad memories on fire. Sometimes hanging on to those "Do you remember the time you did such and such? Instead of carrying grudges around forever, torch them. Then set a timer for a certain amount of time.

It might be 10 minutes. It might be It might be the whole day. The point is: Give yourself as long as you need to really wallow in the misery of these grudges. Savor them. Get angry about them. Mutter about them. Do whatever you need to do to get sick and tired of them," says Bowman. These grudges have lost their usefulness.

Overconfidence can lead to complacency, which is not good for any relationship. According to Anderson, in a survey published in the Law and Human Behavior , couples who had recently applied for a marriage license were asked to estimate the average rate of divorce.

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Almost uniformly, they accurately predicted about 50 percent. Then they were asked to estimate the chances that they would get divorced. They answered zero percent. The problem with this statistic is that, if there is no perceived risk of failure, no "work" is put into maintaining the relationship — until it's suddenly faltering. Don't let yourself gloss over the little things. Don't forget to make an effort to keep your romance alive. Don't find yourself in a situation where you realize that you could have done more… when it's already too late.

This one isn't as macabre as it sounds.