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You at Work: Dealing with Setbacks - Kindle edition by Harvard Business Review​. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.
Table of contents

Dealing with setbacks while job hunting

If you are employed, you may be dealing with difficult circumstances, colleagues or managers, your job may not be meeting your expectations, or you may have missed out on a well-deserved promotion or recognition. Resilient people respond to these circumstances by using their adaptability, creativity and problem-solving skills. They can do this because they are prepared to learn, take calculated risks, believe in themselves, and follow their hearts.

What skills would you like to use? Where would you like to work? The next step is to create an action plan to help you develop your career in manageable steps. Career Connect conducts regular workshops and information sessions designed to help you with crafting a career plan, enhancing your employability skills and fostering resilience when encountering obstacles.

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All services are free and can be arranged through Career Gateway. Reserve your place now. You could participate in professional association conferences and other development events or you could do a short course, a free online course e.

Fast Company

Expand your network and learn more about how to get involved with Monash Alumni. Seeking feedback is a good way to learn and it can help you improve the quality of your application documents, career goals and associated strategies. Acting in haste may lead you to choices you soon regret, so resist the temptation to immediately send that blunt email or turn in your resignation.

Change your mindset. Setbacks are actually progress in disguise. In fact, you can likely connect a lot of your success and confidence to the growth that came from your most challenging experiences. Of course, hindsight makes those setbacks seem inconsequential — but they likely felt a lot heavier at the time.

Remind yourself that the aftermath is temporary and will lead to valuable outcomes. Connect with others.

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You need support. But not from just anyone. You need to surround yourself with people who are objective, positive and focused on solutions, not problems. Seek out the can-do people in your network. Confide in them, and enlist them to help you overcome your obstacle.

Devise a plan that will minimize the impact of the setback and get you back into the fast lane after your temporary breakdown.

Staying on Track: Recovering from Setbacks | Strayer University

This step can also involve others. Seek feedback and advice from trusted colleagues and mentors for ways to get moving again. Look at resources on the web and pose questions to relevant LinkedIn groups. Get the information you need and put together a plan. This step will energize you.

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It helps wash away the negative emotions associated with the setback and gives you something positive on which to focus. True learning is devoid of judging or blaming. Ask yourself what you gained and how you can prevent the problem from happening again.

Some of my executive coaching clients keep a learning journal where they record everything they have taken away from the small and large challenges they encounter on a daily basis. Valuable tools like these remind you of the temporary nature of setbacks — and your perpetual ability to push through them. I'm also the bestselling author of the defini. Share to facebook Share to twitter Share to linkedin.