Guide Women Overpowered by Compulsive Gambling

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Women Overpowered by Compulsive Gambling [Rosemary A. Cunliffe North] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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This may display itself through behaviors such as continuously chasing bets, depleted savings, growing debt, fraud, and theft. What makes gambling addiction more problematic is its growing accessibility to the public. Through the use of smart phones, tablets, and other devices, placing a bet is as easy as pressing a button. It is easier to hide problematic gambling behavior through these devices, making it harder for loved ones to recognize there is a problem before it is too late.

Gambling addiction can destroy lives, but there are risk factors and symptoms that can help identify the problem, while proper treatment can effectively help addicts regain control of their lives. Click here to learn more about our individualized addiction treatment program. The causes of gambling addiction are relatively unknown, but like many problems, it appears to originate as a result of a combination of biological, genetic, and environmental factors.

Compulsive gambling can impact both men and women equally, and knows no bounds as far as social, cultural, and socioeconomic factors are concerned. Although many people will gamble at least once in their lives, many will not develop an addiction to the behavior.

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There are several risk factors that may put an individual at a higher risk for addiction. These include:. Behavior and mood disorders: People who compulsively gamble often also struggle with another behavior or mood disorder. Upcoming SlideShare. Like this presentation?

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Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Be the first to like this. You can search the whole of the bible and never find a verse that mentions the word, Gamble. So why are we in this space talking about Gambling? The loved ones who struggle helplessly as they watch — can feel like they overreact or overdramatize things.

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Until everything falls apart. If you are married to a gambler you know what I mean. There are times it seems like everything is back to normal and there is hope. Then like a tornado — unexpectedly and with much destruction — everything falls apart. As a woman, I can attest to the reality of that core need — for security — causing me to live in fear for a long time. Can you relate to the Fear and Anxiety piece? There comes a point in each of our lives when we have a choice.

Do I pursue God, set my priorities and live for him? Or do I see how close to that line — the line between sin and not quite legally sin? When we play that game, we are lured over the line before we realize it and sin takes us so much farther than we ever intended to go.

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Sin is sin. What I can say is that gambling often leads to sin. So we must cover it in Prayer to see Change. When you pursue money doing things that hurt others and separate yourself from God. The truth is — in this life — we do need money. But we need God more. Do you know what I mean? And have you seen that when you love money — as you try to get money — what you have is never enough? You always need a little more and it becomes a driving force that destroys your relationships.

This too is vanity. We can trust God. God will be with us and help us in every situation — His word Promises that! Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. God sees every situation, promises to help us — His children- and still, we doubt Him. If He cares what happens to the birds… how much more will He care about His own Children?!?!?!?!

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Luke Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. Not only does God care, but He promises to provide for our needs. I know the American Dream says if we work hard we can climb out of our social class and achieve anything.

We see it on TV, I even know several people who have done it.

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Some of us work hard our whole life and just barely get by. The thing is, God sees. Maybe you have been lower middle class your whole life, or middle-lower class — God still sees and provides and honors that hard work. People have said to me — my whole life- God will honor your hard work. Still, we live paycheck to paycheck, constantly being offered help by the government and others Which we greatly appreciate.

I want God to honor that hard work by lifting me out of this financial struggle and giving me a life of convenience and ease. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Covet means: to desire wrongfully, inordinately, or without due regard for the rights of others. Gambling problems are often an issue with the sin of Covetousness. I want more Money — like so and so has — so I will take what I have and try to win the money I want.