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He wrote a debut novel called Out of the World and an angel-obsessed second novel called A Time for Everything. But maybe most confusing is the diary element in My Struggle. What are J. In cases like W. With Knausgaard, though, there has been a naive acceptance, a sweet ingenuousness about the nature of the project. Knausgaard says he considered My Struggle a novel all through writing it. His Norwegian publisher, he told me, wanted to call it a memoir, but he felt that his approach — what he wanted to do and to convey — could only be sustained in a novel.

At McNally Jackson he spoke similarly:. I did exactly the same thing as in my two other novels. And in doing that I used all the tools of a novel.

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In the Bookforum interview, he classifies TV-news stories and newspaper articles with films and books as fiction; the distinction for him is not whether something happened, but how the account is packaged or structured. So in what way is My Struggle fictional? The answer comes in the form of a paradox.

Karl Ove tells us his memory of childhood is worse than spotty:. Apart from one or two isolated events that Yngve and I had talked about so often they had almost assumed biblical proportions, I remembered hardly anything from my childhood. That is, I remembered hardly any of the events in it. But I did remember the rooms where they took place.

I could remember all the places I had been, all the rooms I had been in. Just not what happened there. And yet events from his childhood are reproduced with a rare degree of detail. In other words, the fidelity here is not to the particulars of a life as they happened, but to something else. It is MSG for our imaginations, amping up the feeling of lifelikeness by making every detail seem not remembered but lived — not the resurrection of a forgotten past but the attentive inhabiting of a bygone present.

Through it all, we get the same piercing specificity. Yet never do we read even a slight hesitation like her shirt might have been blue. Perhaps it would be best to have a haircut now to avoid having to rush it at the end. We are with Karl Ove in the moment, and our understanding that this present is also the past gives the added jolt that now feels eternal. Nothing is lost. All the while, memory loss runs alongside as a theme. This is not the sparring of two friends remembering the past differently. That it appears in what for Knausgaard would be a meticulously remembered years-old conversation is a wonderfully comic provocation — it brought me to laughter as I read.

What a few hours earlier had been plain, dense cloud cover now took on landscapelike formations, a chasm with long flat stretches, steep walls, and sudden pinnacles, in some places white and substantial like snow, in others gray and as hard as rock […].

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A black Golf was parked by the bus stop beside the newsstand, and the driver, a young man in shorts, clambered out, wallet in hand and darted into the shop, leaving the car idling. Such details as these would not be remembered 10, 20, in some cases more than 30 years later. Not just the clothes and passersby, but the actions taken and words said — the conversations about particular books, described as happening years ago — are mostly minute details of the kind one might forget the next week.

Knausgaard has constructed a deeply convincing simulacrum of days, which can fool us into thinking he lived those days and in that order. The semblance of completeness gives readers a myth to embrace: we can fantasize that, if Knausgaard remembers his entire life exactly as it happened, we can recover ours too.

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How do we choose the songs we seem to hum at random? Why, around a campfire, do we tell this story instead of that one? By the same sure instinct, or quiet design, Knausgaard too is always telling to a purpose. His attentiveness is not simple.

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The subject up to this point is parenthood, the rewards and humiliations of being a deeply involved father. As soon as we meet him, we leave the mysterious man at the kitchen table. Was he there at all? The jump to Micke the boxer at the earlier party feels associative. Two men, two parties, the happenstance of a similar build, and suddenly in a flashback an incident is being narrated. He is reduced to asking Micke, who comes over, readily splits open the door to free her, and returns to his conversation by the window.

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The helplessness and inconsequentiality Karl Ove feels suddenly extend the theme of smallness-in-the-landscape beyond parenting and recall the humiliations of Book One. Now her younger sister, Heidi, does. Meaning builds from juxtaposition. This placed alongside that. Back at the birthday party the girls are playing, and what happens between them, with no express note of the connection, is about assertion of self or its failure, the navigating of relative strength. A description of Stella takes us back to the nursery, and in another flashback we see Karl Ove negotiating power dynamics with Stella, who kicks his calves again and again.

But then a member of the staff and finally his daughter step in to help him, just as Micke did. And he wonders how. Was that what Olaf, the head of the nursery, saw?

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They are casual, often conversational; they are a trope. And behind them: the suspended breath that puts a party on hold to return to it richer, complicated by the ever-deepening history of the tangled relationship between Karl Ove and Linda, the two who form the center of this volume.

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  • If we think of My Struggle as a transcript from life, we miss some of its playfulness and some of its pleasures. In the middle of Book Two, Karl Ove narrates what happened on an evening many years back. This artful arrival brings him to Cervantes, the progenitor of all epics of the everyday.

    Did you see the ending coming?

    Don Quixote jousts against windmills thinking them knights, as if he could restore the concept of honor; Karl Ove, thinking them exemplars of something beyond ourselves, tilts at diapers and cleaning supplies and meals around the table as if he could rediscover the conditions of the sublime. At Community Bookstore, I asked the last question.

    This was before Knausgaard and I had met. How did you think about memory while you were writing this book? It was a fascinating confession. It gave him a shock of discovery. Me, Myself, and Hitler. The Past Is Useless. By William Pierce. Karl Ove Knausgaard, Himself. In this work, articles take different forms and are presented at different levels.

    First of all, the articles are not merely listed in alphabetical order, but are grouped into sections. The purpose of these entries is, in a relatively. The point of these is to sketch out an area of enquiry, drawing a. The articles often involve accounting. Semantics vs Syntax. These articles are much more likely to contain polemical discussion, assessing. It is worth drawing attention here to the. The simple fact is that formal.

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    Given the presence of these relatively technical articles, it is clear that the intended readership of. Such is the way with most encyclopedias. It is my hope that this work will be useful to a wide. It aims to be as comprehensive as possible in covering the. The extensive. As stated previously, earlier versions of all the articles with the exception of the short article on. Grice first appeared in the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics.

    The contributors were. I would like to thank all the contributors for the speed and efficiency with.