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Comparison of the performances of different pharmacogenetic algorithms. In addition, The authors state that they have obtained appropriate insti- for investigations involving human subjects, informed consent tutional review board approval or have followed the has been obtained from the participants involved.

In the last few years, mathematical algorithms were developed for estimating the appropriate VKA dose, based on different mathematical approaches working on clinical and genetic data. Caucasian and a black African population. Blood 4 , Coll. Blood Cells Mol. Comparative performance of gene-based — Bleeding warfarin dosing algorithms in a multiethnic 10 Spreaico M, Lodigiani C, van Leeuwen Y complications with warfarin use: a prevalent population. INR variations and dose requirements during Arch.

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Pharmacogenetics initial phase of anticoagulant therapy. Medication use leading to emergency implications. Pirmohamed M, Williamson PR. Inluence of older adults. Lancet Haemost. Artiicial neural prediction of the effectiveness of their oral anticoagulation. Circulation 22 , networks: opening the black box. Cancer treatment. Pharmacogenomics conversion of amnestic mild cognitive individual patients only on the basis of 12 1 , 15—25 Alzheimers Dis. Use of — Neuroinformatics 2 4 , — Neural networks: a Comprehensive predict the therapeutic dose of warfarin. Tingstedt B, Andersson B. Artiicial neural Foundation.

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Brain cancer after radical surgery. Use of guided warfarin loading and maintenance Blood 41 Buscema M. Artiicial neural networks and injury outcome. Use — Parallel L, Dettori AG. Effect of computer-aided Estimation of the warfarin dose with clinical Distributed Processing. Explorations in the management on the quality of treatment in and pharmacogenetic data. Microstructure of Cognition: Foundations. Probabilistic interpretation of automated program for oral anticoagulant Integration of genetic, clinical, and INR data feedforward classiication network outputs, treatment.

Haematologica 86 10 , — to reine warfarin dosing. Algorithms, Architectures. Feedforward networks 91 5 , — The in inancial predictions: the future that 24 Poller L.

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Expert Syst. Daniel Abt is now driving with red and title defender Lucas di Grassi with green stripes.

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The different colors are meant to make it easier for spectators to distinguish the cars. Abt is a brand ambassador of the Liechtenstein private bank, was busy signing autographs for the staff during his visit, and posed for plenty of selfies with them. On Friday, Daniel Abt maintained second place in the fanboost voting.

The specified fuel consumption and emission data have been determined according to the measurement procedures prescribed by law. Since 1st September , certain new vehicles are already being type-approved according to the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure WLTP , a more realistic test procedure for measuring fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions.

Owing to the more realistic test conditions, the fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions measured according to the WLTP will, in many cases, be higher than those measured according to the NEDC. Therefore, the usage of CO 2 emission values measured according to WLTP for vehicle taxation from 1st September on can cause changes in this regards as well. We are currently still required by law to state the NEDC figures. It is possible to specify the WLTP figures voluntarily in addition until such time as this is required by law.

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In cases where the NEDC figures are specified as value ranges, these do not refer to a particular individual vehicle and do not constitute part of the sales offering. They are intended exclusively as a means of comparison between different vehicle types. Additional equipment and accessories e. We are using cookies for a better user experience.

I accept. The evening started out with a "secret" meet-up at a big ballroom in the Hyatt Regency. About people or so stopped by to show their support and everyone got a Flynn Lives t-shirt and poster on their way in. The organizers then proceeded to show us a presentation outlining the ARG faux-history since when Tron came out of Encom and explained what happened to Kevin Flynn went missing in and why the Flynn Lives organization exists - because we still believe he's out there somewhere! Then they gave us a rundown on the press conference and what we were planning to do - disrupt everything with a small team that would eventually take over the stage and chant "Flynn Lives!

On our way out, they mentioned that they had found a box of promo swag from the press conference and we all received a Space Paranoids pin. No one knew what this meant at the time, but we later found out. With the plans in place, we all made our way outside where it was rather windy and cold and discovered a pretty awesome stage setup with giant Encom logos and colored lights all over the place see the photos below.

At about 8PM, the real Alan Bradley as in, actor Bruce Boxleitner himself walked over from the classy hotel across the street, escorted by heavy security, and took the stage amidst tremendous cheering and applause. We recorded a video of most of Bradley's speech, which you can watch directly below here, so check it out. The big "product" announcement of the night was that Space Paranoids, the video game that Kevin Flynn originally created, has been upgraded and is now going to be released playable online sometime in the near future it's not available yet.

Early on, Bradley was joined on stage by the lovely Lora aka Yori - Cindy Morgan since in the original Tron he hooks up with her and they've - in the movie world - stayed married since. After making that announcement, Bradley hesitantly finished up his speech, but nothing happened.

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  • It took a few minutes and some "we're having technical difficulties" calming from the Encom PR lady, but eventually a crowd of Flynn Lives fans stormed the stage and the screens turned to Flynn Lives logos and the crowd went wild. But was that the end? It seemed like something was missing. A few minutes later, we heard a faint chopping sound in the air.

    All of a sudden a black helicopter flew by and everyone went crazy when we all noticed that it was an Encom helicopter with big logos on the side. A giant spotlight focused on it as it flew by and somehow the logo and stripes on the side glowed red like a lightcycle. There's video below.

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    Each time the helicopter would pass, I could see a guy standing on the edge about to jump out. After circling the area, with the event cameras still focused on it, we noticed that something "fell out" and all of a sudden a parachute popped open in the sky.

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    The guy in the helicopter had jumped out and whirled wildly through the air in the crazy winds I mentioned earlier. He eventually landed to the left of the stage but was whisked away.

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    Suddenly, the event was over, even though no one knew it was. Everyone stood there looking around, questioning if that was it, and indeed it was, but it might not have occurred exactly as originally planned. During Alan Bradley's presentation he paused at the end of his speech and looked up in the sky, and it's my guess that the helicopter was supposed to appear and disrupt his presentation.

    I also think it was supposed to be Sam Flynn in the helicopter jumping out, but because we never saw or heard from that guy at all, no one really knew. It was a fantastic setup that they put a lot of money into and I loved the concept and being a part of it, but it probably would've been a bit better if it had gone as originally planned.

    I was also hoping that the parachuter would appear on stage after landing or have some other involvement, but he never did. That said, this was still an awesome event, even though I think the finale confused everyone and left quite a few of the attendees let down because it ended so abruptly without any explanation. If this is a precursor to whatever they may be planning for the San Diego Comic-Con this July, I can't frickin' wait to see what'll happen there. Like I said, this was a brilliant concept and everyone around me seemed to be enjoying it as it was going down. There was plenty of energy and excitement at the event, just no real payoff, although it was awesome to all of a sudden see an Encom branded glowing helicopter fly right into this press conference and drop off some skydiver supposedly being Sam Flynn.