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I was born in a little town named Ashland, Maryland. The men would leave in the morning with their guns and fishing rod to catch food for dinner. Everyone in the.
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Updated: Mar 15, I remember sitting across from this guy mid afternoon in a packed Mexican restaurant. In the corner with a side exit door slightly cracked open just enough that you can hear some outside traffic going by. A bowl of guacamole and a few different salsas for our chips and a couple of Topo Chicos sat between us on the table.

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After a few dips Alejandro looked at me and asked me a question that I would never forget. He asked me "what are you doing? Why do I have to be one thing or the other?


The discussion ended because a fan came up to our table to get a photo with Alejandro. We ate our food, drank our Topo Chicos, paid our bill and split. Polvos was the place.

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For those of you not familiar that's the desert. It's also where a big chunk of the U. There aren't any walls or crazy barbed wire fences. It's just a river There's not much going on there other than an insane amount of views that probably reminisce what it might've been like many moons ago. I got to spend some time with Alejandro a few years back.

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We connected a bit and thought it'd be cool to spend some creative time in the desert together. Before this I only knew Alejandro from watching him on public access tv in Austin for years and from his music dating back well into the late 's with True Believers, The Nuns, Rank and File.

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Driving through the lower west Texas desert in a shitty old 's Mercedes was not the ideal vehicle of choice to do so but it was what was available at the time of this. I remember the glovebox being held together by duct tape and the speakers were blown and the ceiling was drooping and the windows didn't work properly and I also remember thinking to myself that this sucks and it's fucking hot outside and inside but I'm in the car with this living legend dude. It was October 27th, I was sitting in the back seat of this shitty car getting blasted by hot air when I saw on my phone that Lou Reed died.

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I said it out loud and Alejandro said pull over. We pulled over and just sat in silence. I remember the look on his face in the reflection of the side mirror from the back being just expressionless and kinda pissed. We just sat there for a few minutes and then Alejandro said lets go to a bar.

I was thinking to myself oh great, I'm going to see this dude get drunk and this other dude get drunk but then I thought wait a goddamn minute, I think he's doing something else seeing as he doesn't drink. We pulled into this place called The High Sierra.

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Alejandro grabbed his guitar from the trunk and walked in. I followed him and took a seat once I got in. The place was somewhat empty with a couple of people sitting at a table eating hamburgers and a couple of people at the bar drinking some Lone Stars.

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Alejandro then walked up onto the small stage located at the back of the place and tuned his guitar a bit and started playing. People started getting close to stage and were whispering into each other's ears and taking pics with their phones and next thing you know more people started coming inside to watch this.

I was for sure telling myself at this time "where in the hell are all these people coming from? People came and packed this place. Alejandro kept playing Lou Reed songs for about an hour and never missed a note one time before he got up and told us lets go. That was the end of that. We got back into the shitty Mercedes and drove off. Later that night we were sitting outside star gazing and eating jerky and he told me he knew Lou Reed and was friends with him and was saddened to hear about him passing.

A later version, recorded as a demo for M. This version was recorded on January 24, , with Dylan performing as "Blind Boy Grunt" for contractual reasons , backed by his friend Happy Traum. In the booklet that accompanied The Bootleg Series Volumes 1—3 , Todd Harvey wrote that "Let Me Die in My Footsteps" has no clear melodic precedent and suggests that this may be the first song for which Dylan created an original melody.

According to Dylan, the song was inspired by the construction of fallout shelters , a widespread practice in the U. I was going through some town and they were making this bomb shelter right outside of town, one of these sort of Coliseum -type things and there were construction workers and everything.

I was there for about an hour, just looking at them build, and I just wrote the song in my head back then, but I carried it with me for two years until I finally wrote it down. As I watched them building, it struck me sort of funny that they would concentrate so much on digging a hole underground when there were so many other things they should do in life. If nothing else, they could look at the sky, and walk around and live a little bit, instead of doing this immoral thing.

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  7. He shines a light into the murky darkness of our age and shows us in one bright instant what it might have taken a less impatient philosopher a lifetime to discover: namely that instead of learning to live, we are learning to die.