PDF The Heart of Healing: Embracing Your Mindbody as the Path to Spiritual Awakening

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Basic Steps to Start Your Inner Journey for Mind, Body and Soul discovery is a process involving introspection of self that leads to a miraculous inner healing. Is there an actual difference between an awakening soul, and a spiritual awakening​? "Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Table of contents

Every day we are met with a variety of stressors, challenges and joys. The Soul acts as the repository of accumulated memories from the physical or external experiences that are translated into the internal energetic reality of the consciousness of being. These many lifetimes of experiences are recorded into the soul body which translates into memories that are embedded in the cellular matrix of our body. Without the Soul body whole or connected, all of these functions will either become distorted or non-existent, as qualities of experience and blocked memories inside the body.

The Soul is the higher sensory body, which allows higher emotional states and feelings to be experienced, along with continually developing sensory abilities. It acts as the bridge between the Soul and Monad body that is united with the Inner Holy Spirit, when ignited in the Higher Heart thymus area. Shamanic Light Body Reiki is an evolving, ecstatic art inviting us to work in increasingly dynamic ways with universal life force energy.

Shamanism teaches us to create opportunities out of personal and global crises and Reiki provides a paradigm for focusing our energy to heal ourselves and our world. Separately, shamanism and Reiki are powerful paths to healing.

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When combined with Light Code frequency and Sacred Geometry activations from source their powers are multiplied and our physical bodies are brought into alignment with the awakening path of Ascension. Using the combination of Reiki and my many Shamanic tools together we will explore your unique story, create space for the healing and discover new possibilities for your the path ahead, while finding gratitude and joy being present in the Now.

Every session is a unique and sacred experience to each individual.

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Aspen - fear of unknown things. Beech - intolerance. Centaury - the inability to say 'no'.

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Cerato - lack of trust in one's own decisions. Cherry Plum - fear of the mind giving way. Chestnut Bud - failure to learn from mistakes. Chicory - selfish, possessive love.

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Clematis - dreaming of the future without working in the present. Crab Apple - the cleansing remedy, also for self-hatred. Elm - overwhelmed by responsibility. Gentian - discouragement after a setback. Gorse - hopelessness and despair. Heather - self-centredness and self-concern. Holly - hatred, envy and jealousy.

Honeysuckle - living in the past. Hornbeam - tiredness at the thought of doing something. Impatiens - impatience. Larch - lack of confidence. Mimulus - fear of known things. Mustard - deep gloom for no reason. Oak - the plodder who keeps going past the point of exhaustion. Olive - exhaustion following mental or physical effort.

Pine - guilt. Red Chestnut - over-concern for the welfare of loved ones. Rock Rose - terror and fright. Rock Water - self-denial, rigidity and self-repression.

Embracing the Beloved: Relationship as a Path of Awakening

Scleranthus - inability to choose between alternatives. Star of Bethlehem - shock. Sweet Chestnut - Extreme mental anguish, when everything has been tried and there is no light left. Vervain - over-enthusiasm. Vine - dominance and inflexibility. Walnut - protection from change and unwanted influences. Water Violet - pride and aloofness.

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White Chestnut - unwanted thoughts and mental arguments. Wild Oat - uncertainty over one's direction in life. Wild Rose - drifting, resignation, apathy. Willow - self-pity and resentment. In "Heal Thyself" Dr. If properly treated, it will be the cause of the removal of those faults and leave us better and greater than before. Suffering is a corrective to point out a lesson which by other means we have failed to grasp, and never can it be eradicated until that lesson is learnt.

I am infinite being

Let it also be known that in those who understand and are able to read the significance of premonitory symptoms, disease may be prevented before its onset or aborted in its earlier stages if the proper corrective spiritual and mental efforts be undertaken. Nor need any case despair, however severe, for the fact that the individual is still granted physical life indicates that the Soul who rules is not without hope.

And it is not so difficult as it may at first appear; we are but expected to do our best, and we know that this is possible for all of us if we will but listen to the dictates of our own Soul. Life does not demand of us unthinkable sacrifice; it asks us to travel its journey with joy in our heart and to be a blessing to those around, so that if we leave the world just that trifle better for our visit, then have we done our work.

For more information on Dr. Bach and the Bach flower remedies:. Edward Bach:. I am often asked about cancer, its causes and possible cures. To me, cancer neither begins in the body nor ends with physical treatment. Perhaps modern medicine cannot find a cure because it looks at cancer as a physical phenomenon. We are not our bodies. Living healthy lives is essential but cancer begins elsewhere in our being and until we embrace this, the cure for cancer will elude us. Disease begins with stagnation, a resistance to the flow of life. Rising beyond this resistance holds the promise of moving beyond cancer and other degenerative diseases.

For those with cancer, embracing the lessons hidden in our life experiences with gratitude is the first step to healing. You are Here with a Purpose, and that Purpose is Noble. You were born on this planet, in this time, with a purpose………. Your birth was celebrated by God, your Creator and your spiritual guides who planned this lifetime with you.


Your family received you with joy as friends and community gathered to rejoice in your birth. A precious child was born onto the earth and with it a dream! You came into this lifetime with a vision, a purpose that extended far beyond the home and community you were born into. Your family, friends, teachers, spouse, children, co-workers, bosses and neighbors, would with time interweave their life with yours. You came with unique gifts, talents and insights to share with them. And within your heart you held precious lessons and pre-agreements with those who would assist you in embracing these lessons for one simple purpose: to learn to love.

One detail of your life would emerge as most significant. You would advance your life purpose against all odds, and these odds were all woven into the fabric of this life that unfolded before you, not to defeat you, but to facilitate the realizing of your purpose for being. Coming into this third dimension brings with it expectations of growing up in a comfortable and loving family setting, community and society. Along with this is the pursuit of a good education that provides a stable and profitable job, and a healthy marriage and family that continues this cycle of life.

Few if any, realize this idyllic life. In truth, we struggle with self-acceptance in a world that cannot give us value. Family life may present challenges of abuse, conflicts, addictions, divorce, accidents, disease and financial difficulties.