Guide The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - World Best Classic (hunmin 11)

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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - World Best Classic (hunmin 11) eBook: Mark Twain, Kim Hyun Ae Kim, Jeon Sang Jeon: Kindle Store.
Table of contents

Comprehensive, nation-wide basic document 2. Government-level coordination 3. Operative "office" for the "fulfilment" 4. Scientific background institute, ad hoc committee, etc. Premature information strategies 2. National information strategies 3. Regional trials 4. NGO's Information Strategies 6. The new role of the cultural heritage 2. Quality of life in the center 4. Combination of "information" and "green" aspects 5. Accelerating global standardization 6.

Bigger and bigger cooperating sets 7. Turning back to the original meaning of Information Society 8. The dilemma is thus presented in this form: the information society, the economy with an axis of knowledge either provide a historical chance for the region, and then as the "literary scenario" of a rational attempt of outbreak national "visions" can be born, out of which a series of actions and programs may outgrow which can generate visions by well to the point, diligent work of generations. Or, quite to the contrary, the earlier model of dropping behind will be replaced by new symmetries, through a kind of "information illiteracy" and infrastructural backwardness the region will become the outskirts of the shaping information-communication world system, losing for a long time even the hope for catching up and getting integrated.

Because the determining resources can be "producede, and the process, due to the information technology itself, takes place independently, simultaneously to the above processes "getting into the main stream" may become an available option. For nation-sates much more is at stake than for multinational companies, and the toughest lessons will present themselves on the level government and regional federations. The actual content of the social-economic structure change its ties to culture, its intensive knowledge character, intellectual resource and creativity demand, multicultural embeddedness that takes place at a pace of world history described by the label "information age" offers an opportunity never had before for the countries of the region which have out-of- date structure of industry in the process of being restructured but have a social-cultural base that is perfectly adjusted to the above challenge, and has been shaped during centuries in a characteristic way.


On the following pages the "deep structure" of these burdens will be analysed so that on the grounds of the lesson drawn from it one can gather the elements that point at the solution, development. Burdens 1. Historically developed problems of structure and attitude As a recent burden of the one-sided, delayed development of the countries of the region that can be traced back to the middle ages, the almost forty years of political quarantine after second world war have caused, among other things, enormous damages in terms of information technology.

While in Hungary and elsewhere the "country of iron and steel" was being built, in developed regions the revolution of chips was prepared. In this part of Europe even in the eighties the same kind of one-sided information structure was developed as in the fifties: the "country of iron and steel" was successfully reproduced in information technology mystical hardware dependency; instead of customer oriented thinking electric engineering and programmer dominance in information technology training.

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When the region, which has become again independent and democratic, started to run after the developed world that served as an example from the end of the eighties with a degree turn, the unreasonably fast copying of a model produced several negative symptoms. The way of thinking became basically requisite oriented: it paid attention to what belonged to a model pattern and did not care about what it could make use of it, how it could live with all that which the model could offer. By drawing a rough comparison that this period produced a special "information technology imprinting": the fluffy countries of the region ran right after whatever they happened to catch sight of.

Bitter stories tell us about, for example, the times of the first great computerisation wave when the companies in the spirit of up-to-datedness and "developed patterns" built up computer parks with huge investments without organising them on any actual function. Their equipment of great value which quickly became depreciated, were, of course, left unused and get dusted on the shelves of warehouses while work was carried on under traditional circumstances.

During this the countries of the region did not even have the chance to develop any of the information technology basic industries with enormous initial capital demand in the hope of success although there must have been some products that could be launched in the market with advantages due to patents and solutions. Thus the first huge wave of the information technology revolution, "the preparation period" was not able to build a track for catching up neither in terms of development, nor in terms of manufacturing, nor making technology available for the masses in spite of the fact that some major central programs, the Soviet computer development, the Hungarian and Bulgarian school PC action, the "Infostrada project" in Poland Targowski, that was left in torso, due to political reasons, in their own time could be described as up-to-date actions keeping pace with the world.

The eight years of two election cycles have not been enough that simultaneously with changing political frameworks and developing forums of plural public essential transformation would happen in the basic structure of the information household. Burdens 2. This was, however, not primarily based upon any conscious or instinctive programs of the super powers that would adjust the country into a new international distribution of labour and while doing that would shape these countries in accordance with their own image, and the multinational companies that behaved more and more like them, as many people say, but the merciless success of the logic of the market free competition and measuring the revenue producing capability instead of the budget "breast".

By the political change of regime the redistributive incubator of culture was terminated, but simultaneously to becoming ideology free no new vital sources of intellectual reproduction have developed.

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Some minor successes cannot hide the fact that the tendency is continuing, culture is getting into worse and worse position, and some sectors are fighting to death for their survival. Burdens 3. Hardships of financing grand scale programs Due to the high budget deficit in the financing debate on overall, long term program packages with prospect, because of the problem of time discounting and crisis management syndrome it is always the strategy like views that become losers: their presenters, in almost every case, have to face phrases like "why should we have world standard information technique when in lots of schools they don't even afford having chalks".

Starting points for the program of catching up The elements of chance It has been described how the basic situation, inadequate from three aspects, has evolved which constitutes the starting point for searching for the way out in Eastern Europe and Hungary. There is, however, with these burdens a real chance for getting out from one- sidedness. The following of the model has not only dark sides but favourable effects as well: the EU compliance regulation; information technology and media acts elaborated on the grounds of "Western" patterns; ceased COCOM limitations; development of networks and data banks forced by co-operation; increasing the speed of swapping of specialists; the showing up of telecom giants, etc.

Because one phase of development has been almost entirely left out, due to the quickening cycles of information technology, by proper efforts, saving the costs of transitions and experiments right form the outset the most up-to-date systems can be installed, and through that there is a possibility to decrease technological gap, to launch offensive programs. The production structure of economic model in the industrial age strictly determined by natural conditions and raw material sources are getting replaced by the conditions of the information age which are not tied to a specific space and use human knowledge as resources.

In the world of the most up-to-date technologies it is no longer money but "human infrastructure" that constitutes bottleneck. The attitudes, however, can be altered under conditions of a basically transforming world, and it is the new information technology culture that may be of necessary help. No matter how negative an actor the over weight state inherited from history can be in the game between Power and Citizens, for lack of concentrated national capital that wants to get to the information technology market the only way for planned and strategic informatisation is constituted by central government programs and resources allocated to interest that have evolved out of that.

Anything that is not put on the Net, will be less and less available and recognisable, practically will be sooner or later lost. In addition to the successful "mobilisation" of the civil sphere, all that can become a perfect means of making minor national identities damaged in several points and burdened with several historical burdens up-to-date. Subject to the complexity and type of the tasks identified and undertaken, various governments in Eastern Europe have created widely different space of movement.

Therefore it is not "universal" constructions but especially target oriented and specialised solutions that can facilitate their work with support coming either from inside or outside. Lyon, Table 7. In the event of lack of strategy through providing information, involvement in the work of professional organisations and political forums, financing studies In the event of weak strategies by showing possibilities to cut risk factors, experience cumulated elsewhere and prospects that can be rationally looked at, financing "method exchange", "inventory" type professional materials.

In the event of complete strategies by quality control, audit of systems realised, support provided for replacing older systems, solutions that facilitate extension of mass utilisation of key ICT tools. The self motion of civil society The Internet as the new basic public utility of organising life through spreading of suppliedness is heading for "detonation" in Eastern Europe Skilling, Paletz et al.

Behind the replacement of the one channel public by the pressure that have created new "virtual" spaces for public life the figure of the citizen, a community element missed for a long time has been outlined. It is continuously and systematically done chores that, after all, stands, at the point of intersection of bottom-up and top-down attempts, performed in order to do away with inequalities between chances and throughout that the genuine content of democracy, and a strong civil society will be integrated into related processes launched as global tendencies.

The key areas of building "information society" Schools and education put into focus Because the success of application is subject to the knowledge embodied in the people who realise applications or work with systems, mass knowledge production is highlighted more and more as a problem of "information technology", connecting education into planning in terms of technology.

At the middle of the eighties the strategic development of the education system was urged more as a modernisation chance of the third world, then at the beginning of the nineties the governments of the countries of the centre declared, almost at the same time, their government programs that up to a given time their national educational achievement is to become the first on the Continent or in the world.

Some people have gone so far that the struggle between educational systems was discussed by them as the modern metamorphosis of the economic struggle between capitalist nation-states, "brain drain" as the economic metamorphosis of international economic struggle for raw materials Crawford, Since then it has come out that changes are more profound, more fundamental, and education development strategies have almost unperceivably accommodated themselves to the overall information strategic programs, true it may be, maintaining their prioritised significance.

In Central Eastern Europe education has always been considered a strategic sector, frequently it was the only field where, as shown by the maps of brain drain, in plenty of cases it was able to come quite close to the level of world standards. Glorious and noble tradition is, however, in vain if school as an institution does not adjust to the information challenges, does not create new ways of operation that suit new times.

The Telehouses that started to fight against the backwardness in terms of information of the provinces, the libraries that have been made information centres, the housing estate clubs that offer exciting, current and marketable worlds of knowledge for young people driven towards loss of values, jointly with charge free accesses provided in the form of "digital public domain" can simultaneously become the tools of cultural change and community shaping and preservation.

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What is more, these programs are closely related to the attempts to spread remote labour and remote training programs, to establishing new jobs, to upgrading the labour mix by retraining, to steps taken, in longer terms, to drastically open up closed masses of structural unemployment; while Telehouses and sites that provide public access partly through placing mail, taxing and banking operations upon digitised bases, partly by establishing diversified institution solutions adjusted to local conditions, become the economic terrain of creating, maintaining and using some national information basic systems.

Local and regional area development will provide several possibilities and, in the spirit of creating equality of chances, for example, for dozens of Telehouse model villages and minor areas, it will be a chance for modernisation. With suitable and connecting target programs, Telehouses contribute to the catching up of areas in an accumulatively disadvantageous status characterised by the forced tracks of high unemployment rate, low qualification level and illiteracy inherited generation after generation and burdened with social conflicts. The establishment of the network of "digital public domains", community access to "information public utility" possibly with no exceptions will lead to the exploitation of the above advantages to the greatest extent.

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It is not local societies, minor communities on whose initiative or luck it will depend on if they receive any of the "blessings" of the information public utilities but the option of access, being a national program, have to become sooner or later available everywhere in one form or another. All this may serve as a model for developed countries as well.

The system of goals of the program can be represented on three levels in accordance with the above local, regional, national. Establishing and operating at a more economical level national basic registers, data bases, information based services, making infrastructures and resources available for the state in solving social conflicts and tensions that used to be treated with low efficiency. Establishing a local "hinterland" adjusted to the creation of information literacy, information culture developed by generation after generation that can be connected to this culture on mass level.

The "pulling force" of the program group may accelerate self financed and market based network development, may make it a norm to demand possession of certain basic skills e. ECDL package , while during the program the bulk of investments remain the responsibility of the private sphere all the time. It is the on- line information services of non-profit organisations who will be forced to have classical support background but due to the dynamics of Web-marketing such services can be made self -supporting, what is more, profitable.

New dimensions of producing knowledge The building of the national programs of "information society" require the simultaneous creation of several original information or knowledge groups while, if nothing else then for economising with resources, it is a greater and more important task to have access to knowledge produced elsewhere, to monitor, collect, possibly swap these systematically through a co-operative, global or regional network of knowledge brain sharing.

At national level it is a task of at least similar importance to make knowledge, thus collected, systematised and great value added to it, available. These tasks can be fulfilled professionally by no other than specialised target institutions and it is expedient to establish, on the bases of the experience of the leading countries with information strategy, multi-disciplinary cultural centres, "information society" institutions that are independent to a great extent and close to the government which are able to connect and build up a network which is strong on regional level.

By suitable preparation and scientific workshop background with regard to more and more knowledge worlds it is possible to jump to the forefront, by development actions of great market value it is possible to establish conditions equal to those competitors that work in the countries of the centre.

Sapienti sat -- how far will the region get? What will it be able to achieve? Is there going to be and if yes, what is it going to be like a Central Eastern European "information society"? Brain Drain in Information History and Knowledge Management Context I intent here to introduce two contexts used rarely or scarcely in the brain drain literature: the information history and the knowledge management approach. We have to set out of the conceptual start of information history. This trend locates information and the more complex patterns built of elementary information in the human head, construes the objectified information as a sign which becomes information again by the repeated operation of the human brain.

Its two clue categories are information community and transformation: the attention is drawn to the size and structure of the communities possessing the certain information patterns and the novel connection of information patterns. Massiveness is decisive in all the other cases: Japan robbed masses of Korean hand- workers in the Imjin war to get the knowledge in their heads.

The Medieval London attracted craftsmen from all over Europe. The definition of knowledge as a form of capital asset element has a long pre-history, however, it is only these days that the literature is reaching the deriving operative conclusions i. Traditional educational policy planned the production processes of new knowledge but did not consider the management of the already existing knowledge asset as its own task. Similarly, the socio-political treatment of the communities falling behind the disadvantaged, those living on little income or in under- developed regions, the Romas, etc.

The value of knowledge asset is always relative: the final premises of evaluation always derive from the external world market environment.

Knowledge asset can be enlarged extensively and intensively, both forms must be paid attention. The impacts of the growing knowledge asset are difficult to be planned directly: its radiating effect brings non-intended results in many cases and can be clustered with numerous scenarios. Just one example for soccer lovers: twelve thousand registered football players left the country which is probably the main reason for the still existing nadir of the Hungarian football.

Knowledge import, represented mainly by the Hungarian speaking people moving into the country from the neighbouring countries and the settling of those having arrived from developing countries in the Comecon-era and having obtained their diplomas in Hungary, could not counterbalance the losses. For political reasons the communication chains reaching the Hungarian emigrants were locked for decades, and when transformations could have again been done, there were hardly any fields where this had any importance left.

Practically nothing has been done in favour of connecting masses of the Roma knowledge asset representing an enormous internal resource mainly in music and arts into the value producing processes. Nothing has been done so far for the effective, conscious and institutional domestic integration of the young experts having gained knowledge asset abroad subsequent to the transition. We can openly state that the 20th century brought the decades of squandering the Hungarian knowledge asset; what may possibly happen in the 21st?