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Jun 13, - Soul searching is the idea of taking a step back, examining your life and yourself with the aim of replenishing the soul. Most people will “soul.
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Temi Oyelola. Spend some time alone. Related Story. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. More From New Year Even when her child has a play date and she is free to do anything she wants, she feels she has to catch up on housework. Home could be a source of nourishment and healing for her, but like many people, she finds it hard to be still even in her own home.

Ask yourself: How do you feel when you are alone? Do you feel comfortable, connected, and renewed in the stillness, silence, and spaciousness? Or do you feel restless or listless?

Why do we go soul-searching?

Maybe you have a negative self-image and seldom find a nourishing space within yourself. Recognizing your discomfort with yourself is the first step in the healing process. Our family can provide a sense of belonging, a foundation that supports and nourishes our life. Some people are fortunate to have a stable, loving family. But this is not true for many of us. The pressures of divorce, alcoholism, financial difficulties, health issues, or a child's chronic behavior problems can pose serious challenges to the well-being of families.

And when there is any change in the family dynamic, whether through marriage, birth, adoption, or death, every family member is affected. Imagine a man whose mother is chronically depressed, and no matter how much he tries to help her, she pushes him away every time.

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Thinking about it drains him. His whole life seems affected by it.

What is soul searching? 10 steps to finding your true self

It depletes his soul. A woman moves in with a man who at first seems trusting, loving, and giving. Then he grows jealous, angry, and possessive, and starts to physically abuse her. Before this relationship, she experienced a lot of warmth when she was with people, and she was very much in touch with her creativity. Since entering into that relationship, she is no longer open and spontaneous, and has lost her trust in others and even herself.

The death of a loved one can be devastating.

  1. Tips on how to soul search effectively.
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  6. During a soul-retrieval workshop, a student told me that she finally understood the impact of losing her grandfather. Her grandfather had been more important to her than her parents, she explained. He had been like a father, mother, friend — everything. When she lost him, she lost her grounding quality, both in herself and in her relationships with men. Sometimes collective family pain comes down through the generations.

    But when one person has the strength, confidence, and knowledge to recognize and open to this collective family pain, it is possible to cultivate love and harmony, and break the cycle.

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    The soul-retrieval practices offer such an opportunity. While our stories may be different, their effect on us may be similar. Like many people, you may feel as if your family relationships deplete you instead of nourish you. Some people are passionate about their work; others are at least satisfied with their jobs.

    One in five workers is unhappy enough with their jobs to share their discontent with others.

    Why do we go soul-searching?

    Doing something you dislike 40 hours a week is likely to affect you deeply. On any given Monday morning, you can sense the collective pain of your fellow commuters. You can see it in their facial expressions or hear it in their tone of voice. Imagine a health aide who spends the day dealing with patients who are suffering mentally or physically, and instead of being energized by the services he performs, feels exhausted and stressed.

    Every moment of his day is draining. He carries this burden home each night, and the pain spills over into other areas of his life. Build a city of skyscrapers—one synonym at a time. Login or Register. Save Word. Log In. Definition of soul-searching. Synonyms for soul-searching Synonyms introspection , self-contemplation , self-examination , self-observation , self-questioning , self-reflection , self-scrutiny , self-searching Visit the Thesaurus for More.

    First Known Use of soul-searching , in the meaning defined above.

    What is soul searching? 10 steps to finding your true self

    Keep scrolling for more. Learn More about soul-searching.

    Urbandub - Soul Searching

    Share soul-searching Post the Definition of soul-searching to Facebook Share the Definition of soul-searching on Twitter. Time Traveler for soul-searching The first known use of soul-searching was in See more words from the same year.

    What Does Soul Searching Mean? (Definition)

    Dictionary Entries near soul-searching soul patch soul priest soul scot soul-searching soul-sick soul sister soul sleep See More Nearby Entries. Statistics for soul-searching Look-up Popularity. The Merriam-Webster.