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Schools cannot reapply for five years, so obtaining this award is a significant achievement no matter the year in which it was received. America has approximately 70, public elementary schools, and thousands of these schools apply annually for the award. They are located on military bases and operated by certified teachers. Life for military children can be challenging because they must frequently move from base to base.

Correspondingly, teachers and administrators at these schools face the challenge of an ever-changing student body.

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Yet such challenges also present unique opportunities, such as linguistic and cultural enrichment through a Host Nation Program. Some of the most overlooked people in the military are the children who travel with their military parents from base to base, even if it is in a foreign country.

Currently, there are elementary students in grades K through five attending Aukamm Elementary on the Wiesbaden Air Base. One of the classrooms at AES is a four and five multi-grade class. The other ten classes comprise kindergarten through fifth grade single grade classes. Students participate in P. Students also participate in a Host Nation program, which provides cultural instruction and language acquisition opportunities so that students can truly develop an appreciation for their host country.

Host Nation classes and activities are taught by host nation teachers. The nd Signal Brigade volunteers as mentors and computer club support. They also volunteer at many activities held at or by the school. In addition to managing almost perfect scores in math and reading in all grades, a large percentage of those passing also scored high enough to be considered advanced. Serving students between Kindergarten through fifth grade, students enjoy art, music, P.

Students have the opportunity to feature the books they are reading, record what they have learned from a book, and record discussions they have had about books they have read. Group instrument lessons are offered to fourth graders who present one formal concert at the end of the year. Students demonstrate their work through portfolios, projects, competitions, and artwork displays. Students attend field trips including one to the Living History Museum.

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Elementary students receive tutoring from high school students through a program called Amigos. Students have a student council, chess club, and a school store. Students in New Hampshire are tested in reading and math in 3rd through 5th grades. They are tested in writing in fifth grade, and science in fourth grade. Designated by the state as a Reward School based upon superior academic excellence, Bay Head Elementary serves students in grades K through 8. Students have the opportunity to play on several sports teams in basketball, softball, soccer, and tennis. Students receive peer tutoring in a program called Positive Partners where older students are paired with younger students.

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Partners participate in activities together throughout the year. All students take classes in Spanish, P. All classes go on two or more field trips per year. Out of district students are accepted, but students must apply and pay tuition. An aftercare program is provided on regular school days. Students can receive academic help at that time or just relax with friends or play games.

Frost Elementary had the fourth highest test average combining all state assessment scores in math, reading, and science, for grades three through five. Frost serves students in grades K through 5. Students at Frost Elementary enjoy more than just academic classes and the accolades of those who rate schools. The Parent Teacher Organization partners with Frost to provide students with enrichment activities including pumpkin decorating and a trunk or treat event complete with a D.

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For Veterans Day, local veterans came to the school, read a book to classes and shared some of their experiences with the students. Students study the normal academic courses, but also take lessons in French, health, environmental education, technology, P. Students have several innovative art projects to complete throughout the year. Many of these projects are featured on a special art website, displaying a wide array of creativity and talent. Merion Elementary School has a history of excellence. There are 23 classroom teachers and additional teachers for special education, P.

Although the school first opened its doors in , the school has undergone several changes. In the summers there are camps for young writers and readers. During the school year, the school district provides a subscription to DreamBox, which allows students to develop skills in STEM subjects both at school and at home. The elementary school serves students in grades K through 5. Fourth grade science students received a perfect score on the Kansas State Assessment of Science. All other scores were in the high 90s.

PK-12 Curriculum

Every week, each grade elects a student of the week. Weekly newsletters from the principal also include parent tips. Parents are a vital part of Hawk Ridge. Hawk Ridge is not satisfied with an ordinary curriculum.

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To enhance learning, the curriculum is being buoyed by the Seven Habits of Happy Kids. These are listed on the technology tools website along with several links to helpful websites and projects created by students. Located on Eielson Air Force Base, the majority of students are military dependents, but students from Moose Creek also attend. There are approximately students in grades three through 6. The Crawford library has an online search engine by keyword, title, author, subject, or series.

Students have lessons in music and one teacher is dedicated to an extended learning program. Serving grades K through 5, Homestead Elementary was honored in by both the federal government with a Blue Ribbon Award as an Exemplary High Performing School and by the state of Colorado as a school of excellence. The school operates on a trimester basis. Students at the school who are gifted or academically advanced and qualify may apply to a magnet school in the district which is an International Baccalaureate school for grades K through 8.

In addition to academic classes students have classes in technology, art, music, and P. Homestead students also have access to a state of the art library which students can explore through an interactive library website. Students can participate in student council which meets in the library on Monday mornings from to Interested members of the community may participate in decision-making and budgetary concerns through the School Action Committee, which meets in a public forum quarterly.

Notable Books, Notable Lessons: Putting Social Studies Back in the K-8 Curriculum (Paperback)

Students are tested by the state in grades three through five in reading, math and writing. Fifth grade students are tested in science as well. The goal of IB schools is to turn students into reflective thinkers and communicators who develop into principled and caring life-long learners.

Students learn to research so that they master the skills necessary to be a successful student and learner. Part of this research takes place in a media center where students can make use of technology and check out books. Through the technology of the media center, students explore different countries every month.

Once a month, students attend a musical performance after lunch, after which they have a group discussion with the performers. Cherokee Elementary School has the second highest accountability score of all traditional public schools in Arizona.

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  • CES offers a gifted program, English Immersion Studies, art, special education, health classes, computer labs, music, P. Clubs include student council, math, and running, among others. After school programs include gymnastics, tennis, yoga, Krea8tive Kids, Young Rembrandts, and several other interesting activities. The Scottsdale Unified School District provides enrichment activities to make learning fun so that children will want to learn. Different classes are offered throughout the year, which allows students to pursue interests outside of the school.

    Students at Marine Elementary participate in a program called STEAM, which combines engineering, math, technology, science, and art to create projects and problem-solve through the Lego Robotics program and Engineering is Elementary program.