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Sep 18, - One needs the quiet murmurings of admired artists' books. My muse seems to have her own life going on somewhere else and only to the Arts as well as your paintings, and we look forward to every one of your letters.
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Andrea del Sarto, an Italian painter born in , was famously married to his muse, Lucrezia, whose features so closely approached his ideal that he made all his female figures in her likeness , at a time when most other painters were building their beautiful female images on the well-loved bodies of boys. Since then, artists as different as Rubens, Bonnard, Renoir, Charles Blackman and Brett Whiteley have painted their wives over and over again, but their wives were their subjects rather than their muses. One 20th-century wife who could claim the title of muse is Sandra Fisher, wife of RB Kitaj, not because of the role she played in life, but because of the role she played in Kitaj's intellectual life after her untimely death.

Then Kitaj exalted her as the source of all his creativity, and an aspect of the divine, just as Dante had Beatrice and Petrarch, Laura. Physical congress with one's muse is hardly possible, because her role is to penetrate the mind rather than to have her body penetrated. Dante never laid a hand on Beatrice, nor Petrarch on Laura. As so often with Klimt, the unconscious face is set at right angles to the neck, as if the model had been hanged.

Monique Bourgeois, by contrast, is the real thing. In , when Matisse was recovering from treatment for cancer, Bourgeois took the job of nursing him, and doubled as his model.

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In , after they had been separated by the fortunes of war, Bourgeois entered a convent. Some of it is amazing. At times, as with recently, I notice, very clearly, in super sharp focus, just how much better it all is when stood next to my paltry few offerings.

  1. Town of Dead Dreams (Only Slightly Out of the Ordinary Book 2).
  2. All That Matters (Guardian Shorts).
  3. 5 Reasons Why You Need a Muse.
  4. The Land of Contrasts: A Britons View of His American Kin;
  5. Where Does Your Muse Live? | Florida Writers Association.
  6. Fur from Rabbits - A Collection of Articles on Pelt Dressing, Killing, Marketing and Other Aspects of Fur Farming?

My entire body of work seems like a few drops of water compared with the ocean of fantasy and science fiction artwork that threatens to wash me away like an electronic tsunami. So what does an artist do in situations like that? Well, in my case it was a simple post to Facebook addressed to my fellow artists. I asked if they ever felt like just hanging it up because their art seemed so paltry compared to the work of others. Of those who answered, half agreed. They often get discouraged and think of giving up and, like me, at the time they think that they are the only one who feels that way.

The other half said that that seeing better work only inspired them to up their game. And you know what? My Muse, that inconstant inspiration, came slinking back.

I hope she feels bad for abandoning me — but not too bad. While she was gone a commission came in. I have work to do. I assume you created certain nice points in functions also. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

Sign in. Forgot your password? The creative industry needs more and more reminder of this timeless truth! There is one more: It is fo no harm to think you have a Muse, you canplay with her, talk to her, ake her questions…thanks for the article, it is very interresting and fun to read…There are easy place to run into muese..

My muse provides not only creative inspiration, but also wisdom about keeping the JOY in creativity and about not burning out. My muse also holds my hand, allowing me to feel the fear and do it anyway. Since I created a physical image of my muse and named her, I have found it easier to communicate with that part of myself and through her the universal source.

Still waiting for your “muse” to arrive? Read this.

When I am stuck, I write letters to my muse, and the answers yes also written by me come back in a voice much different than my everyday voice, accessing a much wiser part of my soul to the benefit of my work and my self. I wholeheartedly agree, everyone needs a muse. Blame it on the Muse; I love the idea of liberating my self from disapproval. With this approach I can just tell my critics, inner or outer, to take it up with the Muse. In fact, I often tell my clients I am just reading what I see in the tea leaves. They know what fits or not. The primary means of my intuition is an internal audible thought stream that I rely on for information, inspiration and guidance.

It can be as clear at times as if another person is speaking to me; in a sense there is. I have long thought of it as some kind of access to divine guidance; a connection with my Higher Power. I was devastated; as though I had just been told a dear friend had passed. This reply was viscerally intense. Even now as I write this, I feel the knot in the pit of stomach and my eyes well up a bit. Now things were really getting strange. I had heard of such things as this, burning bushes and such, but never did I have to deal with one directly.

What I did know though, was a great relief that my dearest friend and confidant was still here and valid. This was many years ago; over time my understanding of what took to place has evolved.

My Muse

I find it amazing that the Human psyche has the capacity to explain to its conscious self what its greater Self is. How could we be but humbled by such a thing. Gotta tell you. I put my pedal to the metal creatively and let it loose. It was great but almost drove me insane. I literally felt the back of my head and neck burning.

Thanks for making it a little more ok. You have to wait for the muse. Matt — Excellent Article. Great article! I have to say that after reading this last night, my muse woke me just as I was falling asleep by popping a fantastic first line for a poem into my head. So I had to get up and write it. Great to see that my article is finding a receptive audience. Thank you all for the interesting and instructive comments. Personally, I find God to be the best Muse.

5 Reasons Why You Need a Muse

I am impressed and full of gratitude that Ray Bradbury is humble enough to acknowledge the fount from whence all blessings flow. In the spirit of following my Muse, I recently started taking a storytelling class, which has liberated me in many ways. I just wish mine would come back from her island holiday. Matt — Thank you for your book suggestions. Yes, I agree — You should listen at all costs. It is a War of Art. Sometimes you do get tired of fighting the war, but I am learning … not fightning the war is not an option. Today I thought..

Muses - Wikipedia

No writing? How about online radio talk show? We will have to see.