Manual Multiple Reformations and a Deeply Divided House (Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture Book 6)

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Multiple. Reformations. and. a. Deeply. Divided. House. Louis C. Midgley fine book, Diarmaid MacCulloch provides a learned, clear, richly detailed, and even.
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Sometimes the most difficult aspect of interpretation is to "unlearn" prior faulty, flawed interpretations! Remember that interpretation is the bridge between observation and application. Accurate interpretation is not only possible but it is crucial lest we inappropriately apply the Bible click here for a sad example. Acting on what God has said application assumes that you understand what He has said.

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Is your approach to the interpretation of Scripture like a person casting lots? The renowned preacher, G. J I Packer adds that "A misinterpreted Bible is a misunderstood Bible, which will lead us out of God's way rather than in it. Because we are human and now see in a mirror dimly 1Cor , there will always be Bible passages on which sincere Bible believers even those who hold to literal interpretation will not arrive at complete agreement. The goal of inductive Bible study is to understand what God meant by what He said through human authors.

Paul spoke to this point in exhorting young Timothy to…. Whatever God says is Truth. Truth is also a Person, Jesus. From this verse, it is clear that accurate interpretation takes some "holy sweat" so to speak. And why make this effort? What's the goal?

To stand unashamed before our Lord someday.

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And how can we be certain we will be unashamed? Because during our life on earth, we handled and lived out God's Word of Truth with integrity and accuracy. Accurate interpretation therefore is an imminently worthwhile goal. In this same passage in 2 Timothy, you may have observed that the Greek word for rightly dividing literally means to cut straight and was used in ancient times to describe a craftsman cutting a straight line, a sewer sewing a straight seam, a farmer plowing a straight furrow, a surgeon dissecting a straight line we all hope so!

Figuratively the key point is that whatever the endeavor, careful attention is given to performance of the task to assure utmost accuracy. The well known Christian speaker and writer Charles Colson sounds a similar caution as Paul does to Timothy writing that…. It's an awesome responsibility.

There is not on earth a book more lucidly written than the Holy Scripture Exposition of the 37th Psalm. So how does someone without a seminary background rightly divide the Scripture? As you apply the simple principles discussed in the next section, you will learn how to cut the Scriptures straight. Crooked cutting of the Scripture can result in anything from minor errors to total chaos and confusion in the church click example or at worst a cult. Some people want to have their ears tickled and therefore try to make the Bible say what they want to hear.

We must align ourselves with the Bible, never the Bible with ourselves.

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Beloved, every time we go to the Scriptures, we need to treat them as a priceless gift from God and…. Rightly dividing the Word of Truth Interpretation is vital if we are going to "walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Mark it down - the accuracy of your interpretation is directly proportional to the amount of time and effort taken to carefully observe the text.

The more time you spend in observation of the Scriptures, the less time you will have to spend on interpretation and the more accurate will be your interpretation.

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The less time you spend observing the text, the more time you will have to spend in Interpretation , and the less accurate will be your result at least potentially. And without accurate interpretation of the text, there can be no valid application of the Word to your life. Think over these things Ask "What things" for context see 2Ti ,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7- notes I am saying [understand them and grasp their application], for the Lord will grant you full insight and understanding in everything.

In recent years we have seen a great surge of interest in informal Bible study. Many small groups meet weekly in homes or in churches to discuss the Bible—what it means and how it applies. Do people in those groups always come away with the same understanding of the passage studied? Not necessarily.

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Some may say, "To me this verse means this," and another person in the group may respond, "To me the verse doesn't mean that; it means this. Did God intend for the Bible to be treated in this way? If it can be made to mean anything we want, how can it be a reliable guide? And yet how many of the same people say, "You can make Shakespeare say anything you want"?

Of course it is true that people can make the Bible say anything they wish so long as they disregard normal approaches for understanding written documents. When many people approach the Bible, they jump from observation to application, skipping the essential step of interpretation. This is wrong because interpretation logically follows after observation. In observing what the Bible says, you probe; in interpretation, you mull. Observation is discovery; interpreting is digesting.

Observation means depicting what is there, and interpretation is deciding what it means. The one is to explore, the other is to explain. Basic Bible Interpretation - this book is highly recommended if you would like to read more on the vitally important topic of hermeneutics - it is authoritative, readable and very practical. To those detractors who say that Inductive Bible Study is too tedious, too technical, too demanding, R C Sproul would say….

The Word of God is deeper than a flannelgraph definition. It demands the closest possible scrutiny. It calls for the most excellent scholarship. It makes the finest point of technical analysis worth the effort.

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The yield of such effort is truth. Finally, the attitude with which we approach interpretation is vitally important. In Isaiah we read of the importance of a trembling heart, God declaring…. My hand made all these things, thus all these things came into being," declares the LORD. Is , cp Is , Ezra , It is always easier to understand what the Bible says than to understand what somebody thinks it meant to say.

Many resources are available to aid your study of Bible interpretation. Below are a few recommendations some available online at no charge. Rules of interpretations are based upon Corollaries formed from two axioms. Each Biblical writing was written by someone to specific hearers or readers in a specific historical-geographical situation for a specific purpose.

Each Biblical writing was couched in the cultural setting of the times in which it was written. Each Biblical writing was recorded in a written language and followed normal grammatical meanings including figurative language. Each Biblical writing was understood in account with the basic principles of logic and communication.

Its obscure and secondary passages are to be interpreted in light of clear and primary passages. Don't fall into the trap of performing inductive Bible study as an intellectual exercise, but be open and alert to the heart transformation that is the ultimate goal of your study. Give me understanding, that I may observe Thy law, and keep it with all my heart. Psalm - see Spurgeon's note. The prince of preachers, C H Spurgeon once said that when he encountered Biblical passages he could not understand, it seemed to him as though God had set a chair there for him to kneel down and worship.

He added that…. I have always found that the meaning of a text can be better learned by prayer than in any other way. The value of careful observation cannot be overemphasized. Weak and inaccurate interpretation inevitably results from superficial or careless observation. We must immerse ourselves in the book we are studying by repeated readings of the whole book.

If we are reading about the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 on Pentecost, we need to "put our sandals on", so to speak, and imagine ourselves as bystanders to the incredible scene in Jerusalem. Now you're reading with your mind actively engaged! Think of the passage you are reading as analogous to one of the center pieces from the jigsaw puzzle depicted above. How do handle one of the odd-shaped puzzle pieces? Don't you usually search carefully for the more obvious pieces… the corner pieces and straight edges?

Well, that's the same approach you are going to take as you begin to observe a book or a chapter. If you remember the old television program, Dragnet , Jack Webb's famous line was " Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts! If you have ever consulted one of Dr. Warren Wiersbe's commentaries if you haven't then you need to check them -- but only have your own inductive study!

How did he arrive at such insightful interpretations?

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Well, before he writes a commentary on a passage, Dr. Wiersbe carefully reads and re-reads the entire book up to 50 times before he feels competent to even begin interpretation of the text! He may not refer to his approach as inductive Bible study, but that is in fact what he is doing as he repetitively and carefully observes the text and begins to understand the overall context the corner and straight pieces of the puzzle.

The great Bible expositor G Campbell Morgan was known for his powerful sermons. When asked for the secret of his insightful exposition, he replied that he made it a habit to read the chapter or section of Scripture on which he was preaching some times before he preached the sermon.