Guide Meat Freezing: A Source Book (Developments in Food Science)

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MEAT FREEZING A Source Book BRAD W. BERRY Research Food Technology, Meat Science Research Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S.
Table of contents

Holland, B. Welch, AA. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, U.

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Mikkelsen, K. L and Zinck, O. Retention of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 in frozen meats. In Thermal Processing and Quality of Foods. Zeuthen, et al.

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Advances in Meat Research. Vol 6 Elsevier Applied Science. Pellet, P. L and Young, V. Pence, J. C, Dutcher, R. Phillips, R. L, Snowdon, D. In "Environmental Aspects of Cancer. The role of the macro and micro components of foods". Weisburger and G. Preston, T. Reiter, LA and Driskell, J. Rice, E.

In "The Science of Meat Products". Price and B. Schweigert, p Rogowski, B. World Rev. Sarma, J. Research Report No.

Meat Freezing, Volume 20

Washington International Food Policy,Lnstitute. Identifying the most relevant data and points of collection and intervention are key to effective and integrated data systems. Field deployability would allow detection technologies to touch every phase of the farm-to-fork continuum. When a contaminated product enters the market, or an outbreak occurs, we currently rely on piecemeal systems to perform epidemiological investigations, trace back, and trace forward, meaning public health risk remains elevated for extended periods of time, until the right information has been obtained and synthesized.

A thorough and integrated data communication and management system that includes all steps in the supply chain would greatly aid traceability and reduce the public health impact of food safety events, particularly in the case of larger processors, distributors, and retailers. As stated above, technological advances over the past few decades have opened the door to faster, more accurate, and more relevant data collection in food safety.

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When married to algorithms that assess risk and costs and benefits, it is possible to prevent contaminated products from. There is also a need to ensure that best practices to maintain food quality are being adhered to throughout the food supply and distribution channels. For instance, data from biochemical analysis can be used to ensure that product traits such as appearance, flavor, or nutritional value are maintained.

An integrated system that mapped the flow of products and ingredients, and transferred information about food quality throughout food distribution, would improve efficiency and integrity by contractors all through the supply chain and increase consumer trust. Better assurance of food quality will also aid in optimizing resource efficiencies in the system and ultimately reduce food loss and waste through improved ingredient flow and increased product shelf life.

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For example, integrated analytical approaches in food chemistry and analysis can be used to increase our understanding of food composition at the molecular and even atomic levels. Beyond food fingerprinting, omics technologies provide a means to detect, quantify, and characterize individual metabolites or combinations thereof. This is opening doors to development of improved bioactive absorption and delivery systems, and better colors and flavors, to name just a few of the applications Gallo and Ferranti, These technologies are also particularly useful in identifying relevant volatile compounds that may serve as markers of product freshness Wojnowski et al.

They may also identify molecular targets analytes during the development of advanced detection methods for harmful microbes, chemicals, and toxins, and therefore further improve food safety. Identification of novel biorecognition molecules used to capture and detect key analytes will make it easier to perform analyses on very complex sample matrices, a long-time obstacle to the application of advanced analytical methods to foods.

Production of increasingly miniaturized analytical equipment i. The combined use of omics technologies, bioinformatics, and advanced analytical methods provides innovative means by which scientists can explore interactions between systems. In nutrition, for instance, applying omics techniques to human genetics, physiological status, the gut microbiome, and food composition can lead us closer to integrated personalized nutrition Grimaldi et al.

In sensory science, where we know that the flavor experience is multimodal, omics techniques can be used to characterize genetic and metabolic differences in consumer perception of flavor, allowing for a better understanding. When this information is used along with food fingerprinting, it becomes possible to design and produce food having ideal health benefits with greater consumer appeal. Individual omics technologies focus on one aspect or component of a much larger system. In a health care setting, genomics can be used for genetic fingerprinting, metabolomics for metabolic profiling, sequencing and bioinformatics for elucidating characteristics of the microbiome.

For a particular food, various omics techniques can be used to determine its nutrient composition, sensory characteristics, and microbiological profile. Each of these individual analyses provides characterization of what is going on in a patient or a product and constitutes a subsystem. However, to understand the entire person or product, there is also the need to elucidate how these subsystems interact with one another, forming a system of systems.

For instance, most chronic diseases e. For such diseases, there are significant gaps in knowledge about interactions between genes, diet, other behaviors e. Having the full scientific capabilities to understand the interactions and identify the key determinants of any particular illness or trait has yet to be realized see Box According to a recent study, the most common reasons given by consumers for discarding food were concerns about its safety and the willingness to consume only the freshest product Neff et al.

Such technologies ideally would have features such as high sensitivity and specificity of analyte detection, low cost, small footprint, reliability, short time to result, and be field deployable and adaptable, among others. Sensors are devices that detect or measure physical, chemical, or biological properties and then record, indicate, or respond to those results. Biosensors in particular are analytical devices that combine a biological component with a physicochemical detector. The biologically derived component is a material or biomimetic compound that interacts, binds, or otherwise recognizes the analyte to be detected.

Increasingly, these are being identified using various omics methods see the section above. Table provides a summary of some common biosensor technologies. In most cases, the choice to use nanomaterials is founded on the desire. Noble metals e. Incorporation of a nucleic acid amplification step into the biosensor design, particularly those that do not require temperature cycling e. Examples of nanosensors in developing specific food safety applications are detailed in Wang and Duncan and in Vigneshvar et al.

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Sensor technologies are also highly applicable to monitoring product freshness, such as detecting biochemical parameters that are correlated with product spoilage and shelf life, particularly near product life end Xiaobo et al. These types of sensors are usually noninvasive in nature. Examples of product attributes that can be measured are color, the presence of surface defects, and chemical composition. Technological platforms include optical, acoustical, NMR, and electrical.

Biomimetic devices such as electronic noses, which are already used for personalized medicine Fitzgerald et al. At the end of the sensing phase, an electronic reader allows signal processing so that results are displayed in a user-friendly manner.

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