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Little Rhymers Guide to the Sun [Jadiem D. Wilson] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Did you know that our sun is star? Not too far beyond.
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Named for its location on a level prairie-like valley. Formed from Jasper and Newton Township in The name is descriptive of the grass- grown table land in the region. A discontinued post office in Moore Township. Named after a German family of Haeffners who farmed in the region. A post office since in Moore Township. Before and office could be established, the farmers in the community had to volunteer to carry the mail free for a time. Thompson, who was in charge of the matter, had great difficulty in securing aid.

When the office was established he decided to call it Hard, but his family objected to the abruptness of the name so he added "age.

Shannon County Place Names, | The State Historical Society of Missouri

Thompson; Anvil Lewis. A narrow valley near Eminence from which grass is cut for hay.

Hawkins; County Map District No. A derogatory name given because the district was poorly supported and organized.

The region and its citizens are often referred to as the "Heelstring Nation. Named after the John Horners, who have a store near the school. A region in Alley Township. Named because John Alley kept his horses there and during the Civil War raids were made to steal the animals. Hawkins; State Highway Map. A cave on Current River.

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Named because the cave was used as a hospital during the Civil War. One of a series of hollows in the northwestern section of the county which drains into Current River. Practically all of the hollows deep in the Ozarks have a small stream winding through them. The name is that of the family who farms the district.

The Howell family is one of the earliest in the region, the original members coming to the locality in Named from its location on a hill of the farm of William Hunter.

A small creek which rises in Newton Township and flows into Current River. The name is given because of the manner in which the creek rises suddenly and dangerously after heavy rains. Hawkins; County Highway Map. District school near Winona in Winona Township. An ideal name, chosen by the school board. A village in central Jasper Township and a post office since Deatherage, present postmistress, says that the post office was named by Mr. George Shedd, who died in March, , at the age of He chose the name after a discussion among the residents, when a bottle of ink was accidently spilled. One of those present said,"Why not call it Ink?

Cox, school teacher, grand-daughter of Mr. Shedd, who said Mr. Shedd had been told by the government postal authorities that short names were desired, three letters if possible.

Crossing the Creative/Critical Divide

He sent in a number of three-letter names, among which Ink was preferred by the Washington authorities. He had just received a consignment of goods in which a bottle of ink had been broken, spoiling the other articles. The government asked for short names to fit the post office ring or stamp.

Judge Arthur Deatherage confirmed the story that Mr. Shedd was asked to submit a number of three-letter names, and sent in Ink among them. He doubted the spilled ink story; he thought his grandfather-in-law had merely put down all the three-letter words he could think of. James Cox, son-in-law of Mr. Shedd said he had often heard his father-in-law tell how he had sent in the names. There was no special reason for Ink except that he put down all the three-letter words he could remember from his school day reader.

Deatherage; Arthur Deatherage; Mrs.

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Cox; Mr. James Cox; Mrs. Named because of its location in the woods. A post office from , in Spring Valley Township. Postal Guide; C. Covert; L. A large stream which rises in Texas County and enters Shannon from the west, flowing north and east until it empties into Current River in the east central section of the county. The river flows through land which is very wild and forbidding. Covert of Houston says that a favorite early joke was to offer a criminal his choice of five years in the state prison or one year on Jack's Fork.

The river today is becoming a favorite resort for fishermen.

Chilly And Silly

Named for an old Indian, John Jacks, who lived near the head of the stream. R: Plat Book ; C. A large stream which rises in Texas County and enters Shannon County from the west, flowing north and east until it empties into Current River in the east-central section of the county. In the northwestern section of the county, organized from Newton Township in Named for Claibourne F. Jackson, governor of Missouri from and a Confederate sympathizer. A narrow valley on Jack's Fork which can only be reached by horseback. It is considered one of the attractions of Rhymer's Ranch resort.

The name is derived from the peculiar geological formation found there. In the center of the county, organized in from Eminence Township. Named for William Jasper , a military hero who distinguished himself by saving the colors at Fort Sullivan, June 28, , when fighting under Colonel Moultrie. He was offered a commission but refused, saying he preferred to remain with the common soldiers who were, like himself, uneducated.

Campbell's , p. A discontinued post office , at a logging station in Jackson Township. Named for a German family, who operated the store. Named for the Lewis family, who live in the region. Anvil Lewis; State Highway Map. A rural school in Jackson Township. Named for the region in which it is built. A post office from to Named for a family in whose home the office was established. Postal Guide; W. A stream in Eminence Township, which flows northwest to Jack's Fork. Named for the Indians who lived along the banks. Shuck; Plat Book; Conard, p.

Named after the Indian tribe which resided in the area. A village and post office in Pike Creek Township since Named because of a sink hole close to the village. A wassie is a dialect term for a rain wash or a swamp. Shuck; Campbell Named for its location on a hillside. Macedonia Church in Dallas County. Miss Grace Miller. A small stream in the central section of the county, which flows into Jack's Fork.

Named for a family who lived at the head of the creek. An early post office which has long been abandoned. An office in Buckeye Township which was named by Mr. Martin Smith, first postmaster, because the word was short and had no duplicates. Named for trees in the vicinity. MSTR; C. Name given because of a rocky slope. It is not marble nor remotely resembling it. MSTR; R. A discontinued post office in Jasper Township. Named for its location in the center of the ridge. Hawkins; Mrs. A village in Montier Township, a post office since Named for A.

Montier, who was master mechanic of the Frisco Railroad at Springfield. Often spelled Monteer. The hamlet, according to Mr.