e-book I Speak Peace: Mastering the Art of Peace

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leondumoulin.nl: I Speak Peace: Mastering the Art of Peace: The most effective distinctions to create Peace. (): Luis Alfred Moro: Books.
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Even when you lie down in your bed to sleep, you can be aware that the earth is supporting you and that you give your body over to it with confidence. Develop the good habit of feeling the infinite sky above you.

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You must acquire this perception of the immensity and the eternity of the highest heights. Raise your eyes up towards the blue of the sky and consciously tie yourself to the divine spirit, to the Most High, to the Supreme One -- with a feeling of elevation, of ennoblement, and of unlimited perfection.

Morihei Ueshiba

Just as you were able to realize that the earth is carrying you and supporting you, you must also succeed in feeling that the infinite immensity of the sky above you is elevating you, is attracting you upwards, is straightening you up, and is awakening you inside your true eternal being. The third habit to be acquired consists of feeling yourself to be like a point of liaison between the sky and the earth, allowing the inspirations of the spirit to pass into matter and elevating the energies of matter up towards the spirit.

Whatever he does, an artisan of peace is aware of the earth, of himself and of the spirit, and also of his ability to make the spirit material and to make matter spiritual. For example, when he is eating, he is aware that he is making matter spiritual; and this is why he strives to perform this action with gratitude—inviting in the most elevated thoughts. When he speaks, he is aware that it is the beauty of the spirit that is being manifested through his words; and he strives, therefore, to build up, and not to destroy.

But these examples are poor compared with the profound discoveries waiting for the person who strives to acquire these habits in life. He will see, inside himself, that everything negative can be suppressed, and transformed by the power of the spirit -- and that only the awakened man can make it possible for the kingdom of peace to materialize inside the earthly reality, by adopting the new life of the spirit.

The Kingdom of Peace Is Like a Woman The kingdom of peace is like an ordinary woman who loves life, her husband and her children, but who is always preoccupied by the many questions which create doubts and fears inside her soul. Doubts and fears about life, her husband and her children -- to such an extent that she ends up living in a state of anguish and irritation, with a hardened heart and hurtful words.

On a day when she is feeling very sad, with a circle of questions whirling around in her head, she mechanically approaches a stream out in nature, sits down near it, and listens to its soft music. This music, through some mysterious power, moves her consciousness into her heart, opens it, and begins to talk to her and to give her all the answers. Filled with joy, she raises her eyes and, for the first time, sees the sparkling sun, the green grass, the majestic trees; everything speaks to her of love and joy, and invites her to fullness.

In truth, I say to you, the person who lives on the surface of life can only find suffering and become a carrier of war. The external man always lives with questions, fear and unhappiness; but the inner man, who lives inside the heart, knows all the answers.

Not ready-made answers which generate new questions, but living answers which lead to fullness and peace. Only truth brings the fullness of life, and freedom. The source of the truth lives inside your heart; and if you let its waters flow, you will find the purity of your true being and you will know peace.

How to bring The Peace of Non-Resistance into your life now

Fear, doubt, anguish and irritation are impurities which prevent the waters of the heart from flowing, and the true love from manifesting itself. Let your heart open up and let the waters of your heart flow; and all of the impurities will flee far away from you. The external man cannot find the peace that he needs so much if he is cut-off from the inner man, from the heart. The inner man cannot find the fullness that he needs so much if he is cut-off from the source of the true being. Therefore, each one is dependent upon the other; the angel of peace needs man in order to achieve peace on earth, and man needs the angel of peace in order to bring his life to fullness.

He grew up into a consumer society where the children take refuge inside supermarkets, the last "cultural areas" of a world deprived of profound values and authentic spirituality. Never receiving any religious formation, it is while reading, at a very young age, the sacred texts of humanity that he discovers on his own the existence of a primordial Tradition that is common to every world tradition. He will later call it the Essene Tradition, carried through all ages by the Essene People, also known as the Children of the Light, notably in the Dead Sea scrolls, discovered in Palestine in the middle of the last century.

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From the youngest age, Olivier Manitara has mystical experiences and makes discoveries that tightly correspond to those of the great wise men and authentic guides of humanity who gave consistence to the universal Tradition of the Essenes. Olivier Manitara would be no exception to the rule and will have to confront some very hard initiations, and will vanquish them all, like all the Fathers and Mothers of the Essene Tradition had to do before him.

In this fashion, he climbs all the initiatic steps toward divine mastery and becomes, in time, a Father of the Essene Tradition, a genuine Master, a guide and a benefactor for mankind. Recognized as such by the keepers of his tradition among many cultures, in he becomes the founding Father of the Essene Nation and the world representative of the Essene People. In the year , he brings a considerable contribution to the reconciliation of cultures and interreligious dialog by creating the pictorial series of Men-Gods. Throughout this universal work, all the cultural traditions are honoured and reunified to their original source.

This is one of the most important humanitarian works, at a time when some intelligence would want to standardize everything and take mankind away from its true roots and profound values. In , through his alliance with the four Archangels who created the universe and inspired the creation of the greatest human civilizations, Olivier Manitara creates the Circle of the Archangels. This is the birth of a new way of being in the world, a new art of living in harmony with nature, the universe and the divine world through a universal practice, and knowledge, that completely revolutionize contemporary religion and spirituality.

This Gospel marks a decisive and irreversible pivot in the Essene Tradition and the start of a new era for mankind and the world as a whole. He is the author and writer of hundreds of songs, melodies and sacred dances… Those are true masterpieces that compose links in the chain of works of the great souls who allied themselves to a divine world out of pure love for mankind and the earth; to bring there the harmony of the cosmos and balance the disharmony in which mankind is immerged.

Thus, this sublime work represents a large contribution to the world heritage of Wisdom and a precious legacy for the future generations and all the world traditions. In , he creates the Energy Mandalas. This is the emergence of a new Feng Shui, totally revolutionary and perfectly adapted to our time and the occidental civilization. This new occidental Feng Shui is to be found in full achievement in the Essene Villages, true sanctuaries for Mother Earth where all the kingdoms of nature are respected and honoured for what they are: friends of mankind on the path to the evolution of consciousness and the ennoblement of the soul.

The Essene Villages, a foreground humanitarian and ecological work were also inspired by Olivier Manitara to become havens of peace and harmony in the heart of the growing and invading desert of the modern world. The Essene Villages compose the indispensable and pacific countervailing power, preserving the opportunity, that is getting ever rarer, to be able to live another life in conformation to most profound aspirations of the human being.

I really like the point that the more people benefit, the better. Wishing for more money in my bank account would only benefit me and is a tough sell to the universe, so to speak. But wanting to be less stressed out at work, and helping to create a positive environment where others can develop their skills and feel valued, feels way more possible.

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That can create more space for people around me to shine, and we can manifest a more cohesive enjoyable environment by wanting it! Everything written here is absolutely brilliant advice. Believe me it works …. But … the key is to be patient. Doubt does creep in…. Just be patient. Thank you so much for this wonderfull message.. I do believe in the law of attraction and that we are all together…love.

Thank you for sharing this. I absolutely believe in the law of attraction and thought manifestation. You are truly an amazing and motivating individual. I advise against trying to manifest, in favor of accepting moments as they are. You must be logged in to post a comment.

Luminita D. Saviuc 8 Comments 3, October Personal Growth.

This year’s 3rd Annual Peace Song Award winners are:

Know WHAT you want. Ask yourself: What is it that I want? What do I need in my life in order to really be happy? First, you would want to grab a pen and a peace of paper and ask yourself these questions: 1. What is it that I want? Why do you want what you want?

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Who would benefit from having these wishes fulfilled? How would you feel once you have this wish materialized? Express gratitude for it every single day. Feel the feeling that comes with those things and be grateful for it, appreciate it, and express your gratitude daily. Let go of doubt. Another thing you might want to do, is to try to mediate, and while you meditate, pick on thing that you want to happen. See yourself already there, see yourself as already having achieved your dreams, your goals and desires, and see how happy you are, feel those feelings, get familiar with them, embrace them, own them.

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