e-book Friends of Zion: A Novel: John Henry Patterson and Orde Charles Wingate

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Friends of Zion: A Novel: John Henry Patterson and Orde Charles Wingate - Kindle edition by Mike Evans. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device.
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Want to learn more about Israel? Keen to understand where Israel fits today in light of biblical promises? Interested in Israeli life and what God is doing here? Look no further, check out the new Sar-El Library! The Sar-El Library will be a source of books that we believe will be of interest to you and we of course recommend that before any other book, you re discover the past, present and future of Israel from the original, indisputable source: The Bible! Many of the books we will recommend are themselves based upon Biblical teaching and scripture, while others focus on more recent, historical narratives.

Mike Evans. This book from award winning journalist Dr. Mike Evans is a powerful, in-depth look at the Holy City, past, present and future. Evans traces the role of Jerusalem in the hearts and minds of the Jewish people through the centuries. Tales of conquest, prophecy and political intrigue make this true story read more like fiction. Includes first-hand accounts of Israeli leaders who helped shape the modern city of Jerusalem. Friends of Zion by Dr. This book from New York Times bestselling author Dr.

These two men laid the foundation for the military defense of Israel before the Jewish state was reborn. Their skill, courage, and foresight prepared the nation of Israel to survive the wars and attacks that started as soon as Israel declared independence in Their stories are not well known today, but they must not be forgotten. The courageous example of their lives is vitally needed as the Jewish state faces new threats and dangers in our day.

This novel is a page-turner that you will enjoy immensely, a factual look at a piece of history that is thrilling and filled with adventure. History comes alive as Kay begins with the tragic mista.

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Step into Its Fulfillment. The study of prophecy inspires elaborate timelines and speculation about which world leader might rise to power in the last days. So why not take this time to discover the full meaning behind the ancient traditions of the feast of Passover? This mini-book from Rabbi Jonathan Bernis describes how the feast is celebrated and how the different elements of the Seder meal point to the work of Yeshua Jesus as the Lamb of God. Available to buy here. Hag Pesach Sameach!


Happy Passover! Throughout the desert way conduct us by thy light; be thou a cooling cloud by day, a cheering fire by night. Our fainting souls sustain with blessings from above; and ever on thy people rain the manna of thy love. A beautifully written series of essays exploring the subject of Yeshua Jesus as the Passover Lamb, the ultimate atonement and sacrifice for all mankind. A devotional that brings the Bible to life! Why not build this into your pre-tour preparation, continue it as you walk where Jesus walked here in Israel, and complete it once you have returned home?

Charles H. Complemented by vivid, full-color photography, each daily devotion draws new insight and inspiration from the ancient sites that framed the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. Entries include:. Your understanding of the person, work, and words of Jesus Christ will take on an added dimension with this day-by-day exploration of the world in which He walked. Ever ask yourself if Israel is still relevant today? He believed that many Israelites had settled in France and the British Isles. He never expressly identifies England with the Lost Ten Tribes but on several occasions comes quite close to doing so.

In the Jews had been expelled from England. It appears that many had remained. Villages of converts to Judaism had formerly existed in England. Henry-vii first of the Tudor monarchs, reigned married his son to the daughter of the King of Spain. One of the marriage stipulations to which Henry agreed was that the bar against the entrance of Jews would not be relaxed.

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Henry-viii reigned employed a group of Marrano Jewish musicians. The Papal envoy in England protested so Henry sent them away and then brought them back again, one by one. Later Henry-viii appealed to Jewish scholars against the Pope in his divorce case. See: David S. As a result of this episode Henry declared himself supreme head of the Church in England, abolished Papal authority, and disbanded the monasteries. Elizabeth-1 daughter of Henry viii, reigned knew Hebrew. A Jewish Marrano doctor was falsely accused of trying to assassinate Elizabeth and subsequently executed.

Elizabeth later realized that the charge had been a false one. Elizabeth befriended a young Jewish woman who upon feeling pressure to change her religion left the country.

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All these and more social and cultural contacts had a cumulative effect. The English language and English dialects and slang expressions often show similarities to Hebrew. Traditional English music is also similar to that of the Jews. These are facts that are frequently discovered and rediscovered by Jewish and Gentile scholars familiar with both sides of the picture.

A lot of people in England and the British isles believe or at least in the past believed that their ancestors were probably Hebrews! He became the leading rabbi of the Netherlands. Menasseh corresponded with John Sadler in England who greatly admired him. English Common Law is apparently similar in many ways to that of the Talmud. This is a phenomenon that seems ot be remarked upon quite frequently.

ISBN 13: 9781629610740

The Talmud and English Common Law. John Sadler was a friend of Oliver Cromwell who appears to have shared similar views. Oliver Cromwell allowed the Jews to return to England. Up until then the presence of Jews mainly Marranos from Spain and Portugal had been tolerated but still formally considered illegal. Cromwell brought Menasseh ben Israel over for a visit to England.

In this book Menasseh speaks of the Lost Ten Tribes. Menasseh also quotes from Ortellius who related the tradition that Dan and Napthali were in Scythia or Tartary. The passage from Ortellius was explained and translated in our work,. On the whole Menaseh comes down strongly as declaring that various areas of Scythia were important areas of Exile.

Who are Zionists?

In addition he discusses Tarshish. See: Tarshish. It should be remembered that in his time the USA did not exist, the colonization of North America was just beginning, new lands and civilizations were regularly being discovered. Menasseh was attempting to explain the passage according to the reality of his own time. Menasseh does not try to say anything really definite about the Lost Ten Tribes in his book but discusses various reports and legends.

The purpose of the book was to show that the Jews including in his definition The Lost Ten Tribes had been scattered all over the world and that they had to be in every place before the Messiah could come. Menasseh thought that this verse must be fulfilled literally and that Jews would have to be found in every nation before the Messianic Age. Manasseh never expressly says that the Lost Ten Tribes are in the British Isles though he quotes the finding of a Hebrew-language inscription in the Scottish Hebrides. Such beliefs however are often ascribed to him and he was on friendly terms with John Sadler who spoke and wrote on the subject.

Other Jews in some way or other also contributed to the trend of thought leading to the conclusion that the English were of Israelite origin. Early Spread of the Belief During the Rule of Oliver Cromwell several different groups and individuals gave expression to the idea that the English were descended from the Ten tribes of Israel. Cromwell himself made statements that could be understood to that effect. This was not a new notion but must have existed for some time previously.

Fear of the Church and the Establishment had however kept such beliefs "under-cover" as may be seen in the work of Franz Kobler concerning the restoration of the Jews to the Land of Israel. Kobler tells us: The identification of the English people with Israel found its most ecstatic expression in the rebellion organised by Thomas Vernier against Cromwell in and promptly put down.

In a contemporary manifesto the rebels pledged solemnly that they would not "sheathe their swords again until Mount Zion becomes the joy of the whole earth". Thomas Tarry, a London goldsmith, was one of several men who not only prophesied the impending Restoration of the Jews but actually conducted themselves as Heaven-sent redeemers.

They originated a movement which, under the name of British-Israelites, was to acquire a surprising importance much later on. In a tract published in , Tarry describes himself as a descendant of the tribe of Reuben and High Priest of the Jews. Shortly afterwards he was drowned when he set out in a small boat in order to call the Jews of Holland to organise an expedition to reconquer the Holy Land.

John Toland spoke of many of the Scottish and English being of Jewish descent. Toland appears to have based his statements on local traditions. Jakob Abbadie's Triomphe de la Providence et de la Religion notes, "Unless the Ten Tribes have flown into the air, or have been plunged to the centres of the earth, they must be sought for in the north and west Abbadie believed the lost 10 tribes were Goths who moved into Britain and other parts of Northern Europe, including France.

Abbadie was a Protestant theologian and propagandist of some importance in his time. The name is Jewish. He also said that many of the British were descended from the Ten Tribes and he would lead them back as well.