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Students like junior Page Weick say they're seeing a difference. Students get a colored card when they walk in the cafeteria that tells them which table to take a seat at. The tables also have conversation starters. It's also a no phone zone. Professor Nathan Hodges teaches communication studies at Coe College. He has an assignment where students go on a hour tech detox, showing the importance of human connection in a digital age.

Students say they think a phone-free lunch hour, spent talking with new friends, is helping their school to become a kinder place. Click Here to access the online Public Inspection File. Viewers with disabilities can get assistance accessing this station's FCC Public Inspection File by contacting the station with the information listed below.

Questions or concerns relating to the accessibility of the FCC's online public file system should be directed to the FCC at , TTY , or fccinfo fcc. Important differences a slower overall rate of economic growth, most notably separate the pre and post periods, making comparison difficult. We know only this: some gains are probably attributable to race-conscious educational and employment policies.

The number of black college and university professors more than doubled between and ; the number of physicians tripled; the number of engineers almost quadrupled; and the number of attorneys increased more than sixfold. On the other hand, these professionals make up a small fraction of the total black middle class. And their numbers would have grown without preferences, the historical record strongly suggests.

In addition, the greatest economic gains for African Americans since the early s were in the years to and occurred mainly in the South, as economists John J.

With respect to federal, state, and municipal set-asides, as well, the jury is still out. In the state of Maryland decided that at least 10 percent of the contracts it awarded would go to minority- and female-owned firms. It more than met its goal. But how well do these sheltered businesses survive long-term without extraordinary protection from free-market competition?

And with almost 30 percent of black families still living in poverty, what is their trickle-down effect? On neither score is the picture reassuring. Programs are often fraudulent, with white contractors offering minority firms 15 percent of the profit with no obligation to do any of the work. Alternatively, set-asides enrich those with the right connections. In Richmond, Virginia, for instance, the main effect of the ordinance was a marriage of political convenience—a working alliance between the economically privileged of both races. The white business elite signed on to a piece-of-the-pie for blacks in order to polish its image as socially conscious and secure support for the downtown revitalization it wanted.

Black politicians used the bargain to suggest their own importance to low-income constituents for whom the set-asides actually did little. In the decades since affirmative action policies were first instituted, the poverty rate has remained basically unchanged. Despite black gains by numerous other measures, close to 30 percent of black families still live below the poverty line.

Persistent inequality is obviously serious, and if discrimination were the primary problem, then race-conscious remedies might be appropriate. But while white racism was central to the story in , today the picture is much more complicated.

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Thus while blacks and whites now graduate at the same rate from high school today and are almost equally likely to attend college, on average they are not equally educated. That is, looking at years of schooling in assessing the racial gap in family income tells us little about the cognitive skills whites and blacks bring to the job market. And cognitive skills obviously affect earnings. Those tests show that African-American students, on average, are alarmingly far behind whites in math, science, reading, and writing.

For instance, black students at the end of their high school career are almost four years behind white students in reading; the gap is comparable in other subjects. A study of to year-old men who held full-time jobs in thus found that when education was measured by years of school completed, blacks earned 19 percent less than comparably educated whites.

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But when word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, arithmetical reasoning, and mathematical knowledge became the yardstick, the results were reversed. Black men earned 9 percent more than white men with the same education—that is, the same performance on basic tests. Other research suggests much the same point. For instance, the work of economists Richard J.

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Murnane and Frank Levy has demonstrated the increasing importance of cognitive skills in our changing economy. Employers in firms like Honda now require employees who can read and do math problems at the ninth-grade level at a minimum. And yet the NAEP math tests, for example, revealed that only 22 percent of African-American high school seniors but 58 percent of their white classmates were numerate enough for such firms to consider hiring them. And in reading, 47 percent of whites in but just 18 percent of African Americans could handle the printed word well enough to be employable in a modern automobile plant.

Murnane and Levy found a clear impact on income. Not years spent in school but strong skills made for high long-term earnings.

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Why is there such a glaring racial gap in levels of educational attainment? It is not easy to say.

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The gap, in itself, is very bad news, but even more alarming is the fact that it has been widening in recent years. In , the average African-American year-old could read no better than the typical white child who was six years younger. The racial gap in math in was 4. By the late s, however, the picture was notably brighter. Black students in their final year of high school were only 2. Had the trends of those years continued, by today black pupils would be performing about as well as their white classmates.

Instead, black progress came to a halt, and serious backsliding began. Between and , the racial gap in reading grew from 2. In both science and writing, the racial gap has widened by a full year. There is no obvious explanation for this alarming turnaround. The early gains doubtless had much to do with the growth of the black middle class, but the black middle class did not suddenly begin to shrink in the late s. The poverty rate was not dropping significantly when educational progress was occurring, nor was it on the increase when the racial gap began once again to widen.

The huge rise in out-of-wedlock births and the steep and steady decline in the proportion of black children growing up with two parents do not explain the fluctuating educational performance of African-American children. It is well established that children raised in single-parent families do less well in school than others, even when all other variables, including income, are controlled. But the disintegration of the black nuclear family—presciently noted by Daniel Patrick Moynihan as early as —was occurring rapidly in the period in which black scores were rising, so it cannot be invoked as the main explanation as to why scores began to fall many years later.

Some would argue that the initial educational gains were the result of increased racial integration and the growth of such federal compensatory education programs as Head Start. But neither desegregation nor compensatory education seems to have increased the cognitive skills of the black children exposed to them. In any case, the racial mix in the typical school has not changed in recent years, and the number of students in compensatory programs and the dollars spent on them have kept going up.

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What about changes in the curriculum and patterns of course selection by students? And there is good reason to believe that taking tougher courses contributed to the temporary rise in black test scores. But this explanation, too, nicely fits the facts for the period before the late s but not the very different picture thereafter.

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We are left with three tentative suggestions. First, the increased violence and disorder of inner-city lives that came with the introduction of crack cocaine and the drug-related gang wars in the mids most likely had something to do with the reversal of black educational progress. Chaos in the streets and within schools affects learning inside and outside the classroom. In addition, an educational culture that has increasingly turned teachers into guides who help children explore whatever interests them may have affected black academic performance as well.

As educational critic E. Hirsch, Jr.