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Accept people for who they are.
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Great list, Dan. I especially like 6. I forget what a difference it can make to literally hold your head up high, and that changing our body posture can change our feelings. Thank you for the reminder.

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I also like Give yourself a pat on the back or eat some chocolate. Excellent list Dan. Everyone can get discouraged. As leaders, the thing to remember is that we need to address what is discouraging us and turn it around. When we are down and discouraged, sharing that with our team can bring them down too. As a leader, we need to use the same techniques to bring our team up with us.

Thanks for brining it up. Great post Dan—you are right about people saying they may never get discouraged…. I will be using some of these points in leadership training. Thanks for all the interviews, blogging about the results, and insight into so many different leaders. And I can see the causes in 10 and Very timely post. Positive energy headed your way. Best, Al. Dan, A great way to start the day! The learning experiences truly shape us and make us wiser. Healthier, mentally and physically, if we all moved 9 higher up our priority list….

Oh how I could have used this post the other day!!!

How to Overcome Discouragement - Jimmy Evans

Several things in the past week have been discouraging. Learning from your setbacks or discouraging times I think will help. Back to my scouting experience… canceled an outing due to everyone dropping out. At the last minute no less. Discouraging for sure. All the effort and work to put our plans together and others wait till something better came along and dropped.

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I can not change others only myself learn to do something new. Your experience is one of the most discouraging things. I think the hard truth is that leaders are more committed than followers. Dan, I like your list, especially Leaving too many options open is stifling, not to mention confusing. Setting milestones is a great tip.

22 Powerful ways to Overcome Discouragement

Thank you. I find encouragement by reading and exposing myself to stories of people who have used a positive outlook to overcome daunting obstacles. As far as encouraging others, one thing I try to do is to remember to share a thought of gratitude as it occurs to me, even for something seemingly minor.

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I find encouragement when environment around is harmonious, people are trustworthy and appreciate your contribution and you have better opportunity to grow morally, monetarily and socially. I encourage others by understanding their need, listening them carefully, aligning them with their needs, awakening them about their strengths etc. I would like to add some more ways to overcome discouragement. You need to see the source of discouragement.

When source is created one, then you need not to worry. Fight with source if you can stop it, otherwise leave it. If it genuine, share it with your trusted friend. Then try to prove better, instead of just rejecting it. Hi Dan, great list. We all feel discouragement at times for a host of reasons and that is part of life. I feel discouragement is a great opportunity to reach out to your team and share and connect.

We share our small successes with our team but where is it written that we have to handle our discouragement by ourselves? For me the fact that window is open is encouraging in of itself. It takes the fear and despair out of future discouragements knowing there is a cadre of caring folks there ready to listen, support and be kind and help with solutions.

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Thank you so much for this list. I read your post daily, but this list is getting tacked to the cubicle wall! What a fantastic post, there is no dearth of circustances which makes and force the people to be discouraged but here the true leadership comes which teaches us how to overcome this , with my experiance I can say sometimes we need to laugh at ourselves to win over the situation.

Nice list Dan, would add listen to music as it taps in on many levels of our being. It can energize or mellowrize as needed. Seriously, evidence indicates that a smile increases blood flow to the brain and transmits nerve impulses from the facial muscles to the limbic system, which is part of your emotional center.

21 Ways to Overcome Personal Discouragement - leondumoulin.nl

Then maybe go read the latest Chuck Norris jokes for 90 seconds…. Loved this! Sometimes when you are discouraged and you get a message like that you just want to choke somebody — LOL! The other one I like was 13 — Be a friend. Great Read! Thanks for adding the important idea that sharing our milestones with others helps us reach them.

So true! Been there lately.

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  4. 22 Powerful ways to Overcome Discouragement | Leadership Freak.
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  7. Dan, I appreciate the honesty in acknowledging that everyone gets discouraged from time to time. The list has some great reminders in dealing productively with discouragement. Allow me to add mine. I call it my 48 hour rule. IF, after two days, I awake to the same feeling, I start the process of change. This can include one or more of the following: 1. I intentionally shifted my language to one that was more optimistic, more energy.

    Focused on what was right. Made sure to get exercise.

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    Focus on letting go — particularly if it included anger. Choose an activity ies that I enjoyed. Make amends with someone when applicable.