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Carmilla book. Read reviews from the world's largest community for readers. A classic Victorian vampire novella, which influenced Bram Stoker's lat.
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You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. No sacrifice without blood. Show Spoilers. How well does it match the trope? She has unearthly beauty, can change form at will, and is able to pass through solid walls.

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Her animal alter ego is a monstrous black cat and she sleeps in a coffin. In the story, Carmilla takes advantage of the anonymity of a masquerade ball to look for victims. In the games, her mask represents the ballroom masks that she wore to the many parties she went to in the novella, and was also used to hide the fact that she was a vampire. Even though Carmilla is a lesser known and far shorter Gothic vampire story than Dracula , the latter has been cited as being heavily influenced by Le Fanu's novella.

Carmilla often appears as a loyal servant to her master, Count Dracula , either by plotting to revive him, or by awakening from her own long slumber in order to come to his aid. Camilla a misspelling of Carmilla made her first appearance in Simon's Quest , where she appears as one of the three bosses in the game. Upon defeat, Camilla leaves behind the Magic Cross , the only item capable of granting access to Dracula's Castle. Carmilla appears as the boss of Stage 4 in Rondo of Blood , along with her consort, Laura. Once Richter or Maria enters the boss room, they are first greeted by Carmilla's mask, in a homage to her portrayal in Simon's Quest.

From behind the mask, Carmilla appears as a giant nude maiden; the mask then breaks into pieces and a giant skull emerges from behind. Carmilla then starts hovering in the air behind the skull, while this sheds fiery tears of blood which scatter throughout the room as they make contact with the ground; all of this while Laura paces back and forth attempting to get a hold on the heroes.

If she manages to do so, she will grab and restrain them in place while draining away their supply of Hearts.


In Dracula X , if Richter fails to save Annet during his journey, once he reaches the top of the Clock Tower , a giant skull will appear from the sky and possess the hapless Annet before he can do anything to save her, transforming her into the vampire witch, Carmilla, and replacing Death as the boss of that level. A model of Carmilla atop her skull can be seen in early footage of the Nintendo 64 game, Castlevania.

However, she was removed from the final version of the game. Contrary to her relative minor roles in previous games, Camilla appears as a much more prominent character in Circle of the Moon. Possessing her own castle located in Austria, she plots to revive her master, Count Dracula , in order to unite the forces of darkness.

Neither would have been easy to do in his day and age. Also the description of the actual vampire attacks is genuinely spooky and admirable writing. While this book failed to excite me with it's general lack of pace and suspense, I'm sure that it has qualites that many would appreciate.

Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu | Penguin Random House Canada

Especially those with a taste for "Creeping Horror. I had a dream while reading this novel where I was visited by a dark haired female vampire and I willing offered my arm to her. Something that I have never done before in a dream. What was also noteworthy was the experience of personal intimacy that accompanied the act of freely giving blood to sustain another. The sultry summer evening had barely given way to the night. I had left the bedroom doors open to the balcony to allow a light breeze to circulate.

I lay back on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. The house belonged to me, I was its sole occupant, but the loneliness of this house weighed heavily - it was not a home. Moonlight cut through the room, then it vanished for an instant. A momentary shadow flitting through the doorway, entering my bedroom and filling it with a pervasive sense of possession - the room was no longer mine. My heart thudded in my chest. I suddenly sat up, pressing backward against the headboard. There was someone in the room, the feeling of Her presence was overwhelming, but I couldn't see anyone - there was no one there.

The shadows thickened at the end of my bed. I stared, frozen where I sat, as the shadows coalesced into the ethereal shape of a young woman. She wore a light diaphanous gown. Her hair was lustrous black, her skin pale like marble, her eyes were large and dark, her lips red, full and slightly curved in a coy smile. Her form solidified. A faint perfume filled the air. She seemed deeply familiar, and yet, I had never seen her before - at least I had no memory of ever meeting her and I'm sure I would not have forgotten.

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  2. The Life of Admiral Lord Nelson, K.B., From His Lordships Manuscripts : by James Stanier Clarke and John MArthur!
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She moved to her right, floating, lithe, serene. She was majestic and mesmerizing - power beyond words was bound up in her gaze. Her eyes glittered like black diamonds, brilliant and hard.

Carmilla (1872)

I couldn't tear my eyes away from them even if I tried. She sat down beside me, gently picking up my left arm with her cool hands. She turned it over, palm up. I didn't resist - I didn't want to. I lifted my arm up and she lent forward. A bell rang in the distance, a muffled warning - ignored and discarded in the face of her needs. Needs I was a willing servant to. Moonlight gleamed on her ivory fangs. She leaned further in, first kissing, then licking - finally biting. A single drop of blood fell off my wrist, dark against the white bed sheet. She murmured in delight, my heart beat hard in my chest, but I stayed still - unwilling to disturb her feast.

Everything was for her I am left wondering just how deep this story can creep into you when you read it? View all 17 comments. Oct 10, Carol rated it really liked it Shelves: classics , novella , ebook , gothic , vampires , read , horror. Highly recommend for a bit of mild gothic horror! View all 10 comments. Mar 22, Werner rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Any fan of vampire fiction, or of supernatural fiction in general. Shelves: books-i-own , vampires , classics , supernatural-fiction.

Note, Oct. This book is one of the best treatments of the vampire theme I have read admittedly, I haven't read very many --even counting the ones I didn't like enough to finish! While the author's diction is Victorian, the book is a short, quick read unlike the massive tomes that some 19th-century novels are , so it shouldn't be daunting even for Note, Oct. While the author's diction is Victorian, the book is a short, quick read unlike the massive tomes that some 19th-century novels are , so it shouldn't be daunting even for readers who have a problem with old-fashioned prose.

He concentrates on psychological horror rather than on blood and gore, and does not try to eroticize the vampire's activities. Carmilla definitely does use language in places that suggests that she demands an attachment from her female victims that borders on romantic love, which gives her attitude what today would be called a "lesbian" undercurrent; but we can also fairly say that even though she wants strong female attachment, it's not genitally sexual in nature. The atmosphere of menace and suspense easily evokes the reader's concerned attention.

One of the characters here is an eccentric scholar with knowledge of vampire lore a kind of adumbration of Stoker's Van Helsing. Also, Le Fanu indicates the hostility between the vampire and Christian faith his vampire, of course, is in the classic mold --an instinctively evil embodiment of appetite and cunning malevolence, rather than a person with a moral free will and an individual personality, like many modern fictional vampires , but doesn't develop this theme as fully as Stoker does in Dracula.

For a reader who enjoys seeing fiction in its historical and literary context, it's fascinating to see the way elements whose seeds are planted by the earlier writer are more fully developed by the later one! View all 20 comments. Its horrible lust for living blood supplies the vigor of its waking existence.

The vampire is prone to be fascinated with an engrossing vehemence, resembling the passion of love, by particular persons… It will never desist until it has satiated its passion, and drained the very life of its coveted victim. Le Fanu's Carmilla is a short but impressive tale of a female vampire which I found to be wonderfully gothic and appropriately spine-chilling.

Rumors of a strange sickness circulating the area of Styria in Austria come to the attention of a young lady, Laura, and her father at their secluded castle. Shortly thereafter, these two find themselves with a very mysterious guest following a carriage accident just outside the confines of their palatial home.

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  2. Carmilla Series.
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Laura, our narrator, reflects upon the face of this guest as being one that appeared to her in a very vivid and disturbing childhood dream. Despite this fact, the lonely Laura becomes quickly attached to her newly found companion, Carmilla. In this ambiguous feeling, however, the sense of attraction immensely prevailed… she was so beautiful and indescribably engaging. Where did she come from? To which place was she headed? And, why did her mother leave her in the hands of strangers whilst hastening on to some secretive destination?

The suspense of the novel increases as Laura becomes once again plagued by nightmares and strange occurrences. A gradual decline in Laura's health and sinister reports shared by a respected friend in the neighborhood prompt Laura's father to obtain answers and spur him to action. The events that follow are dramatic and exciting. I found the plot of this book to be a bit uneven at times. It also seemed a bit too short - I think the story could have been developed a bit further.