Ameca J And The Revenge Of Rex-Ultar (Ameca J Chronicles Book 2)

Ameca J And The Revenge Of Rex-Ultar (Ameca J Chronicles Book 2) eBook: Paul Xavier Jones: Kindle Store.
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By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: I asked Paul to tell us about his family. Facebook Twitter Email Google.

November 7, at 8: I liked learning about your book. Mallory The Mail Order Bride. There may be some minor editing glitches but not enough to stop you reading. This is a book you would borrow from the library — not buy- and never check out again. You might recommend it to a friend with a mention of the glitches, knowing that something in the plot or story would still appeal to them regardless.

The story was strong enough or the conflict tight enough, so even when the book faltered, it was able to draw you back in and keep you.


You would probably buy it and would definitely recommend it to your friends. You liked the characters and the plot. The writing style was good and the editing clean.

You would definitely buy this book. You would definitely recommend it to your friends. You really loved the characters and the plot and would consider looking for this authors back list or making her an autobuy. The writing and editing were superb.

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You wonder what happens to the characters when you finish. You would absolutely buy everything else this author had to offer. The highest praise — and reserved for only a few. Contains a high degree of sexual tension, steamy kisses and passionate clinches, but all fully consummated love scenes will be implied, not described, and with the bedroom door firmly closed.

Contains actual love scenes and may include detailed descriptions of foreplay and consummation. Contains sizzling and very detailed love scenes throughout and graphic, explicit content which may be offensive to some. Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. Get our posts in your reader! Watching the Mythranians experience modern society made me chuckle on more than one occasion.

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  • Ameca J and the Revenge of Rex-Ultar - Paul Jones - Google Книги.
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  • Ameca J Chronicles Series by Paul Xavier Jones.
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  • It was fun to see their reactions and it added lighter elements to the story when it was needed. The overall arc of the story following the girls was very well planned.

    I enjoyed the twists and turns. Jones did a good job of bringing actual myths and legends from stories of Merlin and King Arthur into his unique fantasy world. The girls reactions to each situation felt realistic, even though at times I thought they should have realized something was a little off, I would remember that real girls their age wouldn't have known what to expect in a dangerous situation either.

    One of the aspects of this book that I really enjoyed was the way the relationship between Fraya and Ameca J developed. In the first book I had a bit of a hard time with Ameca J because she was often very hard on her sister, bordering on mean. Both girls grow throughout this story with Fraya becoming less flighty and more mature while Ameca J realizes how much she loves her sister and that they truly do need each other. I was glad to see how they came together to survive.

    The storyline fits somewhere between middle grade and young adult. There are some darker aspects that may be a bit scary for middle grade readers, but the girl's personalities and dialog will appeal to younger readers. Overall, this is an exciting adventure for young readers. While there may be a few scary parts, it has clean language with only a few small curse words, and the realistic characters will draw in readers and their parents.

    This is a great book for young readers looking for an adventure! Ameca has been forced to age beyond her fourteen years and become the leader of not only her family but the people who follow her. As the leader of the search party to find the ancient artifact to bring her father back to life, she will have to prove that she is the leader those around her believe her to be.

    This second installment of the series picks up right where the last story ended. Anyone who tries to read this as a standalone novel may have some difficulty. Those who have read the previous story will feel right at home with the storyline and excited to see how the girls fix their new installment of problems. The book also brings in a few new interesting characters that I enjoyed getting to meet and learn about, including the girl's mother.

    Kindle Feature Spotlight

    Ameca and Fraya really seem to be coming into their own in this story. It was nice to see the girls growing as their surroundings demanded. You seen a new patients and understanding to Ameca that she has been missing previously especially when it comes to her sister. Fraya, on the other hand, no long seems to be the small, timid little girl that relies on those around her to make all the decisions.

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    I think that this really helped to display the strength of the Flame and the Flower and how their new roles are creating self assured young ladies and heroines. While some old enemies are still in the picture some new one also present themselves in the forever growing obstacles against the group of merry men and ladies. We learn who Rex-Ultar is, as well as some authorities from the world who have been searching for the girls and their family. I especially enjoyed how they seemed to foil the authorities plans on trying to capture them under the assumption that they need saving. This story is one that anyone of any age can enjoy.

    Their subject matter and content is one that I would feel comfortable with any of my kids reading. I especially enjoy the lesson on family bonds and friendship ties that the author incorporates into the story. This is a story I would recommend to any parent who is looking for an entertaining story to read with their child or as one that they can trust their child to read on their own, but you're going to want to enjoy it with them.

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