A Queer Thing Happened To America: And what a long, strange trip its been

Editorial Reviews. Review. "Dr. Brown has written the most important book on what I have come A Queer Thing Happened To America: And what a long, strange trip it's been Kindle Edition. by Michael Brown (Author).
Table of contents

If you do not admire and appreciate and support and nurture homosexuals, you are homophobic. The homosexual community insists that it is impossible and even very dangerous for a homosexual person to attempt to stop being a homosexual pp. Brown quotes from an article by Matthew Hoffman, a conservative journalist, who discusses the odd position in which psychologists and psychiatrists now find themselves.

According to current psychiatric principles, if a man comes to a doctor saying he is trapped in the wrong body and wants to undergo surgery i. I want to change my sexual preference. That would be unethical.

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Sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic! So a person who needs surgery to change his sex is encouraged and one who wants therapy to have a wife and kids is told this is impossible and a violation of nature. Brown gives examples of people, including the man who was permitted to play in the U. The concerted effort in the public schools to promote homosexuality and gender confusion and even sex change is presented with plenty of examples pp. Thus it is not unusual for those lesbians or gays who identify themselves as couples, despite the hype, to have outside relationships.

This certainly puts a different spin on same sex marriages. That means that the writers are admitting that six in ten gay men and somewhere close to half of all lesbians have decidedly promiscuous sex lives. The research in this book is extensive. Unfortunately, instead of footnotes, there are endnotes. These endnotes, which are excellent, run nearly pages pp. The book would be much more reader friendly with footnotes so that the reader could simply look at the bottom of the page on which a note appears.

There is no subject index in the book itself. It is available on a website called aqueerthing. The content itself was also not "enjoyable" nor should it be for the Christian who believes homosexuality to be a sin; it would be like reading a book on how adultery came to be an accepted life-style in America. Yet I would think that for a Christian, someone would write more about what this all means and what one can do about it.

But when the book is over, you come away with the feeling: I would've hoped that especially as a Christian author, a little more okay, maybe a lot more would have been said about the hope we have in Christ, about how Christ can grant repentance to sinners, how revival can happen in His churches, and how He really can turn a culture around.

But in the end it was basically just a bummer. I will say that Dr. Brown was very careful throughout the book to distinguish between the sin of homosexuality and the people living in that sin. He wrote as one who truly does love humanity and wants to see it saved. However, I'm not sure what this book is going to do to bring that about. If you're looking for a book that speaks about the sin of homosexuality and Biblical truth for sinners to be saved, there are other resources that I'm sure touch on that.

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But you won't find that here. If you are for some reason looking for a book that documents how various influential people and ideas in the homosexual community have shaped the American culture during that last 40 years, as more of a reference work, then you've found what you're looking for. I just don't know how many reference volumes have changed lives and brought people to conviction.

This one certainly did neither for me. And I don't see how it will help me reach those involved in this particular sin either. Jun 05, Ben rated it it was amazing.

A Queer Thing Happened to America: And What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been by Michael L. Brown

Michael Brown leaves no stone unturned in this extremely through and gentle book. With nearly pages and over citations per chapter, Dr. Brown presents the history and trajectory of the homosexual movement with a level of scholarship seldom seen in books like this. Writing from a Christian perspective, the author confronts those who identify as homosexuals and those who claim Christ as their savior. As he says in the book, both are guilty of misrepresentation and name calling. Standing for truth, Dr Brown calls both sides to an honest look at the topic of homosexuality. Undoubtedly A Queer Thing Happened to America will raise the brows of some and the temperatures of others.

I assume many will quickly reject this book. Some because of its length. Other because they preemptively label anyone who questions the rights of homosexuals as homophobic. Still others because they find the topic uncomfortable. While I would encourage the first group to break free from the age of Twitter, and the second group to not judge so quickly, it is the third group who needs the book most.

While reading the book I would mention it in conversation with Christians.

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These responses fit with Dr. Brown's assertion that people in the church have avoided the topic because it is unusual to them. The sad reality is that the people of Christ have done a very poor job at loving those who identify themselves as homosexual. A Queer Thing Happened to America confronts this problem head on. Let me say, before I go any further, before reading this book I was as guilty as the vast majority of Christians when it came to loving homosexuals. It is a sin of which I have repented and sought God's forgiveness.

I strongly encourage, almost to the point of begging, all Christians to join me in the admission that we've done a miserable job blending love into our proclamation of truth. Much more could, and has been said, about this book. If you have read this far in my review I suspect it is because you love me, hate my reading of this book or I have piqued your interest. In all cases I would contend that you have not judged this book by its cover. If that's you, don't stop with this review, find a copy of A Queer Thing Happened to America and read it.

The book challenged me, made me uncomfortable and softened my heart towards a group of people of which I used to think little. These are signs of a great book; don't miss it. May 10, Jesse rated it it was amazing. A robust and exceptionally well researched book, detailing the history of the homosexual movement in America. Michael Brown keeps a gracious and level head throughout the book, letting the proponents of this movement speak for themselves.

He confronts stereotypes and caricatures on both sides of the debate with page after page of citations, challenging and demanding consistency, intellectual honesty and civility. Anyone who desires to fairly interact with this issue must read this book. Le A robust and exceptionally well researched book, detailing the history of the homosexual movement in America.

Let the reader beware there is difficult and often disturbing concepts and language used. I believe this appropriate if one is going grapple honestly with the depth of human brokenness with the hope of veiwing how the Christian Scriptures address and confront sin in all areas of human sexuality. The purifying and redeeming work of the Lord Jesus Christ can rescue the most depraved sinner. I believe 1 Coronthians 6: But you were washed Jun 21, Thomas Berber rated it it was amazing Shelves: Great book which deals fairly with the matter at hand by quoting extensively, in context from the pro-homosexual side and giving real life examples of how our western culture has gone awry and also how the visible church has failed to speak the truth in love.

Every Christian and so-called "gay Christian" should read this volume. I hope Michael Brown takes Dr. James White's suggestion into consideration about making this a open book in progress, adding new chapters as things keep developing. Here Great book which deals fairly with the matter at hand by quoting extensively, in context from the pro-homosexual side and giving real life examples of how our western culture has gone awry and also how the visible church has failed to speak the truth in love.

Here a great quotation from the last pages of the book, which summaries it nicely: And for those of us who follow the Scriptures, we must recognize that homosexual desires are just another aspect of our broken world, as opposed to being the worst of all possible sins. How about befriending your gay or lesbian co-worker?

How about having a meal together? How about taking an interest in their lives? And for people of faith, how about praying for them on a daily basis? Just because many of us don't believe in redefining marriage or in legislating sexual orientation and gender identity into specially protected classes doesn't mean that we can't live in respect and civility with our GLBT neighbors, co-workers, and family members. And should anyone threaten to mistreat or harm them because of who they say they are or how they choose to live, we should be the first to advocate for their safety and defense.

A Queer Thing Happened to America: And What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been

Every human being is entitled to fundamental protections under the law, and those of us in particular who claim to believe in God and His principles should be champions of justice for all. But this is where we will be misunderstood, and this is where we will certainly be reviled, since if we are really motivated by love, we will not celebrate something that we believe is harmful any more than a doctor would celebrate obesity. Instead, we will draw a line in the sand with as much courage as compassion, and we will state clearly that the time has come to make a strategic adjustment to our trajectory before we pass the point of no return.

Now is the time to regain our bearings.

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Oct 09, Suzanne marked it as to-read. I borrowed this book from a friend who said it was a logical defense for limiting the definition of marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman, so I was intrigued, as I had never heard a logical defense of that position. And I still haven't.

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So far, my impression is not so great. He has read a lot on the subject, but the way he reports his findings on the sources that disagree with his position, it's clear that he didn't go into it with an open mind. In fact, it seems he went into it wi I borrowed this book from a friend who said it was a logical defense for limiting the definition of marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman, so I was intrigued, as I had never heard a logical defense of that position.

In fact, it seems he went into it with such a firmly decided mind, that he flat out misunderstood and subsequently misrepresented some of the findings. Regardless of one's opinion on the issue, this is not good scholarship, and Brown should know better. But I'm trying to understand exactly what point he is trying to make and how all of the background he's offering and his hyper-emotional, almost desperate self-defense fits into it, and admittedly, my lack of empathy for his point of view perhaps makes that difficult.

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I'm only about pages in, so I'll update the review again when I'm finished. Feb 15, Jane rated it did not like it. Borrowed from the library thinking it was an impartial look at the way times have changed for the better with more tolerance backed by laws to protect rights. Realized my error a few pages in skimmed until I couldn't take any more and deleted it from my reader.

This was written by a direct descendant of Chicken Little. Wow Truly without words. I'm gay and In desperate need of Jesus. This book gave me the direction I needed. In me no matter the uncontrollable desire to be gay, exist an even greater desire to be in Christ. Jun 11, James Coats rated it it was amazing Shelves: An important, though at times difficult to read, book.

Mar 10, Alex rated it really liked it Shelves: Brown says, "It is the purpose of this book to see how we got this point in history, to examine some of the main lines of pro-gay thought, to consider the impact of gay activism on our society, and to ask the question: Where is the current trajectory taking us?