e-book The Zuni Indians: their mythology, esoteric fraternities, and ceremonies

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The Zuni Indians: their mythology, esoteric fraternities, and ceremonies. by: Stevenson, Matilda Coxe, Publication date:
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ISBN 13: 9780873800686

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The Zun̄i Indians

This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Google Scholar. They wear a mixture of women's and men's clothing and much of their work is in the areas usually occupied by Zuni women.


Some contemporary lhamana participate in the pan-Indian two-spirit community. The most famous lhamana was We'wha — , who in was part of the Zuni delegation to Washington D. Accounts from the s note that the lhamana , while dressed in "female attire", were often hired for work that required "strength and endurance", [1] such as hunting big game and chopping firewood.

Pueblo Neighbors and Relatives

In addition to doing heavy work, some lhamana people have excelled at traditional arts and crafts such as pottery and weaving. We'wha, in particular, was a noted weaver. Both masculine and feminine pronouns have been used for lhamana people. She performs masculine religious and judicial functions at the same time that she performs feminine duties, tending to laundry and the garden.

The Zuni Indians : Their Mythology, Esoteric Fraternities, and Ceremonies - leondumoulin.nl

Strong character made his word law among both men and women with whom he associated. Though his wrath was dreaded by men as well as women, he was loved by all children, to whom he was ever kind.

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  7. Though generally seen by European colonialists and modern adherents of queer studies as gay , LGBT or transgender , the Zuni lhamana , like other Indigenous social, cultural and ceremonial roles, exist in an Indigenous matrix.