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The Shaman's Path takes you on a guided journey to discover your life's purpose. Exercises and meditations take you on an experiential path on which you.
Table of contents

They share their wisdom willingly with no jealousy or hesitation. To find this caliber of teacher is the greatest effort required on your path to becoming a shaman. A devotion to sincere and authentic teachings will require sacrifices. You may have to travel, you may have to pay money in exchange for their time and energy, and you may have to be in conditions less comfortable than your home.

My time was in deep and intimate connection with my Spirit Allies—I spent more time remembering rather than learning, receiving divine guidance from the other side. I was taught to become a shaman through my journeys. Shamanic journeying is arguably the number one tool of shamans. Even today, I rely more heavily on their direction than my own training. Sickness, near death experiences and dreams are also common places of teaching. In these spaces between life and death, the Guides can connect, share and inspire the actions which illuminate memories.

In my youth I questioned this but now recognize its sapience.

Tools of Transformation: Journeying on the Shaman’s Path

To become a shaman, you need someone skilled at living in our human reality to guide you safely through the other dimensions. Thus is the true mastery of the shaman: one who can walk through darkness to restore the light. A shaman is a fierce guardian of the physical world and must have personal mastery in certain areas.

The gifts that flow through us are not ours; they are bestowed by Spirit and must be treated with great reverence. Dishonesty, ill intent and harmful behaviors will be swiftly balanced by the fates. One can be stripped of their skills and title completely.

Shamanic Spirit of Sickness - Web of Life Animists

These are spaces which require courage and faith to traverse. Here are the lessons of mastery one must attain to become a shaman:. An intimate space of honor and connection between the shaman and the Earth must exist for any teachings to be granted. In feeding alliances with plants, ancestors, animals, Gods and Goddesses, we are able to receive the divine blessings to assist those who seek us.

Seeking out the places of doubt and fear, being honest and in integrity, the shaman must balance humility and power to keep permission to do this work.

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While mastery of the invisible realms is the truest skill for any shaman, there are also tools in this physical world which aid us in our ceremonies. Feathers are considered a great gift granted to us for our commitment and respect of the animal realms. The ingestion of plant materials like Ayahuasca, mushrooms, or Wachuma to aid in the merging of the worlds; not used by all shamans but a beneficial ally.

Relationship with Spirit may be rewarded with a Icaro, a sacred song which the plant offers for healing. Being a shaman is a way of life. A friend once told me that in her job, she was respected but not admired. It takes a fearless heart to go against the flow. They are not stronger, smarter, or braver than others. They walk hand in hand with Spirit, using faith as their guide, and trusting in the relationships with the allies they have built. They see the illusion of the world and seek to heal within themselves every wound and doubt so that others may learn to do the same.

So committed are they to a greater truth that they offer themselves in service to help others cross the chasm to see the world as infinitely more magical, connected, and expansive than what we simply see and touch. If you feel the call, I hope you join us in these spaces where Spirit, magic and possibilities still exist. A gifted medium, healer and intuitive, Andye Murphy walks with a foot in both worlds. As a child psychic, she quickly realized there was more to reality than what most people could see or touch.

Hearing the Call

With a degree in psychology and a decade spent in corporate America, Andye admitted talking to angels and spirit guides was more fulfilling, and left the nine to five behind. She has devoted her studies to shamanic traditions, ancient civilizations, past lives, galactic activations and vibrational healing, seamlessly weaving empowered spiritual guidance with effective transmutative healing. Relying on the truth found in Akashic Records, her work delivers conscious expansion and peace of mind to clients from all walks of life.

From cosmic play to past-life memories, she shifts her clients out the cobwebs in body, mind, heart and soul, to create a life that walks fearlessly down the path of truth. Throughout the world - from Africa to Greenland to the Amazon - shamans have acted as intermediaries between the human world and the world of the spirits.

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  6. The shamanic practitioners role is to maintain and assist in creating balance; without balance we become ill - not just mentally, physically and emotionally —but overall, spiritually. This concept applies to humans, animals and places. Illness is often caused by one of two things. This healing process creates a sense of wholeness, balance and deep alignment within all levels of your being. It is a deeply healing, humbling and enlightening experience. To journey is to travel to a quantum field, beyond linear time and space, where the infinite soul can experience itself beyond death.

    What Is Shamanism Today?

    A shamanic healer enters the journey state with an empty mind, an open prayerful heart, and a clear intention with the aid of song and prayer, and either a drum beat or a rattle. In the journey space, we retrieve lost soul parts, and receive important information, council and guidance for the client. H ealing journeys where the shamanic healer travels via various energetic pathways to the Upper, Middle and Lower Worlds, to discover and introduce your guides to you, or indeed assists you into your own healing journey to retrieve them for yourself.

    Everyone has a personal Power Animal and Spirit teacher. Power animals are an essential component of shamanic practice.

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    Every power animal that you connect to increases your natural power and innate sovereignty, so that illnesses or negative energy cannot enter your body. Everyone is thought to have several of these guardian power animals in different capacities throughout their lives, from childhood onwards. If a power animal leaves and one does not come to take its place, the individual is considered to be disempowered and therefore vulnerable to illness and bad luck. Both are necessary for our overall balance and integrity as human beings. Any living creature can serve as a power animal.

    It is also possible to have a domesticated animal as a totem spirit, but it is rare and we are more likely to have a wild untamed animal serve in the capacity of a power animal. The middle world is where we meet the spirits of nature and all the elements. It is to experience the non ordinary, or metaphysical manifestation of our ordinary world. Understanding and being in tune with our intrinsic elemental intelligence is key to our biological health, immunity and emotional well being.

    It is also key to understanding our interdependent connection to our environment, and the deep ecology of our relationship to it. It is here where we meet the true soul nature of everything in the manifest world. Nature is full of good medicine, perfectly designed to be in harmony with us.

    We are all connected to this stream of high intuitive intelligence and Universal Light. Through journeying to the Upper world, you can connect and commune with your highest, wisest self, your evolutionary spirit guides and teachers, the angelic and star realms and ascended masters. This is true, as fragments and pieces of the soul can and actually do leave the body.

    Any event that causes shock can cause soul loss. This is an open community event where we support each other on our spiritual path. Shamanism is not a religion; it is a spiritual practice and a way of living regardless of your background. There are no prerequisites for participating - come as you are! We meet the first Saturday monthly from noon — 2 pm approximate end time depending on size of group. People are free to leave at any time — we are informal.

    The intention of Healing Circle and all our offerings is for the highest good of all participants. Unconditional Love and Acceptance is our core teaching and the foundation of all offerings at International School of Shamanism.