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If you're looking to gain respect from your employees, increase your income and get more out of your friends, for you, The Best Ever Guide to Demotivation for.
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A persistent lack of motivation is a characteristic symptom of depression. Also, depression can worsen when a person experiences a reduced desire to complete certain tasks or engage in regular activities. Interventions, including medication and psychological therapy, are the vital first steps toward treating depression. Lifestyle and wellness measures can improve the symptom of low motivation and help a person progress toward recovery. In this article, we look at ways to boost motivation when a person is experiencing hopelessness, low mood, and other symptoms of depression.

Exercise is a natural way to increase mood-boosting chemicals, such as dopamine, and this may reduce some effects of depression. Physical activity may help improve motivation and the capacity to cope in young people with depression, according to a study published in the journal Psychology. The researchers examined the effects of an exercise program on children and adolescents receiving mental health treatments. They found that exercise reduced self-reported levels of depression and improved the motivation to exercise and the overall ability to cope.

However, the thought of intense physical activity can seem daunting, particularly to a person who is currently having difficulties completing everyday tasks, due to their depression.

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Instead of aiming for a long, intensive exercise session, it may be better to exercise in small bursts throughout the day. Exercising may feel more manageable if a person sets realistic goals for physical activity and focuses on short bursts of simple exercises.

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Meeting small, manageable targets every day can also boost a person's self-esteem. This may help relieve some feelings of low mood that characterize depression. Once a person has started to take part in physical activity, they may wish to branch out and try new options. Taking a class or starting a new exercise routine could help enhance physical health and overall wellness. Receiving support from others can help a person with depression feel less alone, and it can have a profound impact on their motivation. However — though they may feel pressure to attend larger events — going to a large social gathering may be overwhelming for a person with depression.

Instead, seeing close friends in smaller groups for more laid-back activities, such as going to a movie, having coffee , or visiting a museum, can help a person feel less anxious and isolated. A person does not have to be part of a large social group to receive the necessary support. It can help to focus on strengthening existing friendships and concentrating on sustainable relationships with a select few.

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Spending time with friends and family can help a person feel a greater connection to the world. This can be a tremendous motivator. Just as there are ways to enhance motivation, some behaviors can decrease motivation and worsen depression. Taking steps to avoid these triggering behaviors can help. Alcohol and illicit substances may offer a temporary "high. These lows can reduce motivation and possibly lead to a dependence on these substances. Drugs and alcohol can also interact with medications for depression, causing adverse effects.

This can make depression harder to treat. While some types of socializing can help a person feel better, any gatherings that increase the pressure to consume alcohol or recreational drugs are unlikely to promote recovery. Depression can cause extreme fatigue , even after a full night's sleep. Depression can also cause difficulty sleeping. Insufficient sleep can affect energy levels. The National Sleep Foundation recommend that adults aged 26—64 years get 7—9 hours of sleep per night. You may enjoy running outdoors, where you can enjoy alone time and nature, even if you hate treadmills.

Just about everyone can find a physical activity they enjoy. But you may need to think beyond the standard running, swimming, and biking options. Here are a few activities you may find fun:. Activity-based video games such as those from Wii and Kinect can be a fun way to start moving. Once you build up your confidence, try getting away from the TV screen and playing the real thing outside.

Or use a smartphone app to keep your workouts fun and interesting—some immerse you in interactive stories to keep you motivated, such as running from hordes of zombies!

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Think about activities that you enjoy and how you can incorporate them into an exercise routine. Watch TV as you ride a stationary bike, chat with a friend as you walk, take photographs on a scenic hike, walk the golf course instead of using a cart, or dance to music as you do household chores. Exercise can be a fun time to socialize with friends and working out with others can help keep you motivated.

For those who enjoy company but dislike competition, a running club, water aerobics, or dance class may be the perfect thing. Others may find that a little healthy competition keeps the workout fun and exciting.

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  8. You might seek out tennis partners, join an adult soccer league, find a regular pickup basketball game, or join a volleyball team. If you have a family, there are many ways to exercise together. Family activities might include:. Instead of zoning out or distracting yourself when you exercise, try to pay attention to your body. Activities that engage both your arms and legs—such as walking especially in sand , running, swimming, weight training, rock climbing, skiing, or dancing—are great choices for practicing mindfulness.

    Look at your daily routine and consider ways to sneak in activity here and there. Even very small activities can add up over the course of a day. Make chores count. House and yard work can be quite a workout, especially when done at a brisk pace. Scrub, vacuum, sweep, dust, mow, and weed—it all counts. Look for ways to add extra steps. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

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    Park farther from a building entrance, rather than right out front. Get off your train or bus one stop early. The extra walking adds up. Ditch the car whenever possible. Instead of driving everywhere, walk or bike instead when the distance is doable. Move at work.

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    Get up to talk to co-workers, rather than phoning or sending an email or IM. Take a walk during your coffee and lunch breaks. Use the bathroom on another floor. Exercise during commercial breaks. Make your TV less sedentary by exercising every time commercials come on or during the credits. Options include jumping jacks, sit-ups, or arm exercises using weights. Owning a dog leads to a more active lifestyle. Playing with a dog and taking him for a walk, hike, or run are fun and rewarding ways to fit exercise into your schedule.

    Studies have shown that dog owners are far more likely to meet their daily exercise requirements than non-owners. One year-long study found that walking an overweight dog helped both the animals and their owners lose weight 11 to 15 pounds. Researchers found that the dogs provided support in similar ways to a human exercise buddy, but with greater consistency and without any negative influence.

    In another study, public housing residents who walked therapy dogs for up to 20 minutes, five days a week, lost an average of No matter how much you enjoy an exercise routine, you may find that you eventually lose interest in it. Pair your workout with a treat. For example, you can listen to an audiobook or watch your favorite TV show while on the treadmill or stationary bike.

    Log your activity. Keep a record of your workouts and fitness progress. Writing things down increases commitment and holds you accountable to your routine. Later on, it will also be encouraging to look back at where you began. One of the most brilliant laundering schemes in the United States, a cocaine franchise in Boston that was dismantled in the early s, worked exclusively by retail customers paying in cheques nominally on behalf of a contracting company, which deposited the money in its bank accounts to amortize a revolving line of credit that kept the supply of cocaine replenished.

    In some major cities today drugs can be purchased over the counter in bars if the customer gives the bartender a credit card to "run a tab". The value of the drugs is simply added to the total bill and settled with the credit card, and the books are balanced by the bartender, who "skims" the appropriate amount of cash from bona fide liquor sales. Such activities can be expected to accelerate as "smart-cards" and other forms of electronic money become more popular.

    The blending of legal and illegal actions and the mixing of various degrees and sorts of criminality, along with the attendant difficulty of differentiating between ordinary financial transactions and laundering and between petty and serious crime, has two important consequences with respect to anti-money-laundering measures.

    The first is that it calls into question much of the enthusiasm about the potential use of artificial intelligence AI models and similar devices that are supposed to facilitate the task of sorting through great amounts of financial data. Such models can hardly anticipate all the subtle criminal variations on techniques and methods that appear to be completely innocent in themselves but that are intended to hide illegally obtained money.

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    Artificial intelligence is no substitute for human intelligence. Indeed, it calls into question the very efficacy of imposing ever more severe general reporting requirements. It may well be that all such gross reporting requirements can offer is somewhat better reactive efficiency in following money flows once crimes have already been detected using traditional investigatory techniques, and even this will depend on the particular institutional conditions of the country concerned.

    The second consequence is that not only does the blurring of the frontiers between legal and illegal economic activities, along with the process by which illegal acts become institutionally embedded in legal business firms, make the tracing and unveiling of criminal money much more difficult, but it also raises the cost of doing so. The potential regulatory burden imposed on legitimate business and the degree of disruption of normal transactions flows probably increase more than proportionately.

    This is especially the case given the rule that the lower the percentage of illegal money running through a particular front, the more respectable that front appears and the more successful that front will be in the long term for laundering. This implies that at some point Governments must balance the costs of further regulatory complications against the gains measured in terms of crime control.

    This is, to be blunt, quite messy. The costs of the extra regulatory burden are, in some cases, relatively easy to approximate in simple quantitative terms, but assessing the gains in terms of crime control is so complex and so mired in definitional and operational complications that it represents a logical and methodological swamp.

    Yet it is, alas, one into which everyone concerned with the issue of money-laundering will eventually be forced to step.

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    Although the essence of money-laundering has not changed over the centuries, the context in which it occurs has been subject to considerable evolution.