PDF Star Seeds From Sirius: Starting the Inner Journey

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Star Seeds From Sirius: Starting the Inner Journey - Kindle edition by Silviu Suliță. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.
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Halfway starts a sequence accompanied by grand soundscapes. Sometimes the music is a bit reminiscent of Constance Demby, due to the use of heavenly choirs. The first ten minutes of the second track are excellent as well, but then this engaging atmosphere is replaced by some rather searching stuff, before all returns to the music of the beginning at the 18 minute mark. Starseed is a magnificent and excellently produced work of art. I strongly recommend it to all fans of space music. Log in to write a review. The music on "Starseed", dedicated to whales and dolphins masters of the 3D experience , is split in 2 long tracks of 30 minutes each.

Halfway through the song a sequence starts, again accompanied by grand soundscapes. Sometimes the music is a bit reminiscent of Constance Demby due to the use of heavenly choirs. The first ten minutes of the second track are excellent as well, but then this engaging atmosphere is replaced by some rather searching stuff before all returns to the music of the beginning at the 18 minute mark.

Except this slight flaw, "Starseed" is a magnificent and excellent produced work of art I strongly recommend to all fans of spacemusic. I'm already proud to say that I now own the complete collection of his musical output to date. If you like music in which to totally immerse oneself, then this is for you! Put on a good pair of headphones, switch off from the world,and relax. Let the serene soundscapes, ethereal and floating layers of exquisite pads, augmented from time to time with subtle sequencing, take you to other realms or wherever you may wish to journey.

When asked what forces were responsible for the world crisis during World War II, he listed as the number one cause "a welling up of magnetic force on Sirius, which produces effects upon our solar system and particularly upon our Earth. Does this man share the same insights as the ancient priests of Egypt and Sumeria? The concept of Sirius playing a God-like role to our world is not a new one.

The Dogon, the African tribe who have worshipped the invisible star Sirius B for thousands of years, claim visitations from beings of the Sirian system.

In their religious dogma, they acknowledge the star as "immensely heavy, invisible, very small, yet extremely powerful. Their ability to recognize the awesome power of Sirius B, a star that can't even be seen, is truly remarkable. Sirius, considered by the ancient Egyptians to be the most important star in the sky, was astronomically the foundation of their entire religious system. Its celestial movements determined the Egyptian calendar In the Sumerian civilization, predating the Egyptians, their epic poem Epic of Gilgamesh describes a dream of Gilgamesh where the hero is drawn irresistibly to a "heavy star" that cannot be lifted despite immense effort.

This star descends from heaven to him and is described as having a very "potent essence" and being the "God of heaven. These elements comprise almost a complete description of Sirius B: a super-heavy gravitationally powerful star made of concentrated super-dense matter essence with the number 50 associated with it describing its orbital period.

What will occur when our solar system receives more electrical energy than usual? Let's pretend the Earth is a spinning top and see what happens when an electrical current or "wind" moves across it. That's alarmingly fast. What happens to a sphere that spins faster? The poles begin to flatten while the middle bulges out at the equator. This action stretches the oceans causing submerged land masses to rise above sea level. Spinning also causes an extreme wobble of the Earth's axis to occur, with the globe sometimes actually falling over onto its side.

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Scientists know this has happened to the Earth at least nine times when it hast tilted up to 51 degrees our axial tilt now is at 23 degrees. When this occurs, the land at the equator moves up to where the north pole is now, which explains why Alaska has fossils of alligators. Each time the Earth speeds up, it must slow down again due to the drag from the Moon, bringing about additional geophysical upheaval. Djwhal Khul further notes that certain basic changes in the orientation of the Earth's axis are now taking place He also divulges the planet is in process of taking an initiation, marked by the great event of an axis shift as the Earth literally "repolarises" itself.

His prediction of "increased earthquake and volcanic activity during the last decade of the millennium" has been confirmed by world seismologists today. Seismic activity has indeed picked up dramatically in the last three to four years. California scientists state "more earthquakes are now seen in specific areas L. Helens leading the fray with its eruption, Mt. Fuji's recent expulsions and of course, Mt.

‎Star Seeds From Sirius: Starting The Inner Journey on Apple Books

Penatubo's contribution. Sirius is also associated with liberation; in fact, according to ancient teachings, the very concept of freedom itself resides in human consciousness because of the influence of this star system. Interestingly enough, the time each year our sun conjuncts Sirius at 14 degrees Cancer is close to July 4, America's Independence Day. And noting, Iraq's Freedom Day, when the new Coalition government took control, happened on June 28, two days earlier than it had been announced.

In —, as the "great conjunction" of Sirius A and B approached, a wave of freedom swept our world culminating in the breakdown of the communist rule in Europe and the liberation of the Russian people from the hard-line Communist party. The Berlin Wall fell as the cold war ended Is there a connection? Conditions on our world may not become as dramatic as previously described; nevertheless, certain major adjustments are likely to occur. Aurorae may be everywhere as the incoming particles bombard our atmosphere.

The Starseed Contract and Planetary Ascension

So much additional electrical current may be moving through our own geomagnetic field, touching anything may result in large electrical shocks. Medical research shows increased emotional and mental imbalances during magnetic storms on Earth created by solar flare activity on the sun. See Robert Becker's Cross Currents. Because the sun is likely to speed up its rotational spin as well, its magnetic field will enlarge leading to heightened sunspot activity which in turn creates large solar flares, affecting world weather patterns and probably all phases of life on Earth.

We no longer have the protection of the Van Allen belt part of the Earth's magnetic field like we used to. For the first time in history, we'll receive Sirian energies without its deflecting mechanism. Whatever the future holds for us, it feels safe to venture that great change is imminent for our world and civilization. Those looking for peace and security may have a difficult time finding it, externally, at least.

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Look within for that unfailing point of balance and stability. It has never felt like a finer time to realign with spirit, soul, higher self A new picture of the universe is emerging, one of a vast cosmic interdependence and connectedness. From first cosmos to last electron, the whole universe is a complex of coils within coils, spirals within spirals, magnetic fields within magnetic fields. The stars are interconnected to each other, exchanging particles and gases constantly, all flowing down the magnetic field lines or arteries of the galactic body.

Are these tendrils of energy the nervous system of the galaxy, relaying information from star to star, galaxy to galaxy, on and on? One can only wonder. A highly-charged stellar field, it rains its high-end electromagnetic currents over our solar system Ra , affecting the solar activity and planetary vibrations of every celestial being that comprises our solar family. To the ancient Egyptians, the arrival of Sirius the Sun behind the Sun in the pre-dawn sky of early winter, signaled the start of that abundant time of the flooding Nile, the life-blood of that civilization — a time of fertility and new life.

Our western New Years ritual is a reflection of the ancient ritual which celebrated the return of Sirius to the mid-heaven position at midnight, which has occurred throughout recorded time around the first of January. This midnight alignment marks the moment when the energies of Sirius, directly overhead, most closely touch our lives with the most direct influence upon our sphere. The ascension of Sirius B sent waves of unimaginable energies coursing through the three-dimensional fields where she had held resonance until that glorious moment of her passage out of the universe of matter.

The Sirius Civilization

Casting off the physical body, untold quantities of its denser gasses elements heavier than hydrogen were sent coursing through the Milky Way galaxy, as Satais shed her physical cloak to pass through the ascension cords of her being. Ra, directly downstream, was directly affected, as were the neighboring stellar bodies; this inter-stellar energy exchange is one of the primary aspects of the Sirius-Ra connection.

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StarSeed Guided Meditation - Explore your Galactic Roots #1

Ihre digitale Signatur ist ebenso verbindlich wie eine normale Unterschrift. Wenn Sie eine digitale Signatur verwenden, muss Ihre Unterschrift genau dem in diesem Formular angegebenen Vor- und Nachnamen entsprechen. Unsere Beauftragten untersuchen, ob die gemeldeten Inhalte mit den Richtlinien vereinbar sind und ergreifen ggf. Star seeds from Sirius incarnated on Terra have to adapt themselves on different levels specific to this planet. The book describes in an originally and synthetically manner: - Preparatory activities at: physical, psychical, social and energetically levels.