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PreSchool-Grade 1—The loving Mom and baby from Ashburn and Murphy's Hush, Little Dragon (Abrams, ) reenact a variation of another familiar folk song.
Table of contents

Of course, personal development is a key part of the programme. Just imagine spending thirteen days in the presence of John Grinder, Carmen Bostic Clair and Michael Carroll in the company of likeminded people coming from all the world to experience the finest NLP on the planet in such a magical environment. The common denominator with us all is a commitment to personal excellence and continuing self improvement.

Life can never be the same for anyone after such a magical experience. The course is structured over two consecutive modules, module one provides the foundation skills required for integration of the advanced NLP patterns for coaching you will learn in module two. Foundation knowledge forms the base for any learning endeavour and paves the way for excellence at the more advanced levels of application in the subject.

This module is designed to give you a solid NLP base required for mastering the specialist NLP coaching skills you will learn in module two. This exciting and highly active module delivered by John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll provides attendees with a comprehensive skill set for bringing lasting change to the people whom they share NLP with as well as long term life enhancement for themselves. New Code NLP is a modern approach to change work, perfect for the needs of people in the modern world of high expectations.

In addition to New Code NLP, you will learn specialist formats developed by John, Carmen and Michael from the extensive experience in their own coaching practices. You will have at your helm dynamic formats for instigating change in yourself and others.

What's on | Edinburgh Castle

Whilst the course focus is coaching, the NLP skills offered on this course can be applied across different professional capacities for improved performance. Business people, educators, retailers, community workers and change agents all will gain invaluable skills from this course as will anyone whose life activities involve engaging people for higher levels of accomplishment.

This NLP Trainers Training is recognised globally as the course for people who seek the highest standard of NLP learning and who in turn are committed to offering high quality NLP experiences in their own communities. The course is taught in English with a simultaneous translation to Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Gardens & Butterfly House

Please connect with the office for details on the possibility for translation in other languages too. The global nature of the course creates a cultural synthesis unknown anywhere else in NLP. Gallipoli is beautiful historic town, sitting on a unique bay of the Mediterranean Sea. The Castle is full of history, and by attending you will be adding to NLP history as this is the first time ever the castle has hosted such an event and also the first NLP Trainers Training to be hosted in a castle.

This first module is about learning how to design and deliver presentations for optimal audience engagement. An excellent public speaker and presenter is fearless on stage, they own the space, they know how to maximise the use of their tonality to enhance their message, they use their body language to engage the audience, they are gifted story tellers, and they structure their material in a sequence so it is naturally absorbed by the audience making it easy for people to remember the material.

You will learn all of this and more during the six day module on the Advanced Presentation and Public Speaking Skills course. Module II is centered on teaching Neuro Linguistic Programming at various levels and to different sectors. As an NLP Trainer you are likely to offer a range of courses as part of your business, for example introductory courses, NLP Practitioner courses, business courses and specialist application courses.

In this module, you will learn about training style and design, how to sequence material and structure content to maximise learning. NLP Training is both an art and science, the artistry comes in the flair and flexibility a trainer exhibits in their metaphors, creative sessions and elegance in conducting demonstrations.

There were also rooms for storing food. These rooms had to be kept stocked with food to last for a long time in case there was a siege. There was usually a well, so people in the castle could get fresh water. There were kitchens for cooking the daily meals, and pantries where food was stored for everyday use. The Great Hall and the bedchambers were there too. The Donjon might be as much as 70 metres high, with a watchtower where sentries kept watch for any attack and the lord's flag flew from the top. The most important room in a castle was the Great Hall.

This is where all the members of the household sat down to eat at tables set up for every meal.

What’s On.

It was where feasts were held for special days, or when there were guests. King Arthur's Pentecost Feast takes place in such a Hall. The lord carried on nearly all the business of the castle in this Hall, giving orders about the running of his estate, listening to reports from his bailiff or his reeve the men who managed affairs on his land for him , hearing complaints from one peasant about another.

A fire was lit in the middle of the Hall. Smoke found its way out of a hole in the roof. Even with a fire, the big stone room would have been very cold in winter, and people dressed in wool and furs to keep warm. The floor was often covered with rushes and straw which was changed when it got very dirty. There was not much light, as windows had to be small and high in case of attack, and they had oiled cloth or parchment in them rather than glass.

Most people in the Middle Ages went to bed when it got dark and got up when it grew light in the morning. Candles were too expensive especially beeswax ones even for the lords of many castles. They used tallow candles made from the fat of sheep or goats , flaming torches or lamps which burnt fish-oil to light their Great Halls.

For decoration, the beams of the Hall were often painted with patterns. Signs of the zodiac were a favourite design. Tapestries hung on the walls these made it a bit warmer too. There were wooden tables and benches, with cushions or embroidered cloths. There were also big carved wooden chests with complicated locks holding important documents or linen or precious objects to keep them from thieves and from mice.

Mice were a problem for clothes too, and in the bedchamber was a pole for hanging clothes on at night so the mice wouldn't nibble them. People didn't wear anything in bed except perhaps a nightcap nightshirts were not worn until the 14th Century and they slept half sitting up like this right. Food was roasted or boiled in cauldrons over a fire on a hearth made out of large blocks of stone. The washing up was done in a tub on the stone floor nearby.

Bolts and Bodkins

A cooking pan made of bronze called a skillet - right which was found by archaeologists at a castle in Norfolk. A wealthy knight, his family and guests, ate well. Unlike most people, they had plenty of meat: venison deer , goose, rabbit and hare. On Fridays and Holy Days, when meat was forbidden by the church, they ate fish or eels.

Sounds magical! The next day will consist of a lavish breakfast and a private tour of the grounds. According to Airbnb, the castle is , square feet and has a total of rooms. So there should be lots to see! In the press release, Lady Carnarvon expressed her excitement about sharing her home with the lucky visitors.